做你自己,爱自己身上的每个点!- “龙妈”Emilia给18岁的自己的鸡汤信!

做你自己,爱自己身上的每个点!- “龙妈”Emilia给18岁的自己的鸡汤信!

英语口语 欧美女星 2018-01-17 23:03:12 647

她是热门美剧《权力的游戏》中风暴降生的“龙妈”丹妮莉丝,也是电影《遇见你之前》(Me Before You)中傻气善良的女孩,但这次Emilia Clarke不饰演任何人,她就是自己~ 视频中,Emilia用长辈般的口吻,给18岁的自己写了一封信,也借此告诉所有尚且青涩、迷茫却又全力以赴的人:做你自己,爱自己身上的每个点!因为,什么都不能改变你自己,而你,就是最好的自己~ 听完,有没有很多共鸣呢?不要全程盯着眉毛看啦……

Emilia Clarke Reads a Letter to Her 18-Year-Old Self

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Dear Emilia, 


You just turned 18. So, as your future self, here is some advice that I'd like to give you. 


This particular journey that you're on is unlike anyone of your friends that you're with right now. What they're doing is gonna bring them joy and happiness, and what you're doing is also gonna bring you maybe a little more struggle, and some joy and happiness as well.


There are gonna be times when someone says that dream that you've had your entire life is not possilbe -- it is. I know you didn't get into drama school this time around, but you will. You have the strength to overcome it.


And you can go to the parties, and you're gonna have fun at the parties, but you don't need to do everything that everyone's doing. You know, ain't nothing wrong with a Diet Coke -- ain't nothing wrong. 


Eighteen-year old Emilia, 


I'm gonna quote this sunscreen song at you. I know you know it. You are not as fat as you think you are.


There are some women who look some way, and there are other women who look another way, like, a whole other way. And the way that the other women look, people love, because they look like women. 


So, when it comes to relationship advice, there's other things that come along with relationships. You think that they're, like, inspecting everything and, you know, and looking at you in a way of, sort of, that makes you feel uncomfortable or judged or whatever it is. Chances are they're not. Chances are they're just super happy to be there. 


You're gonna feel some serious heartbreak. You're gonna feel some, like, proper... some proper things. And the reason why it's gonna hurt so much, is because that heartbreak is gonna make you doubt yourself. 


You put yourself out on a plate and you bare everything, and someone says that they don't really like that. So that makes you feel... like you're not worth it. But you are, and there's lots of people who are gonna tell you that you are worth it. 


The people in your life, when all the lights are off, are the real people who you really love. Just hug them, like, every day.


Okay. So parting words, little Emilia... littler Emilia, I'm just gonna say that, um, you know, it's autumn right now, because it's October, but... winter is coming. And wear sunscreen!


Love, Emilia







