Nomination of Bob Dylan for the Nobel Prize--献给始终追随dylan的朋友

Nomination of Bob Dylan for the Nobel Prize--献给始终追随dylan的朋友

ForeverDylan 欧美男星 2017-10-23 21:36:17 353
今天给大家分享的是一篇由最早给bob dylan提名nobel 做出巨大努力的一群人,
他们是一群狂热的bob dylan粉丝,他们不顾一切的研究bob dylan的歌词和音乐,
为bob dylan所创作的艺术而到处奔走欢呼,他们被外界称为疯狂的‘迪伦学家’。
这群疯狂的崇拜者不仅认为bob dylan的音乐是伟大的,同时也相信bob dylan的歌词是超越了
正是因为这些人的不懈努力,才让诺贝尔奖委员会认识到了bob dylan作品的文学艺术的伟大。

Bob Dylan was first officially nominated for the 1997 Nobel Prize in Literature, and again for the 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002 ones.

There are usually many worthy candidates who are passed over year after year,
and one should be prepared for this to happen to Mr. Dylan also. It will
therefore be neccessary to continue the campaign until he is granted the
recognition he so greatly deserves.

下面是由来自Virginia Military Institute 的英文文学和艺术学院的
Gordon Ball教师在1999年给nobel委员会写的关于提名bob dylan诺贝尔文学奖的信件。
January 23, 1999

Dear Nobel Committee:

On behalf of the Campaign Committee of Mr. Gunnar Lunde and 
Mr. Reidar Indrebo (Angedalsvn. 37, 6800 Forde, Norway), I wish 
to nominate once more Mr. Bob Dylan of the United States for the 
next Nobel Prize in Literature.  Here are a few reasons why: 

1. There is considerable precedence for him to receive the prize. In 1997 it was given to another distiguished creator, whose drama, like Dylan's lyrics and music, depends on performance for full realization. Over half a dozen dramatists have received the Nobel Prize for Literature. His blend of poetry and social consciousness with music is entirely appropriate for Nobel recognition. His songs from the early 1960s to the present have been passionately concerned with civil rights, world peace, the preservation of the environment, and other crucial global causes. He has been acclaimed by presidents, poets, professors, and -- in almost countless numbers -- "common" people. That his pertinent and profound subject matter and wording are matched by his musical prowess should be considered appropriate, not strange, for a Nobel Prize in Literature. Of William Butler Yeats, Nobel Committee Chairman Per Hallström said in awarding him the 1923 Prize, "There is a greater element of song than is usual in Modern English poetry." Yeats himself proclaimed of an earlier recipient, Rabindranath Tagore, that "He is as great in music as in poetry." And he prophesied of Tagore's verses, "...travellers will hum them on the highway and men rowing upon rivers. Lovers... [will be] murmuring them." In fact, Dylan's memorable lyrics are given such forms of appreciation the world over.
2.  For nearly four decades his work has had,  and  con - tinues to have,  a major and  positive impact on the world:   it has  changed it for the better. His words and music have
helped restore the vital, time - honored link between poetry and music, and have so permeated the world as to alter its history. When Dylan's work first appeared in the U.S. alone, it validated the imagination and independence of thought in what had been an era of conformity and denial: it empowered a vast generational change. That his lyrics are of considerable literary value is suggested not only by the recent conference at Stanford but by their inclusion in numerous reference and text books.
3.  Even in the last year,  Mr. Dylan has won  increasing distinction and honors. He has released a strong new album (Time Out Of Mind), rich with inspired, powerful lyrics, some of which chart the changes that come with aging and the passage of time: they are evocative, perceptive, revealing. He has performed for the Pope, who quoted at some length from his lyrics. He has received one of American's highest cultural honors from our Kennedy Center, and his oeuvre was the subject last year of an academic conference at one of our most prestigious centers of learning, Stanford University. I continue to hear the inspiring words, unique voice, and extraordinary music of Bob Dylan emanate from cadets' rooms in the barracks at the military school where I teach. I remain grateful for your consideration of Mr. Dylan for the next Nobel Prize in Literature. Sincerely Gordon Ball Professor of English and Fine Arts







