Ernesto Rosales Ramírez:设计“秘鲁人的汽车”

Ernesto Rosales Ramírez:设计“秘鲁人的汽车”

Narkii工业设计 欧美女星 2018-01-05 16:48:42 289

Ernesto Rosales Ramírez,秘鲁工业设计师。热衷于交通工具设计的他,从小就充满好奇心,喜欢拆东西,并且试图去搞清楚它们是如何工作。他认为,任何设计出来的产品脱离了人就什么都不是,所以坚持设计必须以人为中心。目前Ernesto在大众消费品公司Belcorp Peru工作,同时开发医疗保健技术和运输设计领域的自由职业项目。

Ernesto Rosales Ramírez



Most of your works are related to vehicle design. What attracts you most in this area?


当我还是小孩子时,第一次骑上自行车,我就被迷住了,这个由铝、链条和齿轮组成的东西竟可以让我跑得更快,更省力。这是我第一次感受到速度所带来愉悦感,也让我理解了一种概念,就是交通工具作为我们身体的延伸,可以帮助我们做到超越人体限制的事情,比如飞行,或在海底游泳,或是达到非一般的速度。我热衷于所有种类的交通工具,无论是机动还是非机动,原因除了它们所带来的审美上的享受外,还有它们所能对社会产生的影响。举个例子,我尤其欣赏一款车,就是印度制造商TATA Motors所生产的Tata Nano,这款车被认为是世界上最便宜的汽车。之所以有这款车,是因为印度人需要一种安全同时大家都负担得起的交通工具,当时在印度只有5%的人拥有汽车,大部分人都开着摩托车穿行于没有铺混凝土的地面,一家人全部挤在一辆摩托车上的现象非常普遍。Tata在印度变成了“人民的汽车”,它是一个在材料和工艺上实现了最优化的复杂的产品。我想要设计“秘鲁人的汽车”,一个具有包容性的可以满足城市内外人们需求的产品。

When I was a child and I rode a bicycle for the first time in my life, I got fascinated to discover how an object made of aluminum, chains and sprockets could allow me to go faster and with less effort than running. This was my first approach to the pleasure for speed, which also allowed me understand the concept of a vehicle as an extension of your own body to achieve things humanly impossible like flying, or to swim in the deepest of the oceans or to reach speeds that no living being can. I’m a fan of all kind of vehicles, motorized or not, however, furthermore the taste for esthetic I feel attracted to the impact they can have in the society. For instance there is a car in particular that awakes my admiration and that is the Tata Nano from the indian manufacturer TATA Motors, considered to be the cheapest car in the world. It was born from the necessity of the indian population for a transportation mean that was safe but above all, affordable, because at that time, in India only a 5% owned a car and people move in motorcycles through non-paved roads, where it wasn’t uncommon to see whole families moving all together onboard one single linear motorcycle. The Tata became the “car of the people” in India, a complex work of engineering and design based in the optimization of materials and processes, made possible by a team of indian professionals. I would like to design the “car for the Peruvian people”, an inclusive product designed to satisfy people’s needs in and outside the city.




When you start a new project, what is your typical design process?


尽管设计有许多的方法论和工具,但是到最后,每个设计师都会得到自己的一套方法。我自己认为,在整个产品开发流程中,概念是基础,这是最难的一部分,因为它定义了设计对象的功能和使命,概念的发想源自于对用户的广泛调查,且明确了他们的需求或是日常体验中可以改善的可能。比如,Chicco Ride On项目中的概念是想要设计出一款“多功能且适合孩子成长不同阶段”的交通工具。这个概念,正是经过了调查才得以发想出来,因为我们调查到了家长在孩子最初快速成长的几年里需要为他们买各种不同类型的交通工具。从婴儿推车,到婴儿步行车,再到各种小的自行车。


Though there are many methodologies and tools to design, in the end, each designer develops his own methodology. Mine in particular has the concept as a base of the whole product developing process, being this the toughest part, because it defines the function and mission of the object to design, for reaching a concept is the result of a wide investigation focused in the users, to identify their needs or improvement opportunities on a day-to-day experience. For example, the concept developed for the Chicco Ride On Project is a “ multifunctional vehicle adaptable to the growing stages of a child “which is the resulting product of an investigation done by the family parents where it was identified their need to buy different types of vehicles for their kids through their quick development in their first years. From baby strollers, baby walkers, jumpers to different types of ride-on. 

Is there when the sentence “multifunctional vehicle adaptable to the growing stages of a child “encloses the idea to create a ride-on that comprises the main functions of these products, adapting to the children’s needs as they grow and becoming in just one investment for their parents, making the most of the home space and making easier to transport as just one multifunctional toy. Once defined the concept, questions come out to allow the design build itself, like for example: Which development stages are the most important for a child? Which functions must be integrated? Which materials should be used? What mechanism must be integrated to have these funtions?  Being the final product as well in functionality as in appearance the result of the user’s study.


Chicco Ride On



As you mention, you always focus your designs on the Latin American market. What is the advantage of this market? How do you catch the demand of a specific market in a short time?



The great advantage that the Latin American Market has is how little it’s been explored, for the most of the products, here consumed, are imported and they not always adapted completely to the ergonomic, anthropometric, aspirational, or cultural needs, as the Latin American is completely different in all of these aspects to the American, European or Asian. The designer’s critic eye allows me to identify quickly these needs, as I am a Latin American, these are my needs as well, and I can spot the improvement opportunities on a day-to-day experience. For instance, the Latin American is not a big consumer as the American and values much more the quality of a product in a long term with just one unique investment.



How do you define a good design?



For me a good design is the one that goes unnoticed on your day-to-day, that integrates so well to your life-style and needs that ends up becoming an extension of you, to have all kind of new experiences. I am an admirer of the products centered in the interaction with the user, for example, Apple products are designed in a way that the user only focusses the attention in the interacting mean, which is the screen.  

KUY - Folding electric car



What is your hobby? Do you get inspiration from it?


其实我一直都从周围的一切中获得灵感。 2003年我12岁时,从库斯科来到利马,一直住在离马格达莱纳市场两个街区的地方,在这个地方我成了邻家小孩,向往着圣马丁·德·波雷斯,喜欢开玩笑,喜欢在市场上散步,踢足球,跳舞,参加派对,以及,家人对我是最重要的。换句话说,这里的生活塑造了我的个性,我在设计能够适应我国人民的需求和习惯的产品时我很骄傲地展示自己的这一部分,甚至在新加坡的红点设计大奖颁奖现场中跳萨尔萨舞,我所居住城市的方方面面都反映了那里的人们,无论好与坏。

Actually I get my inspiration constantly from everything that surrounds me. I came to Lima from Cusco in the year 2003, at the age of 12 and I have always lived two blocks away from the Magdalena marketplace, a place that embraced and raised me as a kid-next-door that is devote to San Martin de Porres, a kid who loves to joke, take a walk in the market, play football soccer, dance, go to a party and most of all, to keep my family as the most important thing. In other words, living here has defined my personality, which I show with pride when I design products that can be adapted to my people’s needs and usages, or even dancing salsa at the Red Dot Design Award in Singapur, for each aspect in the city where I live, reflects the people that live in it, the good and bad.



What kind of environment for designers does design industry provide in Peru?



In Peru, the Industry Design career has just few years but it’s becoming well-known little by little in the working environment thanks to the globalization, the economic growth and the need for the big companies to have a competitive leverage. It’s true that at the moment, our country doesn’t count with an industry that develops many products, there is a huge potential for developing products of massive consumption and most important the great opportunity to resume part of our cultural legacy to develop an own-design line that answers the needs and mostly help our people’s development.


Bicimoto FX-01



Any final messages to those just starting out? 




My message is to the Peruvian young designers that can feel overwhelmed by the current situation in our country where our career in the working environment is not so well-known. It is our responsibility as designers to raise awareness and to teach the local market the potential of an Industry designer to develop tangible and intangible products that can generate not just competitive advantages, but most important yet, the development of the people and improvement of their life-style.

I started working in a Peruvian transnational company of massive consumption who worked on the mediation of industrial designing of bottling and packaging from outdoor design agencies (USA, France, Italy, etc). My duties were related to the design administration, but my urge to design made me present a large quantity of designs that, at first were rejected during a couple of years, due mostly to a lack of knowledge and insecurity of the company to work with a local designer. In the end, after a long persistence, I had the opportunity to develop a project that was launched to the market after surpassing by far in the consumption studies, the designs of the foreign agencies. This was the breaking point for the company to start developing more products with an in-house industry design, creating an internal methodology for future developments, because with an in-house design, the costs and deadlines could be optimized. It’s not an easy task, but it depends on us to show the local market the potential of the Peruvian design.  











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