[经济学人.世界要闻]_The world in brief, August 27th 2018

[经济学人.世界要闻]_The world in brief, August 27th 2018

EconomistWithFriends 欧美男星 2018-08-28 11:22:35 510
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经济学人 - The world in brief

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John McCain died from brain cancer, aged 81. The Arizonan senator, who was the Republican candidate for president in 2008, was known for his humour, his frankness with reporters and his independent streak in the Senate, where he championed unpopular causes like campaign-finance reform. His replacement, to be nominated by Arizona’s Republican governor, will serve until the election in 2020.

约翰·麦凯恩(John McCain)因脑癌逝世,享年81岁。这位曾在2008年成为共和党总统候选人的亚利桑那州参议员,以幽默风趣、对记者直言不讳以及在参议院中支持竞选资金改革等不受欢迎的事业而著称。他的继任者将由亚利桑那州共和党州长提名,任期至2020年大选。

senator ['senətə] :

       n. 参议员;(古罗马的)元老院议员;评议员,理事

frankness ['fræŋknis] :

       n. 率直;坦白

streak [strik] :

       n. 性格特征 ;条纹,线条;倾向; vi. 飞跑,疾驶;加上条纹; vt. 飞跑,疾驰;加条纹于

nominate ['nɒmɪneɪt] :

       vt. 推荐;提名;任命;指定


Pope Francis, visiting Ireland, begged for “the Lord’s forgiveness” for the Catholic church’s role in perpetrating and covering up child sexual abuse. A former Vatican official, once a papal envoy to Washington, DC, said that the pope should resign, alleging that he had informed the pontiff in 2013 of sexual-abuse accusations against a cardinal who resigned only this summer.

正在爱尔兰访问的教皇方济各(Pope Francis)请求“上帝宽恕”天主教会在实施和掩盖儿童性虐待方面所扮演的角色。曾经是驻华盛顿的教皇特使的一位前梵蒂冈官员说,教皇应该辞职,声称他在2013年告知教皇关于性虐的指控,而涉事这位红衣主教今年夏天才辞职。

perpetrate ['pɜːpɪtreɪt] :

       vt. 犯(罪);做(恶)

cover up :


Vatican ['vætikən] :

       n. 罗马教廷;梵蒂冈

papal ['peɪp(ə)l] :

       adj. 教宗的;罗马教皇的;教皇制度的

envoy ['envɒɪ] :

       n. 使者;全权公使

pope [pəʊp] :

       n. 教皇,罗马教皇;权威,大师

resign [rɪ'zaɪn] :

       n. 辞去职务 vi. 辞职 vt. 辞职;放弃;委托;使听从

allege [ə'ledʒ] :

       vt. 宣称,断言;提出…作为理由

pontiff ['pɒntɪf] :

       n. 主教,教皇;罗马教宗

cardinal ['kɑːd(ɪ)n(ə)l] :

       adj. 主要的,基本的;深红色的 n. 红衣主教;枢机主教;鲜红色;【鸟类】(北美)主红雀


A ship bearing 140 migrants, most Eritrean, was allowed to unload its passengers at a Sicilian port after six days’ wait. Matteo Salvini, Italy’s anti-migration interior minister, had refused to let them enter Italy without a promise from other EU countries to help take them in. A group of Catholic bishops said they would take most of the migrants themselves.

一艘载有140名移民的船只,其中大多数是厄立特里亚人,经过六天的等待,获准在西西里岛的一个港口放移民上岸。意大利反移民内政部长Matteo Salvini拒绝在没有得到其他欧盟国家帮助接纳他们的承诺的情况下让他们进入意大利。一群天主教主教表示,他们将亲自带走大部分移民。

bear [bɛr] :

       vt.运送 结果实,开花(正式); vt. 忍受;承受;具有;支撑; n. 熊;

migrant ['maɪgr(ə)nt] :

       n. 候鸟;移居者;随季节迁移的民工 adj. 移居的;流浪的

passenger ['pæsɪndʒə] :

       n. 旅客;乘客;过路人;碍手碍脚的人

Sicilian [si'siljən] :

       n. 西西里岛人 adj. 西西里岛的

Catholic [kæθəlɪk] :

       n. 天主教徒;罗马天主教 adj. 天主教的;宽宏大量的

bishop ['bɪʃəp] :

       n. (基督教的)主教;(国际象棋的)象


More musical chairs in Australia. Scott Morrison, who became the country’s fifth prime minister in as many years last week, replacing Malcolm Turnbull, carried out a cabinet reshuffle after the resignation of Julie Bishop, the foreign minister. The bloodletting isn’t helping the ruling Liberal party with voters; new polls showed a widening lead for the opposition Labor party.

更多的人员变动在澳大利亚发生。斯科特•莫里森(Scott Morrison)在外交部长朱莉•毕晓普(Julie Bishop)辞职后进行了内阁改组,莫里森替代马尔科姆·特恩布尔(Malcolm Turnbull)作为澳大利亚多年里第五任总理。血拼并没有帮助执政的自由党赢得选民;新的民调显示,反对党工党的领先优势正在扩大。

musical chairs :

       抢椅游戏;(似抢椅子游戏的)人员频繁的更动; 频繁调换职位表不满

reshuffle [riː'ʃʌf(ə)l] :

       n. 重新洗牌;改组 vt. 重新洗牌;改组;重作安排

cabinet ['kæbɪnɪt] :

       n. 内阁;橱柜;展览艺术品的小陈列室 adj. 内阁的;私下的,秘密的

resignation [rezɪg'neɪʃ(ə)n] :

       n. 辞职;放弃;辞职书;顺从

bloodletting ['blʌdletɪŋ] :

       n. 放血;流血


Iran’s parliament voted to sack the finance minister, Masoud Karbasian, blaming him for torpid growth, inflation and a sharp drop in the currency that has made Iranians poorer. Mr Karbasian, in his defence, blamed “an all-out economic war” following America’s exit from the international nuclear deal with Iran and the reimposition of sanctions on the country.

伊朗议会投票罢免了财政部长马苏德·卡尔巴桑(Masoud Karbasian),指责他导致经济增长缓慢、通货膨胀和货币急剧贬值,使伊朗人变穷。Karbasian先生,在他的辩护中,指责这一切是因为美国退出伊朗的国际核协议以及重新对伊朗实施制裁后导致的“一场全面的经济战争”。

parliament ['pɑːləm(ə)nt] :

       n. 议会,国会

sack [sæk] :

       n. 麻布袋;洗劫 vt. 解雇;把……装入袋;劫掠

torpid ['tɔːpɪd] :

       adj. 迟钝的,迟缓的;不活泼的;麻痹的;[生物] 蛰伏的

inflation [ɪn'fleɪʃ(ə)n] :

       n. 膨胀;通货膨胀;夸张;自命不凡

Iranians :

       n. 伊朗人(Iranian的复数形式)

reimposition [,ri:impə'ziʃən] :

       n. 重新征收


As you were. Weeks after his tweeting his intention to take Tesla private, Elon Musk, the electric carmaker’s boss, said it would remain public. He blamed the distractions of going private and the difficulty that existing investors would have had retaining shares for the reversal. Bears think the saga reveals deeper chaos at Tesla; bulls will forgive Mr Musk almost anything.

你是。在在twitter上发布意图私有化特斯拉几周后,埃隆•马斯克(Elon Musk)表示,特斯拉仍将公开上市。他将此归咎于私有化带来的分心,以及现有投资者持有股票不想私有化带来的困难。看空者认为这个事件揭示了特斯拉内部深层次的混乱;看多者几乎会原谅马斯克的任何事情。

bears [beəz] :

       n. 熊(bear的复数);空头(卖空的证券交易投机)

saga ['sɑːgə] :

       n. 传说;冒险故事;英雄事迹


Didi Chuxing, China’s biggest ride-hailing service, suspended Hitch, its carpool offering, after the second murder of a female rider in 2018. A 20-year-old woman was raped and murdered after sending several distressed text messages during her ride. Her family called the police, but Didi did not share the driver’s information with them quickly enough, acknowledging that the process is cumbersome.

中国最大的叫车服务滴滴出行(Didi Chuxing)在2018年第二起女乘客被杀后,暂停了顺风车服务。一名20岁的女子在乘车过程中发送了几条痛苦的短信,随后被强奸和谋杀。她的家人报了警,但滴滴没有及时与他们分享司机的信息,滴滴承认这个处理的流程很笨重。

hailing :

       n. 下冰雹 v. 向…欢呼;致敬(hail的ing形式)

ride-hailing :


suspend [sə'spend] :

       vt. 延缓,推迟;使暂停;使悬浮 vi. 悬浮;禁赛

hitch [hɪtʃ] :

       n:故障 v 搭便车 把...勾住

carpool ['kɑːpuːl] :

       vt. 合伙使用汽车 vi. 合伙使用汽车

distressed [dɪ'strest] :

       v. 使痛苦;使紧张;使困苦(distress的过去分词) adj. 痛苦的;忧虑的;贫困的;受损的

rape [reɪp] :

       n. 强奸,掠夺;[园艺] 油菜;葡萄渣 vt. 强奸;掠夺,抢夺 vi. 犯强奸罪

cumbersome ['kʌmbəs(ə)m] :

       adj. 笨重的;累赘的;难处理的






