“星动泰国,闪耀全球.”- Risland泰国2018年度公开竞聘圆满落幕!

“星动泰国,闪耀全球.”- Risland泰国2018年度公开竞聘圆满落幕!

Risland昇学堂 欧美男星 2018-03-20 15:05:35 611

In order to provide a continuing career platform with long-term development strategy in Risland Thailand, the 2018 open position competition was held to provide more opportunities for internal talents in regional meeting room on Mar.7.  


* The Poster 公开竞聘海报

   It took around 1 month start from the preparation,Candidates Free Application Qualification Evaluation (Including Department Referral)

-Presentation the Panel Interview were the 4 key stages, which was monitored and evaluated by the panel including President Assistants, HODs andProject GMs. 16 candidates entered the final stage.

    本次公开竞聘从筹备及落幕,历时近1个月,共分为自由报名-资格选拔(含部门推荐)- 现场述职 - 评委会面试共4个环节,由公司总裁助理、各部门负责人及各项目总组成面试评委会,层层筛选,16位候选人脱颖而出,获得竞聘资格。

* Live Photos现场集锦

  Based on the final evaluation and actual annual performance rating, 4 high potential candidates have been successfully selected and they will be promoted respectively in March.


     Risland Thailand HR and each head of department conducted the 1on1 communication with those candidates who were failed this time, highly appreciated for their contribution to company progress and encourage them to learn more to be prepared for the next round competition.

    Risland Thailand HR will continue to dig out more opportunities with our talent strategy as to achieve the best match between people and the job.

      对于暂未获得晋升的12位候选人,人力与各部门负责人进行了一对一沟通,传达了区域高级管理层对其加入Risland 泰国以来所取得的进步与成果,鼓励大家再接再厉,优秀候选人将在项目开盘后赢得重新评估晋升的机会。






