世界贸易体系面临至暗时刻(下)|The Economist

世界贸易体系面临至暗时刻(下)|The Economist

山竹的英文札记 欧美男星 2018-03-21 08:30:42 342


The threat to world trade

The rules-based system is in grave danger

世界贸易体系面临至暗时刻(上)|The Economist

Whatever the WTO’s problems, it would be a tragedy to undermine it. If America pursues a mercantilist trade policy in defiance of the global trading system, other countries are bound to follow. That might not lead to an immediate collapse of the WTO, but it would gradually erode one of the foundations of the globalised economy.

Everyone would suffer. Mr Trump seems to think trade is a zero-sum affair, in which a deficit is a sign of a bad deal. But the vast improvement in living standards after the second world war went hand in hand with a rapid expansion in world trade over eight trade rounds, each of which lowered barriers. Imports are in fact welcome, because they benefit consumers and spur producers to specialise in what they do best.

Without the WTO, cross-border trade would continue—it is unstoppable—but the lack of norms and procedures would leave disputes to escalate. The fewer the rules, the more scope for mercantilist mischief and backsliding. Trade policy could be captured by special interests. Military power would hold greater sway in trade disputes than economic fair play. Transnational investment could drain away. As a vast continental economy, America would lose less from this than other countries. It would nonetheless lose a lot, including a pillar of the system that has underpinned its post-war political influence.

How should the world get out of this bind? Even as Mr Trump behaves with astonishing irresponsibility, others must keep their heads. Some may impose limited retaliation—that, after all, is how to treat bullies, and the threat to local manufactures will strengthen the hand of Republicans pressing Mr Trump to relent. But such action must be proportionate and limited. A tit-for-tat war with America would be disastrous.

Back to basics

The more important task is to shore up support for trade. It would be comforting to think there is global backing to fix the WTO. But just now, there is not. The only new trade deals on offer are regional, such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), an 11-country pact signed this week that sets out to be a blueprint for trade modernisation. Although Mr Trump abandoned it, he has hinted he may reconsider, which would be a start.

The best way to help the WTO would be for its other members to co-ordinate any action, including bringing in a WTO complaint about Mr Trump’s tariffs. Even though that may burden the WTO’s court, it would be a vote of confidence in the idea that the global economy should be governed by rules.

The world is a long way from the 1930s, thank goodness. Yet ignorance and complacency have put the trading system in grave danger. Free-traders need to recognise that the WTO can help keep markets open in the face of protectionist lobbying, at home and abroad. It is vital they make the intellectual case for rules-based trade. That will not be easy. For the first time in decades, their biggest foe is the man in the Oval Office.

(This article appeared in the Leaders section of the print edition under the headline "The threat to world trade")

(The End).


Whatever the WTO’s problems, it would be a tragedy to undermine it. If America pursues a mercantilist trade policy in defiance of the global trading system, other countries are bound to follow. That might not lead to an immediate collapse of the WTO, but it would gradually erode one of the foundations of the globalised economy.

Everyone would suffer. Mr Trump seems to think trade is a zero-sum affair, in which a deficit is a sign of a bad deal. But the vast improvement in living standards after the second world war went hand in hand with a rapid expansion in world trade over eight trade rounds, each of which lowered barriers. Imports are in fact welcome, because they benefit consumers and spur producers to specialise in what they do best.

  • in defiance of: 不管,不顾 defiance [dɪ'faɪəns]: behaviour that shows you refuse to do what someone tells you to do, especially because you do not respect them 违抗,拒绝服从

  • zero-sum: 零和

  • a rapid expansion: 快速扩张



Without the WTO, cross-border trade would continue—it is unstoppable—but the lack of norms and procedures would leave disputes to escalate. The fewer the rules, the more scope for mercantilist mischief and backsliding. Trade policy could be captured by special interests. Military power would hold greater sway in trade disputes than economic fair play. Transnational investment could drain away. As a vast continental economy, America would lose less from this than other countries. It would nonetheless lose a lot, including a pillar of the system that has underpinned its post-war political influence.

How should the world get out of this bind? Even as Mr Trump behaves with astonishing irresponsibility, others must keep their heads. Some may impose limited retaliation—that, after all, is how to treat bullies, and the threat to local manufactures will strengthen the hand of Republicans pressing Mr Trump to relent. But such action must be proportionate and limited. A tit-for-tat war with America would be disastrous.

  • cross-border trade: 跨境贸易

  • escalate ['eskəleɪt]: vt. if fighting, violence, or a bad situation escalates, or if someone escalates it, it becomes much worse (使)〔战斗、暴力事件或不好的情况〕升级;(使)恶化

  • mischief ['mɪstʃɪf,'mɪstʃəf]: n. bad behaviour, especially by children, that causes trouble or damage, but no serious harm 恶作剧,制造麻烦

  • backsliding: 倒退,滑坡

  • special interests: 特殊利益群体

  • hold sway: 有支配...的权利,有左右...的力量 sway在此处意为 power to rule or influence people #She was now completely under his sway.

  • fair play: 公平竞争

  • drain away: 把...排掉,使...外流 drain [dreɪn]: vt. 使流走,排干 #The more viscous a fluid, the longer it will take to drain away.

  • nonetheless [‚nʌnðə'les]: adv. 尽管如此

  • bind [baɪnd]: an annoying or difficult situation 窘境,困境

  • bully  [ˈbʊli]: n. 恃强凌弱者

  • disastrous [dɪ'zɑːstrəs]: adj. diaster的变形,意为灾难性的



The more important task is to shore up support for trade. It would be comforting to think there is global backing to fix the WTO. But just now, there is not. The only new trade deals on offer are regional, such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), an 11-country pact signed this week that sets out to be a blueprint for trade modernisation. Although Mr Trump abandoned it, he has hinted he may reconsider, which would be a start.

The best way to help the WTO would be for its other members to co-ordinate any action, including bringing in a WTO complaint about Mr Trump’s tariffs. Even though that may burden the WTO’s court, it would be a vote of confidence in the idea that the global economy should be governed by rules.

The world is a long way from the 1930s, thank goodness. Yet ignorance and complacency have put the trading system in grave danger. Free-traders need to recognise that the WTO can help keep markets open in the face of protectionist lobbying, at home and abroad. It is vital they make the intellectual case for rules-based trade. That will not be easy. For the first time in decades, their biggest foe is the man in the Oval Office.

  • shore up: 支撑。shore用作名词常为岸边之意,此处为支撑、支持之意

  • Trans-Pacific Partnership: 跨太平洋伙伴关系协定

  • pact [pækt]: n. a formal agreement between two groups, countries, or people, especially to help each other or to stop fighting 条约、协议

  • hint [hɪnt]: vi. something that you say or do to suggest something to someone, without telling them directly 与imply意思相近

  • a vote of confidence: 信任票 a vote of no confidence 不信任票

  • complacency [kəm'pleɪs(ə)nsɪ]: n. a feeling of satisfaction with a situation or with what you have achieved, so that you stop trying to improve or change things – used to show disapproval 自满 complacent: 自满的 相近的有:self-satisfied(自满的)

  • in the face of: 面对

  • foe [fəʊ]: n. 敌人




(The End)

原文选自经济学人Leaders栏目(Mar 8th 2018)









