门德尔松F小调弦乐四重奏 Op.80
琥珀四重奏 -- 蒙特利尔音乐会录音
Amber Quartet -- Live Concert from “MISQA”
Amber Quartet
Music is the art of thinking with sounds
代表着中国顶尖室内乐水准的琥珀四重奏2005年创立于中央音乐学院。琥珀四重奏曾多次创造中国室内乐历史:他们是第一组获得国际职业室内乐比赛最高奖的中国弦乐四重奏(2013 ASIA-PACIFIC Chamber Music Competition — Grand Prize);中国第一组公派留学的弦乐四重奏;Alban Berg Quartet门下唯一中国传承者;第一组考入马德里国际室内乐学院并以满分毕业的中国弦乐四重奏;国际顶级室内乐音乐节MISQA邀请的唯一中国四重奏等等。
琥珀四重奏广泛活跃于国际音乐舞台,演出足迹遍及中国、英国、美国、法国、德国、奥地利、西班牙、丹麦、澳大利亚、加拿大、日本、韩国等国家的音乐厅。琥珀四重奏曾多次代表中国进行国事演出与交流活动,接受了包括世界权威音乐杂志“The Strad”, “China Daily”、新华社、中央人民广播电台、澳大利亚ABC广播、澳大利亚SBS广播、西班牙国家广播电台、《上奥地利周报》、西班牙《欧华时报》、《新京报》、《广州日报》、《音乐时空》、《俱乐部杂志》等国内外媒体的报道与专访。
琥珀四重奏非常重视中国音乐在国际舞台上的表达与创新。琥珀四重奏曾首演多部中国原创弦乐四重奏作品, 他们也将中国传统音乐改编成为弦乐四重奏的形式,带上国际舞台。
琥珀四重奏师承陈允教授、于兵教授、Alban Berg Quartet第一小提琴 Günter Pichler教授。他们还曾接受过多位国际室内乐专家的指导,如Gerhard Schulz, Valentin Erben, Michael Tree, Harald Schoneweg, Wolfgang Jahn, 龚汉祥等。
——指挥大师Lorin Maazel
——室内乐权威Alban Berg Quartet -- Günter Pichler
— 奥地利著名乐评人Christine Grubauer (上奥地利州报)
Amber Quartet
Representing the highest standard of chamber music in China, the Amber Quartet was founded in 2005 at the Central Conservatory of Music. The Amber Quartet has established multiple milestones in the history of China’s chamber music: the first Chinese chamber that won a professional chamber music competition (2013 ASIA-PACIFIC Chamber Music Competition — Grand Prize); the first Chinese chamber ensemble that received government sponsorship for studying abroad; the only Chinese inheritor of the legendary Alban Berg Quartet; the first Chinese chamber ensemble that was admitted by the Instituto Internacional de Música de Cámara in Madrid and graduated successfully with honor and distinguished achievements; the only Chinese chamber ensemble that was invited to MISQA – the top international chamber festival, etc.
The Amber Quartet has been an active chamber ensemble throughout international performing stages, leaving footsteps in concert halls throughout the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Australia, Canada, Japan, Korea, and China. They were interviewed by numerous medias worldwide, such as the flagship music magazine "The Strad", Xinhua News Agency, China National Radio, Australia ABC Radio, Australia SBS Radio, Spain National Radio, Spain Euro-Chinese Times, Beijing News, Guangzhou Daily, and Music Times.
The Amber Quartet pays special attention to the expression and innovation of Chinese music worldwide. The quartet has premiered multiple original works of Chinese string quartet, and has rearranged many traditional Chinese music works to the format of string quartet, presenting those rearrangements internationally.
The quartet studied under Professor Yun Chen and Professor Bing Yu from Central Conservatory of Music, and Professor Günter Pichler from Alban Berg Quartet in Spain. The Amber Quartet was also coached by a number of world renowned chamber artists including Gerhard Schulz, Valentin Erben, Michael Tree, Harald Schoneweg, Wolfgang Jahn, Hanxiang Gong, etc. All the musicians from the Amber Quartet are currently teaching at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing. Starting from 2017, violinist Weijia Ma (current violinist of the National Centre for the Performing Arts Orchestra) has been specially invited as the second violin of the Amber Quartet.
All musical instruments used by the Amber Quartet are generously provided by Hong Kong China Foundation gratuitously.
"Amber Quartet....a remarkable assemble"------Lorin Maazel
"They are able to becoming one of the leading quartet’s in the world" ——Alban Berg Quartet -- Günter Pichler
"A dazzling ensemble"------Agence France-Presse.
"Their music makes color audible"------Australia ABC Radio.
Ning Fangliang
宁方亮师承中央音乐学院林耀基教授、薛伟教授、Günter Pichler教授。宁方亮曾获得“墨尔本亚太国际室内乐比赛”最高奖、中国音乐金钟奖、2011中央电视台小提琴大赛金奖,中国国家奖学金、吴凤洲奖学金、西班牙Albeniz奖学金。她曾担任中国青年交响乐团首席,小泽征尔音乐塾客座首席,“琥珀四重奏”创建成员,现任教于中央音乐学院。
宁方亮曾就读于中央音乐学院附中及大学,2011年保送成为中央音乐学院艺术硕士研究生,师承林耀基教授、薛伟教授。2013年她作为国家公派留学的第一组室内乐人才,赴马德里国际室内乐学院追随奥地利小提琴家、前维也纳爱乐首席、阿班•贝尔格四重奏 ALBAN BERG QUARTET 第一小提琴 Günter Pichler 教授研习小提琴与四重奏演奏,2015年她以满分成绩毕业获得演奏家文凭。
2005年宁方亮参与创立了“琥珀四重奏”与“Da Capo”钢琴三重奏。2013年,琥珀四重奏一揽墨尔本亚太国际室内乐比赛最高奖及两个单项奖,成为第一组获得国际室内乐比赛最高奖的中国四重奏,实现了中国室内乐在国际职业比赛中零的突破。指挥大师Lorin Maazle盛赞琥珀四重奏“他们是一组卓越的四重奏!”,而世界室内乐权威Günter Pichler则称“他们将成为世界四重奏的引领者。”此外,琥珀四重奏还曾获得中国音乐金钟奖(室内乐)银奖,中央音乐学院室内乐比赛第一名。 与此同时,“Da Capo”钢琴三重奏也曾在中央音乐学院 “Cuellar-Nathan” 室内乐比赛中获得金奖,并获得了钢琴演奏家Menahem Pressler先生的高度评价。
2011年10月,宁方亮在中国最具影响力的CCTV钢琴小提琴大赛上以绝对优势摘得金奖。她还曾担任“中国少年交响乐团”首席、“中国青年交响乐团”首席及日本“小泽征尔音乐塾”客座首席,被小泽征尔称为“极具音乐才华的优秀首席”。宁方亮还曾获得多项荣誉,包括中国国家奖学金、中央音乐学院奖学金、漫步者音乐家基金、香港“吴凤洲”奖学金、西班牙 Albenniz 奖学金等。2010年宁方亮获得“北京四中”驻校艺术家称号、2014年入选汉能“英才”计划;2015年获得中央音乐学院颁发的最高荣誉证书,以表彰她为学院及国家争得的国际荣誉。
宁方亮多次代表中国最高音乐水准进行国际交流及国事演出,演出足迹遍布中国、奥地利、西班牙、丹麦、德国、英国、澳大利亚、美国、加拿大、日本、新加坡、韩国、印度等国家,并接受了包括世界权威音乐杂志“The Strad”、新华社、中央人民广播电台、澳大利亚ABC广播、澳大利亚SBS广播、西班牙国家广播电台、西班牙《欧华时报》、China Daily(中国日报)、《新京报》、《广州日报》、《音乐时空》等国内外媒体的报道与专访。宁方亮曾受到奥地利总统邀请赴维也纳金色大厅演出;她曾受美国格莱美录音协会邀请,赴洛杉矶进行音乐交流活动;她多次登上中国国家大剧院的舞台,并曾担任大剧院“第五空间”的主讲人普及经典音乐。她曾受邀参加的国际音乐节其中包括丹麦“卡尔•尼尔森”音乐节、日本“小泽征尔音乐塾”、韩国“亚洲青年交响音乐节”、澳大利亚“Encounters 音乐节”、“北京国际现代音乐节”、“奥地利中国文化年”、日本“京都国际音乐节”等,并得到Zukerman、Midori、Olivier Charlier等大师的指点与称赞。
宁方亮首演了多首当代音乐作品,其中包括马思聪《高山组曲》、Mikko Heini《树之声》、kate Neal《第三组曲》等。与她合作过的音乐家包括钢琴家Alon Goldstein、大提琴家Gavriel Lipkind、单簧管家Charles Neidich 、David Shifrin、指挥家Semyon Bychkov、Gerd Albrecht、小泽征尔等。
A gold award winner of 2011 CCTV Violin Competition, National Scholarship, Wu Fengzhou Scholarship, Albeniz Scholarship.
Ms. Ning was a apprentice of Professor Lin Yaoji, Professor Xue Wei, and Professor Günter Pichler.
Ms. Ning was educated at The Middle School Affiliated to Central Conservatory of Music ,Central Conservatory of Music (CCOM), after that she was admitted by the graduate college of CCOM with test and fee waive. She had acted as the concertmaster of China Youth Symphony Orchestra and Seiji Ozawa Music Academy, and was described by Seiji Ozawa as “an extraordinarily talented and outstanding concertmaster”. Ms. Ning was rewarded First Class Scholarship and Excellent Musician Scholarship, as well as been guided and praised by domestic and foreign musicians including Zukerman and Midori.
Ms.Ning has attained remarkable achievements in both solo and chamber. As the first violin, she founded Amber Quartet and Dacapo Piano Trio in 2005.
In 2013, Amber Quartet won “the grand prize”,“first prize string quartets” and “best interpretation and performance of post 1993 work” these three awards of in “2013 ASIA-PACIFIC Chamber Music Competition”, Amber Quartet becomes the first Chinese quartet winning the grand prize at international chamber music competition. Lorin Maazel is highly appreciated Amber quartet after listening their performance:”Amber quartet …a remarkable ensemble!” As the first chamber music group with government funded oversea study, Amber quartet has been enrolled by The International Institute of Chamber Music of Madrid in 2013, and gained full scholarship form the College.
Amber quartet started to study professional quartet following the previous Vienna philharmonic orchestra chief, the first violin of Alban Berg Quartet Mr. Günter Pichler.
Dacapo Piano Trio won gold medal in Cuellar-Nathan Chamber Competition of CCOM and won praise of Menahem Pressler, the chair of the jury.
Ms. Ning owns rich performance experiences and as a collaborator, she has performed with the Prof. Charles Neidich , pianist Du Taihang, violinist Chen Yun, violist Su Zhen, cellist Zhu Yibin, German violinist Mathias Boegner, conductor Semyon Bychkov, Seiji Ozawa, Gerd Albrecht and other well-known musicians. As for modern music, she released the world premiere of Sound of Tree by Finnish composer Mikko Heini and The Third Suite for Piano Trio.
Ning Fangliang currently teaching at the Central Conservatory of Music.
Su Yajing
苏雅菁曾师从于著名小提琴教育家赵薇教授、林耀基教授、薛伟教授。2010年以优异的成绩保送中央音乐学院研究生。曾先后担任中国少年室内乐团独奏演员,中国少年交响乐团首席,中国青年交响乐团首席。曾得到世界著名小提琴大师帕尔曼,祖克曼,美岛丽,林昭亮,OLIVIER CHARLIER、WOLFGANG THAN, Prof.sergiuschwartz,Sadao Haradad、海顿弦乐四重奏,阿班贝尔格弦乐四重奏一提琴GUENTER PICHLER等大师的亲授和好评。
Yajing Su, the Central Conservatory of Music graduate. Wufeng Zhou scholarship, Gucci scholarship winners. During the school served as chief of the China Youth Symphony Orchestra. Music Golden Bell Award for the Eighth China String Quartet won the Silver Award, the second session of the Central Conservatory of Music Chamber Music Competition in the first place, the First Violin Sonata Competition third of the Central Conservatory of Music, the Second the cctv Piano Violin Competition prize. 2006 went to South Korea to participate in the International String Art Festival success. 07-08 twice went to Japan to participate in the "Seiji Ozawa Music Sook. He studied at the famous violin educator Professor Zhao Wei and Professor Lin Yaoji. Now under the tutelage of Professor Xue Wei, the world-renowned violin virtuoso. Involved in the recording and publishing discs: Ministry of Culture Concert Hall - foreign classical music appreciation, " Chinese Music Association Grading tutorial. "Alto Online” hired as teachers of violin Speaker. By the Grammy album ocean Media invited to record her debut solo album.
Ma Weijia
德国 Dresdner Residenz Orchester 独奏小提琴家
2004年考入中国中央音乐学院附中,2007年考入中央音乐学院,师从梁大南教授。2009-2011担任“中国青年交响乐团”乐队首席。 2013年考入德国德累斯顿国立音乐学院,师从Igor Malinovsky 教授, 2015年获硕士文凭。现任中国·国家大剧院管弦乐团第一小提琴副首席。
2004年考入中央音乐学院附中,2007年考入中央音乐学院,师从梁大南教授。2009–2011担任“中国青年交响乐团”乐队首席。 2013年考入德国德累斯顿国立音乐学院,师从Igor Malinovsky 教授, 2015年获硕士文凭。
2005年参与创建“琥珀四重奏”并任第二小提琴七年之久,原柏林爱乐乐团首席Rainer Kussmaul 教授称赞为“极为优秀的第二小提琴。”
2011年至今任职于 “中国·国家大剧院管弦乐团”第一小提琴,参演了20余部歌剧、以及众多交响音乐会和室内乐音乐会。
In 2004, it was admitted to the Middle School of Central Conservatory of Music in China. In 2007, he was admitted to Central Conservatory of Music. The teacher was from Professor Liang Danan. 2009 - 2011 is the chief of the Chinese Youth Symphony Orchestra. In 2013, it was admitted to the National Conservatory of music in Dresden, Germany, with Professor Igor Malinovsky and a master's degree in 2015.
In 2005, he participated in the creation of "Amber Quartet" and served second violins for seven years. The former Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra chief Rainer Kussmaul praised it as "the best second violin."
Since 2011, he has worked in the first violin of the orchestra of China National Grand Theater, and has performed more than 20 operas, as well as many symphony concerts and chamber music concerts.
Qi Wang
柏林艺术大学博士 。中国国家奖学金、德国 DAAD 奖学金获得者。柏林爱乐乐团实习队员,马来西亚吉隆坡爱乐外聘队员。戚望师从王绍武、曹飞、王昌海、柏林爱乐中提琴首席 Ulrich Knoerzer。戚望于2012年加入琥珀四重奏,现任教于中央音乐学院。
2007年七月戚望被著名的德国柏林艺术大学当场录取攻读硕士,并获得德国DAAD全额奖学金,师从柏林艺术大学教授,现任柏林爱乐乐团中提琴首席Ulrich Knoerzer先生。2009年考入柏林艺术大学博士独奏家文凭(德国艺术最高文凭)也是该年中提琴专业唯一一名获得攻读此学位资格的学生。2011年9月获得该校本发的博士学位证书。2011年7月在西班牙举行的国际音乐大师班中(International Music Academy of Solsona Spanien)以其教授助理的身份参与讲学和示范演奏。
除此以外还在德国其他著名乐团中担任演奏,例如:柏林广播交响乐团(DeutschRundfunk Orchester Berlin) 德国国家交响乐团(Deutsch S.Orchester)汉堡爱乐乐团(HamburgerPhilharmoniker)莱比锡交响乐团(Gewanthaus Leipzig)等等。演出遍布德国和周边国家。演出地点包括柏林爱乐大厅(Berliner Philharmoniker Grossensaal),柏林爱乐室内乐厅 (Berliner Philharmoniker Kammersaal),柏林国家歌剧院 (Deutsche Oper Berlin),柏林音乐厅(Konzerthaus Berlin), 汉堡北德广播交响乐团音乐厅 (Konzertsaal der Nord Deutschen Rundfunk Hamburg),马格德堡歌剧院(Theater Magdenburg) 魏玛国家歌剧院 (Staats Kapelle Weima) 等著名艺术殿堂。2011年底受聘于马来西亚吉隆坡爱乐。
Qi Wang, was born in a musical family. He studied viola at the Central Conservatory of Music China from 2003 to 2007.
Graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music in 2007 and obtained a bachelor's degree.He has twice winning the China International Viola Competition.
From 2007 to 2011 he was studying in the University of the Arts in Berlin, Germany, and obtained the degree of Master and soloist.
While studying in Germany, he was once a member of the Berlin Philharmonic internship.He played the String Quartet in five years.
Yang Yichen
杨一晨毕业于中央音乐学院、马德里国际室内乐学院,先后师从宋涛教授、朱亦兵教授与 Valentin Erben 教授。杨一晨曾获得“墨尔本亚太国际室内乐比赛”最高奖、中国音乐金钟奖、中央音乐学院室内乐比赛第一名,中国国家奖学金、漫步者音乐家奖学金、香港吴凤洲奖学金、古驰奖学金、Albeniz 奖学金。杨一晨曾担任中国青年交响乐团大提琴首席,中央音乐学院交响乐团、中央音乐学院“名家”室内乐团客座大提琴首席。杨一晨作为“琥珀四重奏”发起人、创建成员,现任教于中央音乐学院。
2005年,杨一晨创立“琥珀四重奏”与“Dacapo”钢琴三重奏。2010年,“Dacapo 钢琴三重奏”摘得中央音乐学院“Cuellar-Nathan”室内乐比赛金奖,并且得到评委会主席 Menahem Pressler 先生的高度评价。2011年,“琥珀四重奏”获得中央音乐学院室内乐比赛金奖、中国音乐金钟奖(室内乐)银奖。2013年“琥珀四重奏”在“墨尔本亚太国际室内乐比赛”中获得“比赛最高奖”以及两个单项奖、实现中国四重奏在国际重大室内乐比赛中“零的突破”。同年杨一晨获得公派留学资格,考入马德里国际室内乐学院,追随国际四重奏权威 Alban Berg Quartet 深造,2015年他以满分的成绩毕业。
杨一晨还曾获得多项荣誉,包括中国国家奖学金、中央音乐学院奖学金、漫步者音乐家基金、香港“吴凤洲”奖学金、西班牙 Albenniz 奖学金等。2007-2011年,杨一晨曾担任中国青年交响乐团大提琴首席。2010年杨一晨获得“北京四中”驻校艺术家称号、2014年入选汉能“英才”计划;2015年获得中央音乐学院颁发的最高荣誉证书。
杨一晨先后师从宋涛教授、朱亦兵教授、Gunter Pichler 教授与 Valentin Erben 教授。他还曾受到 Bernard Greenhouse、 Lynn Harrell、飞利浦·缪勒、马友友、王建、等大师的指导。
Yang Yichen was born in Beijing in 1988 and his native place is Taiwan. He was born into a family of music tradition and his grandfather is composer Jiang Wenye. From 1999 to 2007, he was admitted by the primary school and the middle school affiliated to Central Conservatory of Music and then Central Conservatory of Music (CCOM) by getting first place in all the relevant entrance examinations. In 2010, by excellent academic results, he was admitted by the graduate college of CCOM. Mr. Yang studies with Prof. Song Tao and Prof. Zhu Yibing successively.
Mr. Yang’s musical talent was obvious at a young age and debuted when he was only 6. At the age of 14, he was acted as a soloist in collaboration with Xiamen Symphony Orchestra to perform Dmitry Kabalevsky’s Cello Concerto.
Mr.Yang has attained remarkable achievements in both solo and chamber. As a core member, he founded Amber Quartet and Dacapo Piano Trio in 2005.
In 2013, Amber Quartet won “the grand prize”,“first prize string quartets” and “best interpretation and performance of post 1993 work” these three grand awards of in “2013 ASIA-PACIFIC Chamber Music Competition”, Amber Quartet becomes the first Chinese quartet winning the grand prize at international chamber music competition. In 2011, Amber Quartet won the silver medal of Gold Bell Music Award, and first prize in 2nd Chamber Competition of CCOM.
As the first chamber music group with government funded oversea study, Amber quartet has been enrolled by The International Institute of Chamber Music of Madrid in 2013, and gained full scholarship form the College. Amber quartet started to study professional quartet following the previous Vienna philharmonic orchestra chief, the first violin of Alban Berg Quartet Mr. Günter Pichler.
Dacapo Piano Trio won gold medal in Cuellar-Nathan Chamber Competition of CCOM and won praise of Menahem Pressler, the chair of the jury. Mr.Yang is also the founding member of China Cello Philharmonic. Since 2005, they have given nearly 300 performances throughout the municipal concerts and institutions of higher education. In 2010, they were invited to the Netherland Cello Biennale.
Mr.Yang widely-admired performance were throughout Japan, Korea, Australia and National Centre for the Performing Arts, Beijing Concert Hall, Shanghai Grand Theatre, Shanghai Concert Hall, Xiamen Hongtai Concert Hall, Xing Hai Concert Hall, Beijing Zhong Shan Music Hall and Italy and Poland embassy to China and many colleges.
Mr.Yang currently teaching at the Central Conservatory of Music.
2008 DVD, CD of Dream Journey with China Cello Philharmonic.
2009 recorded album “Ave Maria”.
2012 recorded album “The Amber Quartet”
Photo | Amber Quartet
Part 1
宁方亮 Ning Fangliang
苏雅菁 Su Yajing
戚望 Qi Wang
杨一晨 Yang Yichen
Photo | Amber Quartet
Part 1
宁方亮 Ning Fangliang
苏雅菁 Su Yajing
戚望 Qi Wang
杨一晨 Yang Yichen
Part1 NSQY
Photo | Amber Quartet
Part 2
宁方亮 Ning Fangliang
马魏家 Ma Weijia
戚望 Qi Wang
杨一晨 Yang Yichen
Photo | Amber Quartet
Part 2
宁方亮 Ning Fangliang
马魏家 Ma Weijia
戚望 Qi Wang
杨一晨 Yang Yichen
Part2 NMQY
↓ www.amberquartet.org