【文艺风象】Don McLean 的著名歌曲 Vincent 在歌词中描述了梵高的哪些作品?

【文艺风象】Don McLean 的著名歌曲 Vincent 在歌词中描述了梵高的哪些作品?

台州电力调控天地 欧美男星 2017-08-05 13:42:13 162

Stary stary night

paint your palette blue and grey

look out on a summer's day

with eyes that know the darkness in my soul.

      这句look out on a summer"sday是梵高的原话。是他在讲在SaintRemy疗养院的画作灵感时候说的,包括《星夜》,都是在疗养期间创作的。

Shadows on the hills

skerch the trees and the daffodils

catch the breeze and the winter chills

in colors on the snowy linen land.

     skerch the trees and the daffodils里的the daffodils指的是Bowl with Daffodils》 

        不过,也有人认为sketchthe trees指的是《Apricot Trees in Blossom

       按照这个时间的话,Shadows on the hills,sketch the trees and the daffodils应该是指圣雷米的时期的作品,那么应该是:

And now I understand

what you tried to say to me 

and how you suffered for your sanity

and how you tried to set them free.

They would not listen they did not know how

perhaps they'll listen now.

Stary stary night

flaming flowers that brightly blaze

swirling clouds in violet haze

reflect in Vincent's eyes of Chinablue

《flaming flowers》

Swirling clouds in violet haze:《stary night》或者《 WheatField with Cypresses》

reflect in Vincent's eyes of China blue:《Self-portrait

Color's changing hue

morning field of amber grain

weathered faces lines in pain

are smoothed beneath the artist's loving hand

morning field of amber grain:《Wheat field with Crows》


weathered faces lined in pain:《The Potato Eaters

Like the stranger that you've met

the ragged man in ragged clothes

the silver thorn of bloody rose

lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow

      这里面the ragged men in raggedclothes应该是指梵高画过的很多普通人,许多农夫,船员,矿工,孤儿等等。

     Peasant BurningWeeds-夜幕降临,带着一点烟的火是唯一发亮的地方。傍晚,我一再去看这个场面。——梵高

And now I think I know

what you tried to say to me

and how you suffered for your sanity

and how you tried to set them free.

They would not listen they're not listening still

perhaps they never will.






