My "Sing" Review!!!!

My "Sing" Review!!!!

Mark虫虫的世界 欧美女星 2017-02-20 21:40:29 310

Okay,I know you are furious with me because I haven't wrote to you guys lately and there's only one reason for that: I'm WAY to busy so today I will write a extra long one.

A watched this movie called "Sing" about 2 or 1 months ago and it was terrific!!! I'm writing this today because came up to the cinemas in China and as some of you know, I'm Chinese so I'm writing it today. 

At the start of the movie,I was like "this was going to be another babyish movie isn't it?" but then a started enjoying it like it was the best movie ever!!! 

This movie was given the award of one of the best animated movies ever made which is a very big challenge,and plus, the film makers had to pay lots of money because there was LOADS of characters so lots of people had to voice them. 

For me,it was actually a very,very decent ,movie and I liked it just as much as the LEGO Batman movie and I think it's good mainly because it was made by the creators of minions and that movie is also amazing and it was also very creative since not many movies have animals singing like rock stars do they??

I also think that if someone makes a ripoff of this movie,they will still get paid a lot because the original movie was so good and the two girls that wen to watch it with me also agreed and I think pretty much every one who watches it will agree........

And it is very famous because the people that voice the movies are superstars like the person who is Black widow in avengers and also the person who acts as dead pool was also voicing so yeah.

The movie also had some very good qualities mainly because it was produced in the USA which is the richest country on earth. 

And here are some of the songs in the movie:

1.Stay with me( Sam Smith )

2.Anaconda( Nicki Minaj )

3.Call me maybe(Carley Rae Jespen )

4.Shake it off( Taylor Swift )

5.The way I feel inside( The Zombies )

6.Faith( Ariana grande and Steve Wonder )

And those are the ones I know!!!(in case you are wandering,some of the ones of that the mouse sings isn't a real song.)

I remember it was given a 70% or 80% or something but I do know this:this movie is not only for kids,if you ask me,it can even entertain the elderly!!!

And here are the other recent movies I might write about:

LEGO ninjago movie

Monster trucks

Pirates of the Caribbean 2

Beauty and the beast(my mom's suggestion) 

And if you want me to write any of those,please comment or my mom will choose and PEACE!!!!!






