听美队Chris Evans为你讲个英文睡前故事,练习美式英语的最好素材!(附视频&故事全文)

听美队Chris Evans为你讲个英文睡前故事,练习美式英语的最好素材!(附视频&故事全文)

精彩英语演讲 欧美男星 2017-05-15 22:22:07 528


BBC的CBeebies儿童节目最新一期请来一位男神,美国队长Chris Evans~ 他给小盆友讲了个关于超级英雄的故事:光鲜亮丽的超级英雄,也会暴跳如雷闹脾气……到底是什么原因呢?美队的声音超温柔有磁性,这绝对是非常棒的美音英语学习素材!

在这个节目播出之后,外媒是这样报道的“When Hollywood heart-throb Chris Evans read a bedtime story on CBeebies, the mums seemed to enjoy it more than the toddlers it was aimed it.”很多孩子的父母看了这一期节目后都为美队疯狂了……比如有位女士反映,“我的孩子或许过了看CBeebies睡前故事的年纪,但我不是!尤其是迷人的Chris Evans在读它!”所以,赶紧假装自己是小孩纸,伴着美队的声音进入梦乡吧!

美队Chris Evans睡前故事全文英文版

Another busy day helping people and saving the world. Good work, Teddy.

Hi, I'm Chris.

You know, being a superhero can really be tough sometimes - you have good days and bad days.

And that's what tonight's bedtime story's all about.

It's called Even Superheroes Have Bad Days, and it's written by Shelly Becker with pictures by Eda Kaban.

When superheroes don't get their way, when they're sad and they're mad, when they have a bad day, they could use superpowers to kick, punch and pound.

They could shriek, they could screech with an ear-piercing sound.

They could crush wooden crates and bend metal gates.

They could throw trucks and buses across several states.

They could knock over buildings, like towers of blocks, and crumble the streets into rubble and rocks.

They could use laser eyes to ignite forest fires or fling boomerangs to deflate the town's tyres.

But upset superheroes have all sorts of choices.

Instead of destruction and loud, livid voices, they burn angry steam off with speed-of-light hiking or super-Xtreme outer space mountain biking.

They race to the rescue of people in need and delight in the joy of a super-good deed.

They hatch super-plans to help banish world sadness,building fabulous theme parks for giggles and gladness.

They chase wanted bad guys with supercharged zing,dragging hundreds to jail while police dance and sing.

They track down and tame super-menacing beasts and transform pity parties to victory feasts.

But displeased superheroes who don't feel serene could have super-temptation to cause a bad scene.

"Come on! Move it!"

They could blast icy blizzards on hot afternoons or walloping twisters and monster typhoons.

They could spin super-webs super-far, super-sticky and tangle up towns with their silk - super-icky!

They could rotate the planet and mess up world time or sit back and relax while the world fills with crime.

When superheroes don't get their way, when they're sad,when they're mad, when they've had a bad day, they could super-rampage.

They could, but they don't because real superheroes just wouldn't.

They won't.

Instead, they dig down to their super-best part -the strong superpowers contained in their heart and, using their talents, as true heroes should,they battle the urge to do harm, though they could.

They acknowledge their sorrow, their anger, their pain and they wait for their super-emotions to wane.

It's OK if they frown, it's OK if they sigh,it's even OK if they slump down and cry.

But then they get up and they get on with their day,saving the world in their most super way.

Wow, what a powerful tale.

Our superheroes found a way to channel their energy and,if they can do it, so can you because you're a superhero, too.

And do you know what all good superheroes need?

A super-sleep, ready for new adventures tomorrow.

So tuck yourself in with your favourite ted,and I'll see you for another bedtime story very soon. Night-night.

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