寄生虫 | 韩国 | 2019 | 豆瓣8.8
韩国 · 寄生虫
—— 电影简介 ——
基宇(崔宇植 饰)出生在一个贫穷的家庭之中,和妹妹基婷(朴素丹 饰)以及父母在狭窄的地下室里过着相依为命的日子。一天,基宇的同学上门拜访,他告诉基宇,自己在一个有钱人家里给他们的女儿做家教,太太是一个头脑简单出手又阔绰的女人,因为自己要出国留学,所以将家教的职位暂时转交给基宇。 就这样,基宇来到了朴社长(李善均 饰)家中,并且见到了他的太太(赵汝贞 饰),没过多久,基宇的妹妹和父母也如同寄生虫一般的进入了朴社长家里工作。然而,他们的野心并没有止步于此,基宇更是和大小姐坠入了爱河。随着时间的推移,朴社长家里隐藏的秘密渐渐浮出了水面。 ©豆瓣
Look again at # a beautiful and flexible poem. It flows so pure on the zigzag path and in the labyrinth like alley. The little flowers in the homework book are like the witness of running in the dark night last night and the proof of simple and sincere friendship. A simple subject is light and humorous, and there is a touch of sadness in beauty. The process of looking for it sweeps through a corner of the social status quo, and it is handled without trace, light and wise. I love the scene of children and old people walking through doors and windows in the light and shadow. The scheduling is almost natural. The light source is like a god attached body. It seems that they have experienced the same period of life together. The long passing of years and the desire for fresh life are perfectly integrated at this moment.