JZ Club上海 一周演出预告▷01.29-02.04

JZ Club上海 一周演出预告▷01.29-02.04

JZPOST爵士邮报 欧美女星 2018-01-27 21:52:22 591

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巨鹿路158号#158 JULU RD.

订座电话 | TEL

021-53098221 / 64310269

JZ Club


01/29 MON 周一



20:30  Early Set


Xinlu Chen Trio

陈辛璐,青年爵士萨克斯手,作曲人,先后毕业于杭州师范大学音乐学院,纽约城市大学艾伦科普兰音乐学院爵士系,获双硕士学位。纽约求学期间师从格莱美奖提名美国爵士萨克斯大师Antonio Hart,Tim Armacost,爵士小号演奏家、格莱美获奖编曲家Michael Mossman,爵士钢琴家David Berkman,Jeb Patton,曾带领自己的乐队活跃于纽约的爵士舞台。

Xinlu Chen, a Chinese jazz saxophonist, composer, 2-master-degree owner who graduated from Conservatory of Hangzhou Normal University, Aaron Copland School of Music (CUNY) studied with bunch of phenomenal jazz greats based in New York City like Antonio Hart, Tim Armacost, Michael Mossman, David Berkman,Jeb Patton. During her 3 years residency in New York, she leads her band at some jazz venues in NYC.

22:00  Main Set

Alec Haavik Quartet 

Dexter Gordon Tribute

JZ Music 签约艺人,来自纽约的Alec Haavik是当今中国顶尖高音/次中音萨克斯演奏家,作曲家。以现代爵士及摇滚为信仰,Alec以极具爆炸性的原创音乐,带领他的“磨擦宇宙”,描绘出一个跨维音乐新世界,为爵士重新定义。

JZ Music Artist, Shanghai music icon Alec Haavik performs on tenor and soprano sax, painting an interdimensional world of musical explosions. Melding modern jazz, rock, and shamanism, Alec leads a fleet of ensembles known as the “Friction Universe,” questioning the nature of jazz.

01/30 TUE 周二


20:30 Early Set


Zhang Xiongguan Trio

张雄关是中国出色的青年爵士音乐家,演奏深受Wes Montgomery、Jim Hall、Peter Bernstein、 Miles Davis、Sonny Rollins、Ornette Coleman、Herbie Hancock、Red Garland、Fred Hersch等爵士乐名家所影响。先后毕业于上海音乐学院和波士顿新英格兰音乐学院,参加了德国石荷州音乐节,台中爵士音乐节,多届爵士上海音乐节,并作为组委会委员筹划并参加了2012年中国(上海)第一届和2014年中国(上海)第二届现代爵士教学研讨会。张雄关也活跃在世界各地的爵士乐舞台上,曾在Lilypad、Wally's Jazz Cafe、JZ Club、JZ Latino、Lavida Club、Hamburg Birdland等爵士酒吧演出。

Fresh sound of chinese jazz music, Xiongguan Zhang, he was graduated from Shanghai Conservatory of Music, and then went to the New England Conservatory of Music as a student of Grammy Award winner pianist Fred Hersch, saxophonist Jerry Bergonzi, guitarist Brad Shepik, Miguel Zenon. Moreover he has performed with Donny McCaslin、Chris Potter、Nils Landgren、Dee Dee Bridgewater、Victor Wooten. In July 2015, Xiongguan Zhang was selected one of the world outstanding youth guitarist.

22:00  Main Set


Liu Xing Quintet


Liu Xing is a classic violinist who is expertise in all kinds music performance. He was the chief violinist in Shanghai Conservatory of Music youth orchestra during 2005 to 2007, and toured with the orchestra twice to Europe. In recent years, he frequently cooperated with European jazz artists in Brussels Jazz Festival and many local bars. He also worked with many mandarin pop musicians like Qixian Wu, Shujun Huang, Yunling Huang, Yanbin Hu,etc. 

01/31 WED 周三


Door 100RMB

20:30 Early Set


Zhang Xiongguan Trio

张雄关是中国出色的青年爵士音乐家,演奏深受Wes Montgomery、Jim Hall、Peter Bernstein、 Miles Davis、Sonny Rollins、Ornette Coleman、Herbie Hancock、Red Garland、Fred Hersch等爵士乐名家所影响。先后毕业于上海音乐学院和波士顿新英格兰音乐学院,参加了德国石荷州音乐节,台中爵士音乐节,多届爵士上海音乐节,并作为组委会委员筹划并参加了2012年中国(上海)第一届和2014年中国(上海)第二届现代爵士教学研讨会。张雄关也活跃在世界各地的爵士乐舞台上,曾在Lilypad、Wally's Jazz Cafe、JZ Club、JZ Latino、Lavida Club、Hamburg Birdland等爵士酒吧演出。

Fresh sound of chinese jazz music, Xiongguan Zhang, he was graduated from Shanghai Conservatory of Music, and then went to the New England Conservatory of Music as a student of Grammy Award winner pianist Fred Hersch, saxophonist Jerry Bergonzi, guitarist Brad Shepik, Miguel Zenon. Moreover he has performed with Donny McCaslin、Chris Potter、Nils Landgren、Dee Dee Bridgewater、Victor Wooten. In July 2015, Xiongguan Zhang was selected one of the world outstanding youth guitarist.

22:00  Main Set

A Tribute To Grover Washington JR.

Alvaro Cardenas Jr 14岁在音乐家父亲的影响下开始了自己的职业生涯,开始学习萨克斯。他从小就喜欢The Glenn Miller Big Band、Sonora Matancera of Cuba、Pacho Galan Orchestra、以及Lucho Bermudez of Colombia等乐团。16岁便开始加入各种乐团演奏Salsa和哥伦比亚北部的音乐。同时,开始探索爵士的概念和器乐演奏家诸如Stan Getz、 Coleman Hawkins、 Don Byas、 John Coltrane、 Charlie Parker、Dexter Gordon、Sonny Rollins、 Grover Washington Jr、Justo Almario, Paquito D’Rivera、Michael Brecker以及 Bob Mintzer。这些大师给Alvaro许多的研究途径、探索力和灵感,随后的二十年,他便一直致力于萨克斯教学与演奏。

Alvaro Cardenas Jr, began his musical career and saxophone studies at fourteen alongside his father Alvaro Cardenas Roman, a musician and composer. As a child, Alvaro liked The Glenn Miller Big Band, Sonora Matancera of Cuba, Pacho Galan Orchestra, and Lucho Bermudez of Colombia, amongst others. At sixteen, he began to play with various groups performing salsa music and music of northern Colombia. He also began to explore jazz concepts and the instrumental music of musicians such as Stan Getz, Coleman Hawkins, Don Byas, John Coltrane, Charlie Parker, Dexter Gordon, Sonny Rollins, Grover Washington Jr, Justo Almario, Paquito D'Rivera ,Michael Brecker, and Bob Mintzer. These masters gave Alvaro many avenues of research, exploration and inspiration. After begun a saxophone teacher he dedicated to perform his saxophones. Over the past two decades. 

02/01 THU 周四

Door 100RMB

20:30 Early Set

Anthony Trio

Anthony从小便同时担任了唱诗班的男高音以及吉他演奏者。在纽约大学修得双学位,主修化学辅修音乐。在德普公共学校学习了十二年的爵士鼓,同时师从Phil Upchurch学习爵士电吉他。近来,Anthony重新回到洛杉矶进行私人教学爵士鼓和爵士吉他,同时运营他的工作室。在洛杉矶各个地区都能看到他融合爵士、雷鬼、R&B和Hip-hop多种曲风的极具个人特色的演出。

Anthony, being the son of a United Methodist Minister, participated in both the youth and adult gospel choir as both vocalist (tenor) and guitarist from an early age. His formal training includes a B.S. in Chemistry/ Minor in Music from the State University of New York at Buffalo (UB), a Journeyman’s Certification in Music Production and Engineering from the Musicians Institute (MI) in Hollywood, California, 12 years of drum instruction from the Depew Public School System, as well as guitar instruction from Phil Upchurch. Anthony’s professional performances include opening for The Mighty Diamonds, Steel Pulse, Public Enemy, The Beastie Boys, EPMD, as well as performing with Malcolm-Jamal Warner’s Miles Long. Previously, Anthony resided in Los Angeles, where he gave private lessons for the guitar and drums, as well as ran Merlin’s Recording Studio. Anthony has also performed throughout the Los Angeles area playing a combination of jazz, reggae, R&B, and hip-hop. 

22:00  Main Set

Coelho Band With Special Guests

来自葡萄牙的吉他手Luis Coelho,拥有超过20年在世界各地表演的经验。擅长拉丁、前卫摇滚以及爵士融合等音乐风格。他以个人独特的演奏音色出名,2011年入选为吉他偶像III(GuitarIdol III)前15名,是一位具有良好的个人演奏才能和团队合作能力的吉他手。

Luis Coelho comes from Portugal, have roots in Latin,Progressive Rock, and Jazz/Fusion genres.he had toured Asia, Europe, participated in TV Shows andstudio recordings including for The Voice of China.In 2011, he was selected in the top 15 finalist of GuitarIdol III, a worldwide talent search to find the hottest undiscovered guitaristsfrom every corner of the globe. 10th most voted by public among the 100finalists in over 1700 competitors from all over the world. 

02/02 FRI 周五

Door 150RMB

21:00 Early Set

Eddy Quartet


Eddy Quartet,a fusion jazz band. Everything can be a part of them. 

22:30  Main Set

JZ Big Band Conducted by Alec Haavik

成立于2006年的JZ Big Band是中国顶级爵士大乐队,集合了中国国内外一流爵士乐手。乐队曾与Dee Dee Bridgewater、崔健, 李泉, 顺子,赵可…等同台合作, 受邀参演:丹麦哥本哈根爵士音乐节、历届爵士上海音乐节、上海国际电影节、爵士厦门音乐节等,以及上海世博会倒计时的演出。同时JZ Big Band曾作为荷兰歌后Laura Fygi中国巡演指定乐队,多次随Laura Fygi赴北京、广州、深圳、香港等地演出,受到中外观众的关注和喜爱。 从经典的摇摆乐、节奏感强烈的放克到热情的拉丁音乐,JZ Big Band将爵士的醇厚等各种风味更好地在展现乐迷面前。乐队融合而丰富的音乐风格,瞬间带我们回到爵士的黄金时代,让我们在最纯粹的演奏中陶醉。

The JZ Big Band performs everything from swinging classic jazz of Duke Ellingtonand Charlie Mingus, to funk and Latin music, as well their own originalcompositions and world music arrangements. Since 2012, their special performance in JZ Club every Monday has attracted people from everywhere to swing all of the night, just like going back to the golden times.

01:30 Early Set

New York Midnight Swing Hosted By Big Al G

每周末JZ Club将继续精彩纷呈的Jam Session,各路爵士高手频频过招为大家奉献一道道别开生面的爵士音乐大餐!

Welcome to our Jam Session which is one of the coolest jazz events in JZ Club!

02/03 SAT 周六

Door 100RMB

21:00 Early Set

Eddy Quartet


Eddy Quartet,a fusion jazz band. Everything can be a part of them. 

22:30  Main Set


Noukilla 是一支由来自岛国毛里求斯的乐队团体, 于2005年来到中国的上海。他们开始在这座城市里和不同的乐队合作并翻唱了不同的歌曲,与此同时也定期聚在一起表演来自他们遥远家乡的音乐,并在2010年催生了Noukilla乐队的成立。Noukilla在他们的家乡的意思就是“我们到了”。包含大量原创歌曲和他们特有的Sega/Seggae混合音乐风格,粉丝们都用“阳光、多姿多彩、热情洋溢、欢乐、充满活力、随时带来好心情”等溢美之词来称赞Noukilla。

Noukilla's members are musicians from the Island of Mauritius, who came to Shanghai in 2005. While playing cover songs with different bands in the city and working as session musicians at the same time, they regularly came together to play tunes from their far away home. Their unconditional love for music led to the birth of Noukilla (meaning ‘Here we are’) in 2010, bringing original songs and their own style of Sega/Seggae-Fusion to the fans, who find words like “sunny, exotic, colorful, warm, happy, energetic, good mood” to describe the band.

01:30 Early Set

New York Midnight Swing Hosted By Big Al G

每周末JZ Club将继续精彩纷呈的Jam Session,各路爵士高手频频过招为大家奉献一道道别开生面的爵士音乐大餐!

Welcome to our Jam Session which is one of the coolest jazz events in JZ Club!

02/04 SUN 周日

Door 100RMB

21:00 Main Set

Big Al G Quartet FT. Frank Bray

Al Gordon是宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡出生的鼓手。 曾和Joe Harris, Babe Fabrizi和Roger Humphries一起学习,和 Gene Ludwig 和the Danny Fogel organ trios一起演奏。 


Al Gordon – Drummer born in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania.  Studied with Joe Harris, Babe Fabrizi. and Roger Humphries. Performed with both the Gene Ludwig and the Danny Fogel organ trios.

作为歌手和演员,弗兰克的职业生涯已满三十年,跨越三大洲。弗兰克总部设在上海,日内瓦和纽约,他目前是一名国际演艺人士。作为一个艺人他的经历相当丰富,在曼哈顿拥有最受欢迎的俱乐部,特别是Dizzy's Club Coca Cola,,Blue Note,Show以及纽约时装周,和纽约市最着名的乐队一起开始巡演。

As a singer and actor Frank's career has now spanned three decades and three continents. Based in Shanghai, Geneva and New York, Frank is an international performer currently focusing his talent on Shanghai. His experience as an entertainer ranges from having performed in many of the hippest clubs in Manhattan, notably Dizzy's Club Coca Cola, the Blue Note, Show and at New York fashion week, to touring the East coast with some of New York City's most prominent Big Bands.







*周二 周三有主播

每周二周三 21:00-22:30的趣味解说,由不同的资深爵士音乐家陪你边听边聊(科学伴听)。足不出户你便可以聆听演出现场乐手们精彩的器乐对话与博弈通过现场收音系统捕捉演出间隙台上乐手交谈、台下的酒入杯盏......

而其他时段(周四至周一 21:00-深夜),我们也将继续开放直播,邀你静静收听现场演出。


周五 /周六



B区 小沙发(B1-B4)


C区 大沙发(C1-C3)















[email protected] 



#158 JULU RD.


021-53098221 / 64310269






