Francesco Orio, pianist e composer.
1988, two albums albums as leader: a solo piano - “Almanacchi” edited by Ultrasound Records label, e one trio - “Causality Chance Need” per NAU Records,Appears in many Italian Jazz festivals: Umbria Jazz 2015 and 2016,
Roccella 2017,
“Piacenza Jazz Fest 2014, 2015 e 2016, Nuoro Jazz 2014 e 2016,
Lovere “BacktoJazz” 2016, Jazz by the Pool 2013 in Padova, Parmafrontiere 2014 and 2015, Novara Jazz 2015, Soncino Jazz 2014 and more......
In 2017 becomes one of the 12 musicians selected all over Europe for the famous 12Points Festival in Denmark.
2015 is selected as unique soloist in Italy for “We Insist!” organized by MIdJ, that brings him to the important venue Casa del Jazz in Roma and to the “Il jazz italiano per L’Aquila” organized by Paolo Fresu.
In the same year he win the first prize at the national jazz competition “Chicco Bettinardi” in Piacenza, and is inherited with the Premio “G.Gaslini” becoming the musical heir of the master.
Main teachers: Franco D’Andrea, Roberto Cipelli, Joh Taylor, Gerald Clayton, David Virelles, Stefano Battaglia, Umberto Petrin, Andrea Pozza.
Drums:安东尼 (Anthony Vanacore)
安咚咚(Anthony Vanacore)是来自纽约的爵士鼓音乐家,经常巡演在美国及世界各地的重大剧院舞台上,拥有多年的表演经验。同时他也是一位很热情并带有传播精神的爵士鼓及其它打击器乐的教育家,拥有着丰富的教育,教材撰写经验并经常受邀担任国内重大音乐比赛的评委。安咚咚曾经与多位在世界少有影响力的音乐家和乐队进行合作表演包括,Moreno Donadel、高太行,张柯,谢燕辉,李晓川,顾忠山,李泉、J Kyle Gregory、Jaleel Shaw,Ted Rosenthal, Hendrick Meurkens、Vincent Herring、Laurent Maur、Mark Turner、MichaelMossman、Laura Fygi、Kevin Harris、Rick DiMuzio、Richard Sussman、Ember Swift、Youngjoo Song、Jz 爵士大乐队、曼哈顿交响乐团、敦善交响乐团等。他目前是MorenoDonadel 三重奏与Blue Note 北京大乐队的成员。他曾参加许多爵士鼓活动,并跟来自各国爵士鼓大师例如, Billy Cobham、Dave Weckl、Thomas Lang 等同台。他同时也是沙宾(Sabian) 镲片、Remo 鼓皮、Vater 鼓棒以及Canopus 鼓的代言人和一位抢手的现代舞音乐伴奏师。在纽约很多知名的地方演出,如Alvin Ailey School, Jose Limon at Peridance, Steps on Broadway,Marymount Manhattan College, Montclair State University 等。