精彩周周看 | 北京铁三圆满落幕;IMG高尔夫球员全员入选国家奥运队;WME顶尖DJ亮相上海Ultra音乐节

精彩周周看 | 北京铁三圆满落幕;IMG高尔夫球员全员入选国家奥运队;WME顶尖DJ亮相上海Ultra音乐节

WMEIMG 欧美女星 2017-09-12 13:40:20 423

2017年9月12日 第二十六期

北京国际铁人三项赛 9月9日-10日,2017年北京国际铁人三项赛开赛,这是北铁连续第六年在北京丰台区举办。作为“逃离恶魔岛”铁人三项赛的亚洲唯一资格赛,来自34个国家和地区的超过2千名中外运动员展开钢铁较量。最终,南非奥运选手亨利·斯库曼和加拿大选手宝拉·芬得利分别摘得男、女职业组冠军。刚刚在天津全运会上夺冠的中国选手仲梦颖获得女子职业组季军。本次比赛共有50位选手获得参加2018年逃离恶魔岛铁人三项赛的资格。

Beijing International Triathlon As the only qualifying race in Asia for the Escape From Alcatraz Triathlon, last weekend's Beijing International Triathlon 2017 saw more than two thousand professional and amateur athletes from 34 countries and regions participate. The Olympic athlete Henri Schoeman from South Africa and Paula Findley from Canada won the professional men's and women's races, and Chinese athlete Mengying Zhong, who just won in the Tianjin National Games, claimed the third place in the professional women's race. Overall, 50 qualified participants won spots for the Escape From Alcatraz Triathlon 2018.

高尔夫客户 中国高尔夫球奥运之队备战东京奥运会动员会9月6日下午在北京国家体育总局举行,会上宣布新一届中国高尔夫奥运之队组建。IMG 球员梁文冲、冯珊珊、窦泽成、林希妤、石昱婷、刘钰再次集结,全员入选国家奥运队,将在2020年东京奥运会代表国家在世界舞台展现中国风采。

Golf Clients The National golf team lineup for Tokyo 2020 was officially announced during the pep rally held in the General Administration of Sport on September 6. IMG clients Wenchong Liang, Shanshan Feng, Zecheng Dou, Xiyu Lin, Yuting Shi and Yu Liu were all selected as members of the National Golf Team, representing China in 2020.

DJ 客户 9月9日-10日,全球顶尖的电子音乐盛典 Ultra 音乐节在上海盛大举办,WME 旗下多位世界顶尖 DJ 登场表演,包括 DJ Top100 排名第一的 Martin Garrix、排名第七的 Steve Aoki、排名第十的 Afrojack、排名十六的 Axwell & Ingrosso 以及排名二十二的 DJ Snake,为中国乐迷呈现了一场听觉与视觉全方位的震撼体验

DJ Clients The world's Premier Electronic Music event, Ultra Music Festival, was successfully held in Shanghai Expo Park September 9-10. WME clients Martin Garrix(No.1 on DJ Top 100), Steve Aoki (No.7 on DJ Top 100), Afrojack (No.10 on DJ Top 100), Axwell & Ingrosso (No.16 on DJ Top 100) and DJ Snake (No.22 on DJ Top 100) came together for a memorable live experience for Chinese fans.

别克青少年 9月9日,2017别克中国青少年高尔夫精英赛收官战在上海旗忠花园高尔夫俱乐部落幕,共决出10个组别的冠军。王鑫兴夺得男子 A 组冠军,拿下他的第5场别克青少年冠军。男子 B 组球员王哲发挥神勇,连续三天打出红字摘得冠军奖杯,这也是该场比赛中唯一一位三轮皆为负杆的球员。至此2017别克中国青少年高尔夫精英赛圆满收官,12张别克-冯珊珊 AJGA 邀请赛外卡的归属也将在近日揭晓。

Buick Juniors The 2017 Buick China Junior Golf Classic final finished on September 9 and 10 with junior players named the champions of 10 age groups. Wang Xinxin won his fifth champion title of Boys Group A. Wang Zhe from Boys Group B won his first Buick Junior title with the total score of 210(-6). 12 Buick-Feng Shanshan AJGA Invitational exemptions will also be announced shortly.

UFC Omaze 活动 UFC 联合公益项目 Omaze 落地了一个公益活动,竞拍令人终身难忘的 UFC216 体验名额,为全国健康基金会筹集资金并吸引更多人关注公益。粉丝可以浏览网站 Omaze.com/UFC 并选择适当的捐赠项目,获取赢得 UFC 体验的机会。幸运粉丝将有机会飞往拉斯维加斯,与白大拿一同站上称重环节的舞台,在八角笼边的前排座位亲眼见证这场主赛。

UFC Omaze Campaign UFC and Omaze launched a campaign to raise funds and awareness for the National Fitness Foundation by offering a once-in-a-lifetime UFC experience at UFC 216: Ferguson vs. Lee. Fans can visit Omaze.com/UFC and choose their preferred donation level for a chance to win, with all proceeds benefiting the National Fitness Foundation. The winner will fly to Las Vegas, join Dana White on stage during the weigh-in, get front row seats to the fights and sit Octagon-side for the main event.

节日&奖项 今年的多伦多国际电影节中,我们有超过40位客户在影展电影中参演,超过20位电影制作者出席电影节,超过20部影片在我们全球团队的努力下已提前售出,包括作品《敌对份子》、《吉米与安迪》、《亲吻糖果》等。我们在9月9日举行了多伦多电影节派对,9月15日我们还将举办年度艾美奖派对,庆祝今年客户获得268项艾美奖提名。

Festivals & Awards At this year's Toronto International Film Festival, we have more than 40 clients in starring or supporting film roles, more than 20 filmmakers at the festival and more than 20 films pre-sold or being sold by our global team. Titles include"Hostiles," "Jim & Andy," "Kissing Candice" etc. Our TIFF party took place on September 9. We will also host our annual Emmys party on September 15, celebrating 268 Primetime and Creative Arts Emmy nominations for our clients.

美国网球公开赛 在今年的美国网球公开赛中,我们的媒体部门负责赛事的全球版权发行,同时五位网球客户晋级半决赛:维纳斯·威廉姆斯、麦迪逊·凯斯、凯文·安德森和帕布洛·卡雷尼奥·布斯塔。最终,麦迪逊·凯斯和凯文·安德森获得本届美网男女子决赛亚军。在赛事期间,签约球员加尔比妮·穆古拉扎成为历史上第24位登顶 WTA 世界第一的球员。

US Open At the US Open tennis tournament, which our media division distributes internationally, five tennis clients made it to the semifinal round: Venus Williams, Madison Keys, Kevin Anderson and Pablo Carreno Busta. Madison Keys and Kevin Anderson finished with second place in the Men's and Women's final. During the tournament, client Garbiñe Muguruza also became the 24th player in history of the WTA to earn the No.1 ranking.

NFL 在上周开始的 NFL 常规赛季中,WME 代理了超过50位节目主持人,包括 Troy AikmanErin AnderewsTerry BradshawLouis Riddick 和 Michael Strahan 等。WME 同时代理了16位现役 NFL 球员,包括 Colin KaepernickBrandon MarshallChristian MccaffreyCam NewtonMatt Stafford 以及 Russell Wilson 等。

NFL Leading into the NFL's regular season, which began last week, WME represents more than 50 broadcasters, including Troy Aikman, Erin Anderews, Terry Bradshaw, Louis Riddick and Michael Strahan, among others. WME also represents 16 current NFL players in all off-the-field endeavors, including Colin Kaepernick, Brandon Marshall, Christian Mccaffrey, Cam Newton, Matt Stafford and Russell Wilson.



第二十五期 | 全运会窦泽成率北京男队夺冠、刘钰获个人冠军;汇丰冠军赛正式开票

第二十四期 | IMG球员窦泽成获美巡赛全卡;诺兰新片《敦刻尔克》即将于大陆上映

第二十三期 | 小威廉姆斯问鼎福布斯女性运动员收入首位;汇丰青少年亲子赛进行中

第二十二期 | IMG Media代理世界斯诺克达成中国新媒体版权合作; WME | IMG 获新注资

第二十一期 | “UFC格斗之夜:上海”火热售票中;窦泽成中国内地美巡第一人

第二十期 | 诺兰新片《敦刻尔克》震撼上映;英超亚洲杯圆满落幕

第十九期 | 两中国劲旅参加亚洲篮球联赛;冯珊珊美国女子公开赛并列第五

第十八期 |  蓝湾大师赛11月幸福起航;柏林梅赛德斯奔驰时装周落幕

第十七期 | 温网开幕;刘珏LPGA次级赛首冠;IMG获FIFA航班及轮船媒体版权

第十六期 | 强强联手成立完美威秀;IMG负责《Killing Eve》全球销售






