开车前往粥店,学校边上的粥店。鉴于昨天拔了两颗智齿 (写这篇的时候我正好拔了智齿),为保险起见我还是喝点粥。
音响里传出Lily Allen的歌曲“It's not fair and I think you're really mean
I think you're really mean, I think you're really mean.”
或许是因为我从来不错不曾关注过这首,但是后面一句“u never make me scream”,我意识到这首歌不那么简单。
早期Lily Allen 在我的印象里一石激起千层浪的歌是F**k You, 但是仔细回忆歌词,这首歌是叛逆。旋律也带点俏皮。
回到not fair, 我按下<<, 准备再听一遍歌词
Oh, he treats me with respect, he says he loves me all the time
He calls me fifteen times a day, he likes to make sure that I'm fine
You know I've never met a man who's made me feel quite so secure
He's not like all them other boys, they're all so dumb and immature
There's just one thing that's getting in the way
When we go up to bed, you're just no good,it's such a shame
I look into your eyes, I want to get to know you
And then you make this noise and it's apparent it's all over
It's not fair and I think you're really mean
I think you're really mean, I think you're really mean
Oh, you're suppose to care
But you never make me scream, you never make me scream
我整个人都精神了,听得非常明明白白。如果说F**k You 是一种抱怨,到不如说F**k You是推动人类剔除歧视的先驱者,但是这首Not Fair, 背后真的是有故事。
歌曲描述了女主跟大叔之间的爱情故事。大叔稳重,体贴,对女主百般照顾,但是大叔貌似床上不太行啊,然后女主对大叔表达了一些不满。Uh, Lily Allen 还是很叛逆啊。
那我这里在补充一下Fxxk you吧。
那个时候中午会有学校的音乐广播,结果某日中午,广播里传出了这首Fxxk You. 那个时候我的歌单正在从欧美往港台转。我只记得我当时在教室写作业,听到旋律开始的跳跃我直接把头抬起来了:这是怎么过的审?
经google 搜索,Lilly Allen 目前最新的专辑由2018年发布。
PS: 作者不擅长结尾,也并不喜欢结尾,因此后续的文章很有可能会没有结尾,直接用“完”代替,简洁明了,望知悉。