

东岸爵士俱乐部BJ 欧美女星 2017-12-24 09:18:26 772


Piano:Sejin Bae is a Korean based jazz pianist, composer and arranger. She moved to New York City in2010 to attend graduate school at Queens College. After completing her Masters degree at Queens College, she returned toKorea and began teaching music at several colleges in Seoul and Daegu, as wellas frequently performing at some of the most well-known venues in Korea. Inaddition to jazz, she is also a member of the famous Korean latin band Pinar Del Rio and has worked with several famous Korean jazzvocalists. To date, Sejin Bae has performed all of the world including theUnited States, Korea, Japan and China. Sejin is currently living in Beijing andperforming with some of the finest musicians. 

裴世珍是一位钢琴家,作曲家以及编曲家,在韩国著名的同德女子大学获得爵士表演学士学位。2010年,她前往纽约并在皇后大学获得了爵士表演硕士学位,搬回韩国后在首尔和大邱里的几所大学开始授课。除了爵士乐之外,她还参与很多别的音乐风格,她是韩国很有名的拉丁乐队“Pinar Del Rio”的成员,她也曾经跟许多韩国爵士流行明星有过合作。裴世珍目前住中国北京并跟当地一些最优秀的音乐家一起合作譬如,Anthony Vanacore,高太行,J Kyle Gregory,张柯,谢燕辉,Dan CallaghanSimone Schirru等。







This Christmas

Give Love On Christmas Day

Someday At Christmas

The Christmas Song

Isn't This A Lovely Day

Have You A Merry Little Christmas

Blue Christmas

Christmas Time Is Here

Santa Clause Is Coming to Town

The Christmas Waltz

All I Want For Christmas Is You

贝司:Daniel Callaghan-Bass

Dan has been working professionally in Beijing, China since early 2013 and has fast become one of the hardest working bassist in Beijing. His playing has brought him to many cities in China including Shanghai, Hangzhou, xinjiang, Guangzhou and Shenzhen with Chinese and international musicians such as trombonist Robin Eubanks, singer Enrica Bacchia, pianist Alessandr Gilati, saxophonist Handsome Nat Gao, pianist Moreno Donadal.

Dan 于2013年从爱尔兰来中国,在中国他跟很多大师爵士家演出,他们分别为长号大师Robin Eubanks, 钢琴大师 Alessandro Galati , 歌手 Enrica Bacchia, 钢琴大师 Steffan Karlson 萨克斯大师高太行,口琴大师 Laurent Maur,钢琴手 Moreno Donadel。

安咚咚(Anthony Vanacore)是位来自美国纽约市的爵士鼓音乐家并在美国当地及世界各大舞台上都有着丰富的表演及教育经验他目前居住中国北京。安咚咚曾经与多位知名音乐家和乐队进行合作表演包括,MorenoDonadel、高太行,张柯,谢燕辉,李晓川,   顾忠山,李泉、J Kyle GregoryAlec HaavikHendrick MeurkensLaurent MaurMark TurnerMichael MossmanLaura FygiKevin HarrisRick DiMuzio Richard SussmanEmber SwiftYoungjoo SongJz爵士大乐队、曼哈顿交响乐团、敦善交响乐团等。他目前是Moreno Donadel三重奏与Blue Note北京大乐队的成员。他曾参加许多爵士鼓活动并跟来自各国爵士鼓大师例如, Billy CobhamDave WecklThomas Lang等同台。安咚咚毕业于美国新泽西蒙特克莱尔州立大学(MontclairState University)音乐学院获专业表演学士学位;2010年毕业于纽约市皇后大学(Queens College)并获得爵士乐表演专业硕士学位。曾师从多名爵士鼓大师包括,Gene Jackson (钢琴大师Herbie Hancock的鼓手)Billy Hart(著名爵士音乐家Miles Davis的鼓手)和。他是沙宾镲片的代言人。

除演奏外,安咚咚还是一位抢手的现代舞音乐伴奏师。在纽约很多知名的地方伴奏过,其中有Alvin AileySchool, Jose Limon at Peridance,  Stepson Broadway,Marymount Manhattan College, Montclair State University等。安咚咚也是位很热情的音乐教育家。2012年至2014年两年的期间内,安咚咚先任职于杭州师范大学钱江音乐学院与浙江艺术学院任教音乐。从2015年至今,他在北京现代音乐研修学院爵士乐系任课。






