The Brain Cognition & Brain Disease Institute for Collaboration Research of SIAT at CAS and the McGovern Institute at MIT
讲座主题:Neural Mechanisms of Social Reward
讲座时间:2018年09月03日 15:00
讲座地点:先进院A504 会议室
讲座主持:王立平 研究员
演讲嘉宾:Robert C. Malenka
Stanford University
Pritzker Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Deputy Director, Stanford Neurosciences Institute
Associate Chair, Dept. of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
报告简介:Positive prosocial interactions contribute to the development and maintenance of a range of adaptive, cooperative behaviors. Conversely, inability to participate in normal social interactions is a debilitating symptom of several prominent neuropsychiatric disorders. Although the role of neuromodulators in social behaviors, in particular oxytocin, is an active area of investigation, relatively little is known about the detailed neural mechanisms that influence sociability. We have pursued the hypothesis that the release of serotonin (5-HT) from dorsal raphe (DR) neurons in the mouse nucleus accumbens (NAc), a key node of classic reward circuitry, is critical for promoting non-aggressive prosocial interactions. We find that bidirectional modulation of 5-HT release in the NAc robustly modifies sociability in opposing directions, while having minimal effects on control behaviors.