English Wheel—— IF YOU HEAR

English Wheel—— IF YOU HEAR

公大之声广播台 欧美男星 2017-11-29 21:36:48 505


















Welcome to our English Wheels。As Nietzsche said:Nothing is worth living for without music。Kind words are the music of the world。What‘s more,Music has charms to soothe a savage breast, to soften rocks or bend a knotted oak。So,hope these musics

can really let you feel relaxed!



一、You're  Beautiful

James  Blunt

I  saw  your  face  in  a  crowded  place,

And  I  don't  know  what  to  do,

'Cause  I'll  never  be  with  you.

Yeah,  she  caught  my  eye, 

As  we  walked  on  by. 

She  could  see  from  my  face  that  I  was, 

flying  high,  ,

And  I  don't  think  that  I'll  see  her  again, 

But  we  shared  a  moment  that  will  last  till

the  end. 

This is a sad song. The singer met a beautiful girl, but he was powerless to have her, only helplessly looking at her with other people.


Shockingly, however, when songs have yet to begin, the play is still not over, the singer was blurt out "My life is brilliant". The spirit of a nation to get rid of inner infinite alone almost to tears.

然而令人震惊的是,在歌曲尚未开始之时,当前奏仍未结束之时,歌者竟脱口而出"My  life  is  brilliant"。这种摆脱内心无限孤苦的大无畏精神几乎要令人落泪。

Gradually along with the music, the singer to learners also tells the story of the concrete. In the crowd ran into a girl, her beautiful smile, her seemingly casual eye, make the singer heartache. But she has been around you. Singer with a bizarre "I" ve got a plan ", brought us into his inner world. Her beauty is the singer can't resist, at the moment to see her, the singer stopped feeling world. But not the footsteps stopped. In the few seconds passed, singer inner world experienced perhaps the greatest pain in life, and beauty in this farewell, in the heart of infinite daydream also became the in a flash. A high "from", in the shadow revealed the author big ups and downs in the heart.

随着音乐的渐渐进行,歌者也向听者讲述了具体的故事。在人海中偶遇的一个女孩,她那美丽的微笑,她那貌似不经意的对视,令歌者怦然心动。无奈的是,她身边已经有人。歌者用了一句诡异的"I've  got  a  plan",将我们带入了他的内心世界。她的美丽是歌者无法抵挡的,在看见她的瞬间,歌者感觉世界都停了下来。但众人的脚步却没有停。在擦肩而过的几秒钟内,歌者内心世界经历了人生中也许最大的苦痛,与美丽就此告别,心中的无限遐想也在瞬间成为了泡影。一个高昂的"flying  high",在冥冥之中透露了作者心中巨大的起伏。 

They continue to rub shoulders, on the verge of separation. Singer turned, he knew that oneself never with this beautiful woman. But his heart is not completely frustrated and anxious. In real in virtual singer as if saw a pure angel,symbol of the good angel, and you don't. Christian culture, saw the angel is the blessing, do not need to have an angel.


Singer walked along with the strength of, he knew the womanbehind the look back also to no avail, because they will face the reality sooner or later -- I 'l l never be with you.

In our life, so never had that experience? The boundless huge crowd, inadvertently looked up and glance, may let us to move. But we can only choose to miss, for numerous reasons.

Use this song to represent what we want, but you can't have very good.

歌者坚强的朝前走着,他知道回头看身后的女子也无济于事,因为自己迟早要面对现实——I'll  never  be  with  you。




(Christina  Aguilera)


Everyone has his own of a forest, maybe we never walk through, but it has been there, always there. Lost lost, meet people meet... Today's music mood kite together with you to recall the prints. Let our music bring you fly to every corner of the memory.

每个人都有属于自己的一片森林,也许我们从来不曾走过,但它一直在那里,总会在那里。迷失的人迷失,相逢的人相逢……  今天的音乐心情风筝和你一起来追忆似水流年。让我们的音乐带着你飞向记忆的每个角落。

Then the song was overheard in a video, first listen to was shocked. This is such a kind of sadness, countless emotions that represent the past, those who speak not clear, said don't understand something, in a sudden, SuShu my miss, inadvertently plucked a string of your memory.

接下来这首歌是在一个视频中偶然听到的,第一次听就被震撼了.这是这样的一种忧伤,  那些代表过去的无数的情感,那些讲不清楚、说不明白的东西,在瞬间迸发,诉述着我的怀念,在不经意间拨动你的记忆之弦。

This song is called HURT, European and American singer Christina Aguilera (Christina Aguilera) recorded, collected in its fifth studio album songs again. In this song, Aguilera with her old Linda Perry and Mark Ronson made together, and as a second album "Back to Basics" singles.

This song is called HURT, European and American singer Christina Aguilera (Christina • Aguilera) recorded, indexed and then their fifth studio album songs. In this song, Aguilera with her old partner Linda Perry and Mark Ronson produced together, and as the album "Back to Basics" the second single release.

这首歌曲叫做HURT,是欧美歌手Christina  Aguilera(克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉)录制的,收录再其第五张录音室专辑中的歌曲。在这首歌里,Aguilera与她的老搭档Linda  Perry和Mark  Ronson一起制作,并作为专辑《Back  to  Basics》的第二首单曲发行。


People in your life there will always be decadent for a period of time, perhaps because their loved ones die, love leave, career setbacks, the noise of the friends. But only for a period of time, her life, the road still have to go, also has a lot of things to do tomorrow. Decadent taste, try to just know, good pain!! The best option is to actively face life, do myself. I want to. Music mood kite here. Listen to the music, enjoy moving.

人在生活中总会有颓废的一段时间,或许是因为亲人的离去,爱人的离开,事业的不顺,朋友的吵闹。但也只是一段时间的,生活还得过,路还得走,明天也有很多事要做。颓废的滋味,尝试了才知道,好苦!!最好的选择就是,  积极的面对生活,做我要的自己。。这里音乐心情风筝。聆听音乐,享受感动。





文/编辑  by 付丰宇

主播 by 秦锦康 史琛祥 

图片 by  网络

导播 by 张亚双






