Chinese New Year Notice!

Chinese New Year Notice!

ROJOJournal儒卓期刊 日韩男星 2018-02-07 20:47:51 284

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8 - 26


Please note that all company operations will be closed from February the 8th to the 26th. We will reopen Tuesday, Feb 27. We wish you all the warmest of holiday cheer!


2017 was an incredible year for us here at RJ Clothing. We'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your awesome support. We're excited about the coming year and cannot wait to share our journey & dream with you all. 

Suit Creations

Chivas Cocktail Competition

Gentlemen in China (GiC)

Shanghai Fashion Week

Ultimate Gentlemen's Day

12 Days of RJ Christmas

Light & Salt Collaboration

Words from the Founder:

What an amazing 2017. Many of you reading have known the brand since 2016 and some of you hopefully are new followers of the RJ Family. 

This year has been absolutely fantastic. We were 2 full-time employees from the beginning of March 2017 and have grown out to 4 full time, plenty of part-time and some excellent interns. Our weekly pop-up store at Eddy Yang's Above The Globe on a Saturday is nothing short of a fantastic customer experience and we will continue to deliver on this amazing gentlemen experience. 

We were the exclusive clothing partner for the Chivas Master's cocktail in China and actually had the pleasure to tailor the Global Champion's winning suit - Atsushi Suzuki. September saw the launch of our new production tracking system which is impossible to put in words the growth multiples this has had on our monthly capabilities. 

We have so much more planned for the New Year, and we cannot wait to share it all with everyone. 

Onwards and Upwards!"






