LIVE|JZ Club上海 一周演出预告▷03.26-03.30

LIVE|JZ Club上海 一周演出预告▷03.26-03.30

世博文化旅游 内地男星 2018-03-26 17:30:40 598


03/26 MON 周一


21:00 Early Set


李鑫,音乐制作人、青年声音艺术家,1999年接触西方摇滚乐开始学习吉他演奏,2003年驻上海发展至今。曾参与与组建乐队“蘑菇团”、“甜蜜的孩子”、“TripleSmash”、“Naughty ”、“Volunteer(俞思远)”、“SROT”等海内外演出逾千场。2009年 加入soma studio任编曲及唱片制作,曾与众多国际品牌及时装周合作制作音乐并参与并制作上海独立音乐合辑《indie top1》。从此开始对自我声音艺术追求的思考与探索,2014年与门巴族音乐家央吉玛合作,现任“央吉玛工作室”制作人 现场团队音乐总监。2015年参加“中国之星” 并担任央吉玛现场演奏及编曲,并于2016年制作并发行央吉玛首张专辑《莲花秘境》,同年开始全国八城巡演 票房过万 上海站在线观看人数近十万。2017年 与吉他演奏家www(汪文伟)开始即兴声音对话合作同年启动个人声音探索计划“liiiii”。

10:30 Main Set
J3 Trio

J3三重奏成立于2010年,由黄健怡、陈嘉俊、Jhonny Joseph三位优秀的爵士音乐家组成,发行了专辑《红人》。J3的音乐风格受到Fusion、Funk、摇滚和现代爵士的影响,注重音乐的整体性,强烈的律动感及乐手现场的即兴对话。不同音乐背景的三位乐队成员,在长期演出磨练中逐渐形成了独特鲜明的音乐风格,既承袭西方现代音乐体系,又将中国音乐的特殊元素融入其中,探索出J3专属的东西方音乐文化的融合。时隔四年,乐队发行了最新专辑《水晶紫》

Formed by keyboard player Jianyi Huang, saxophone player Wilson Chen, and drummer Jhonny Joseph, J3 Trio has release their debut album “Redman” whose genre is fusion, funk, rock and modern jazz. Under the influence of western music, their music combines tradition with the modern element which is unique to this trio.J3 Trio released their second album Op. 2 Crystal Purple in the end of 2017.

03/27 TUE 周二


20:30 Early Set

Tim Trio

戴育廷 ,爵士吉他、贝斯。台湾爵士吉他手戴育廷,毕业于美国伯克利音乐学院,主修吉他表演专业。专精于爵士乐演奏,尤其是传统爵士风格,也擅长民谣弹唱与布鲁斯演奏。戴育廷14岁起开始接触爵士乐,后受到台湾爵士吉他名家廖季文影响,决定走上职业道路。20岁起师从台湾知名吉他手庄智渊。2008年起,先后获得台湾政大金旋奖最佳作曲人、东吴苏州金弦奖第一名,其乐队亦获得北科赤弦奖季军。2012年获得伯克利音乐学院波士顿分校奖学金后,赴美读书,师从爵士吉他名师Richie Hart,并有幸与Kevin Eubanks, Tuck Andress, Joe Lovano, John Patitucci, Victor Wooten等学习。多次参演波士顿BPC音乐厅音乐会。2014年以最优等成绩Summa cum laude毕业。戴育廷目前定居上海,全职音乐人及音乐教师。固定于JZ Club、Lavida Club、Cotton Club演出,作为吉他手参与陈胤希北京音乐会。

Tim Dai, a Taiwanese jazz guitarist graduated from Berklee Music College, specialized in traditional jazz music. He produces beautiful music anytime anywhere whenever there's a guitar on his hands.

22:00 Main Set


Li Xiao Chuan Quintet



Li Xiaochuan is China's most recognized jazz trumpet player. He is the only jazz artist awarded by CCTV (China Central Television) Music Channel and is also a renowned composer and educator. Li Xiaochuan is the director of woodwind & brass department of  jazz department at Beijing Contemporary Music Academy. He also lectures for the department of modern instruments and percussion at the prestigious Shanghai Conservatory.

03/28 WED 周三



20:30 Early Set

June Koo Duo

Juné Koo,爵士吉他手,毕业于荷兰王子克劳斯音乐学院爵士吉他表演专业。有着丰富的舞台经验,是各大爵士音乐节的常客,在欧洲做过超过200场演出,参与过数张唱片的录制。 

Juné Koo, jazz guitarist, graduated from Prins Claus Conservatorium in Jazz Guitar Performance of Netherland. He accumulated a wealth of stage experience, has regularly performed at Jazz festivals,he has already performed more than 200 gigs in Europe, cooperated with numbers of groups for performances and recordings.

22:00  Main Set

The Tenor Madness

JZ Music 签约艺人,来自纽约的爵士萨克斯演奏家/作曲家Alec Haavik隆重推出他的全新音乐企划!由七位来自美国、西班牙、法国、英国、加拿大,与中国的杰出爵士音乐家一起演绎纯正摇摆舞的美妙音乐现场。跨越1920到1950年代的国内外经典曲目,透过音乐带你回到摇摆复古的黄金年代,开启上海爵士黄金年代的新篇章。

JZ Music Artist, Shanghai music icon Alec Haavik performs on tenor and soprano sax, painting an interdimensional world of musical explosions. Melding modern jazz, rock, and shamanism, Alec leads a fleet of ensembles known as the “Friction Universe,” questioning the nature of jazz. Alec’s primordial musical soup includes cello at age 5, trombone as a teenager (performing with guest soloist Branford Marsalis), and two recording contracts as an“indie” rock artist. Alec received his Master’s Degree in Jazz Performance at the Manhattan School of Music, where he studied with Dick Oatts and Mark Turner and performed and recorded with schoolmate, Famous Jazz Singer Jane Monheit. 

03/29 THU 周四


20:30 Early Set

Pourquoi Pas

Pourquoi Pas 是一支由Zovi,Marc与Gil三人组成的三重奏乐队。当然,他们偶尔也会与其它音乐家合作组成四重奏或五重奏乐队。乐队演出的曲目无论从舒缓的曲调到活力节奏,都能让你让你感受到他们的无限能量。

Pourquoi Pas is a trio made of Zovi, Marc and Gil trio. They occasionally work with other musicians to form a quartet or quintet. You can feel their infinite energy in their soothing tunes and energetic rhythms.

22:00 Main Set


Alec Haavik&The Shindiggers

JZ Music 签约艺人,来自纽约的爵士萨克斯演奏家/作曲家Alec Haavik隆重推出他的全新音乐企划!由七位来自美国、西班牙、法国、英国、加拿大,与中国的杰出爵士音乐家一起演绎纯正摇摆舞的美妙音乐现场。跨越1920到1950年代的国内外经典曲目,透过音乐带你回到摇摆复古的黄金年代,开启上海爵士黄金年代的新篇章。

JZ Music Artist, Shanghai music icon Alec Haavik performs on tenor and soprano sax, painting an interdimensional world of musical explosions. Melding modern jazz, rock, and shamanism, Alec leads a fleet of ensembles known as the “Friction Universe,” questioning the nature of jazz. Alec’s primordial musical soup includes cello at age 5, trombone as a teenager (performing with guest soloist Branford Marsalis), and two recording contracts as an“indie” rock artist. Alec received his Master’s Degree in Jazz Performance at the Manhattan School of Music, where he studied with Dick Oatts and Mark Turner and performed and recorded with schoolmate, Famous Jazz Singer Jane Monheit. 


03/30 SUN 周五


21:00 Early Set

Tom Peng New Grass Band

乐队成立了10年,最初只是演奏美国Country/Blue Grass,随着时间的推移乐队成员的更新替换,很多欢快跳跃、节奏明快、新鲜元多的元素也随之融入进来,成为了一支以美国Blue Grass为主,同时融合了Blues、Jazz、Rock、Folk、World等音乐元素的标新立异的乐队。美国Blue Grass起源于20世纪30年代肯塔基州的山区,在Country基础上,吸收了当地古老的班卓音乐和提琴音乐以及南部山区的叙事歌曲等因素发展而成。经常使用的乐器有小提琴、班卓琴、原声吉他、曼陀林和立式贝司,这些乐器最初由农庄黑人舞蹈乐队普遍使用。新蓝草乐队在上海成立到现在已经10年他们将内蒙古民歌同当地草原史诗相结合,努力制作带有中国风的蓝草音乐。蓝草乐队将继续在中国的音乐节、音乐会和酒吧等场所演出,并逐步在世界级的音乐舞台中崭露头角。

Tom Pang Newgrass Band delivers heart felt blue grass music to JZ Shanghai.  Their lineup of instruments and singers will present authentic American folk music to Shanghai audiences. The complexinter play of the fiddle and guitar, ringing sound of the banjo, blazing mandolin runs, and the high lone some vocal harmonies recalls emotions fromsmall country towns half a world away.  New Grasslands plays music that isexciting, plaintive, heart warming, and most of all… Human.

22:30  Main Set


Red Groove Project

红节奏(The Red Groove Project)被誉为中国当今最受欢迎的顶尖爵士放克全明星乐队! 2004年由刚从美国来到中国不久的JZ Music签约艺人-华裔美籍吉他演奏家/作曲家-Lawrence Ku(顾忠山)和身边的音乐好友在北京组建了这支以演奏放克风格为主的大乐队。2005年顾忠山移居上海,和一些志同道合的音杰出乐家组建起一支全新的红节奏。2009年红节奏乐队扩展到10人编制,红节奏的全新原创作品让人焕然一新,放克、摇滚、流行、灵歌、爵士,甚至美国南方音乐的各样节奏,让听者不仅摇摆身体也释放心灵。乐队成员集结了居住在上海的爵士乐坛顶尖音乐家,分别来自中国、美国、澳大利亚和巴西。不同的音乐背景让《红节奏》的音乐呈现毫无违和的融合国际感。顾忠山以及红节奏乐队第一张专辑Flow、以及第二张专辑《PROPER UP!正》至今共入围金曲奖四个奖项(最佳专辑、最佳作曲人、2次最佳专辑制作人)。

We turnthe funk of Shanghai into the FUNK of Shanghai!We are the Red Groove Project. As a band we are always changing and growing, just like this dynamic city. As we grow old erand hopefully wiser we come to appreciate that music at bottom is an act ofbringing people together, to create and to listen, and always with a sense of joy, seriousness, and humor.  

01:30 Late Set

New York Midnight Swing Hosted By Big Al G

每周末JZ Club将继续精彩纷呈的Jam Session,各路爵士高手频频过招为大家奉献一道道别开生面的爵士音乐大餐!

Welcome to our Jam Session which is one of the coolest jazz events in JZ Club!

03/31 SAT 周六


21:00 Early Set


Liu Xing Gypsy Jazz Quartet


Liu Xing is a classic violinist who is expertise in all kinds music performance. He was the chief violinist in Shanghai Conservatory of Music youth orchestra during 2005 to 2007, and toured with the orchestra twice to Europe. In recent years, he frequently cooperated with European jazz artists in Brussels Jazz Festival and many local bars. He also worked with many mandarin pop musicians like Qixian Wu, Shujun Huang, Yunling Huang, Yanbin Hu,etc. 

22:30  Main Set

Studio 188

Studio188 是在上海驻扎了十年的“多国部队”。他们表演的是属于上海这座新移民城市的灵魂乐、放克和摇滚乐。因为成员众多,他们的音乐里有澳大利亚的原始生猛、拉丁美洲的精致和激情、欧洲的优雅和理性、东方的神秘,以及不断变幻的异国风情。据说十年前,Studio 188只是一些外国职场人士的业余爱好,而十年来经过上千场的演出和不断的,它已经演完全变成了一支勤奋、技艺熟练、富有激情的专业乐队。

Studio188 is Shanghai’snumber 1 party band. Performing a wide range of music including soul, funk, disco, pop and rock ‘n’ roll, this eleven-piece powerhouse has a comprehensive set list that covers music from the last 6 decades. After 11 years on the road and 650+ shows under their belt, the show is extremely polished and their matching wardrobe and style brings the party alive the moment they hit the stage. The high-energy, totally danceable, and fun-loving band Studio 188 are simply, “Soulicious”!

01:30 Late Set

New York Midnight Swing Hosted By Big Al G

每周末JZ Club将继续精彩纷呈的Jam Session,各路爵士高手频频过招为大家奉献一道道别开生面的爵士音乐大餐!

Welcome to our Jam Session which is one of the coolest jazz events in JZ Club!

04/01 SUN 周日


21:00 Main Set



Marthe 的成立源于希腊萨克斯手Alexis Moutzouris和法国小号手Florent Briqué的一次偶遇,基于对音乐的追求,他们决定组建一个乐队激发爵士、摇滚和即兴的碰撞。于是他们找到了贝斯手Lucas Territo和鼓手Damien Bernard成立了Marthe.


他们的新专辑将在2018年3月发行,主唱由法国著名歌手Thomas de Pourquery、美国说唱歌手Mike Ladd 担任。专辑将由Inouie distribution和Oreille en friche Label发行。

Florent Briqué and L’oreille en friche在多年以前就与中国结缘,多次在重要的爵士音乐节上出演。足迹遍布上海JZ,深圳B10,天津音乐厅,哈尔滨音乐厅,西安音乐厅,星海音乐厅,长沙国际爵士音乐节,西湖Bloom爵士音乐节,DDC爵士现场,Meeting爵士现场,天津、哈尔滨、广州、西安音乐厅,香港爵士音乐节…

Marthe is a music group founded after an atypical meeting between Alexis Moutzouris grec saxophone player and Florent Briqué french trumpet player. Together they decided to built a singular musical universe exploring jazz, rock and improvisation. Lucas Territo on bass and Damien Bernard on drums are the two last members of the band.The rock power, the energy of jazz improvisation, the modern writing style along with a touch of Grec traditional sound create a decidedly contemporary aesthetic. Incredible melody written by Alexis will ofer you a wonderfull journey to Grece.






时间:每晚 9:00PM-10:30PM(周一至周四有主播)

这是一档由“爵士大叔”老任发起、众多爵士音乐家鼎力加盟的爵士现场直播节目。直播将在以上海JZ Club为主的爵士演出现场,通过高品质的House Mic 接收现场每一段旋律和掌声并完整推送至电台,戴上耳机、闭上眼睛,仿佛瞬间移动到现场。









