

ARRI 欧美女星 2018-06-27 12:36:28 550

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Volucap录影棚创新的核心——360度录制区域,高度接近4米,以及外部照明——此乃ARRI系统团队专家与Fraunhofer HHI紧密合作的成果。他们为这个圆柱形空间设计安装了235台ARRI SkyPanel S60-C和S30-C LED柔光灯。


为了开发这个全新的市场,ARRI联合Fraunhofer HHI、Interlake、Studio Babelsberg和UFA几家股东共同创立了Volucap公司。作为一家集群创新公司,Volucap希望通过提供容积式录制技术搭建桥梁,促进VR/AR制作市场各家参与者的交流与合作。由于VR和AR发展迅猛,公司管理层看到了未来的需求。这项新录制技术很适合在专业领域中推广,例如在线培训、汽车工业研发、游戏或医学应用,前景广阔,尤其是电影行业,比如说打造“身临其境式电影”。

录影棚启用仪式(从左至右): 斯文•斯拉任杰(Interlake)、卡尔•沃布肯博士(Studio Babelsberg)、勃兰登堡州经济事务和能源部部长阿尔布雷希特•格柏、彼得•考夫(Fraunhofer HHI)、女演员埃米莉亚•舒勒、约翰内斯•斯图尔博士(ARRI)、弗兰克•格瓦瑞(UFA)和斯文•布利冬(Volucap)

ARRI将Volucap视为面向未来(虚拟世界)的一次投资。ARRI集团未来趋势与技术团队总监约翰内斯•斯图尔博士(Dr. Johannes Steurer)说:“对我们来说,推动新兴VR和AR市场3D录制技术的研发,提前探索它的商用前景非常重要,还有一点,我们可以很早就搞清楚我们的产品和服务面对这些市场应该如何进一步发展。”

Volucap录影棚创新的核心——360度录制区域,高度接近4米,以及外部照明——此乃ARRI系统团队专家与Fraunhofer HHI紧密合作的成果。他们为这个圆柱形空间设计安装了235台ARRI SkyPanel S60-C和S30-C LED柔光灯。



Volucap录影棚获得勃兰登堡州“数字中枢推广计划”200万欧元的注资,该州经济事务和能源部部长阿尔布雷希特•格柏(Albrecht Gerber)参加了录影棚的启用仪式,他称赞Volucap拥有“巨大的经济潜力”,是一个“伟大的标志性项目”。在启用仪式当天,埃米莉亚•舒勒(Emilia Schuele)是第一位走进Volucap完成360度数字化录影的女演员。

照片提供: Fraunhofer HHI (1),斯特方•金(2)




SkyPanel 4.0版固件带来强大的新控制功能

ARRI takes part in Volucap Volumetric Studio

As co-partner of Volucap, the first volumetric studio on the European mainland, ARRI is driving the development and marketing of recording techniques for virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR).

Teaser-Trailer Volucap

On June 12, 2018, the first commercial volumetric studio on the European mainland opened at the fx.center in Potsdam-Babelsberg, Germany. There, people and other moving objects can be scanned in lifelike, three-dimensional quality in a circular space using 32 cameras. These hologram-like representations can be processed similar to computer animated models and transferred into real and virtual environments. In addition, viewers can enter these worlds with the help of VR glasses and view the recorded persons or objects from every possible angle.

To develop this completely new market, Volucap GmbH was founded with ARRI, Fraunhofer HHI, Interlake, Studio Babelsberg, and UFA as shareholders. As an innovation cluster, the company aims to promote the networking of different market participants in the field of VR/AR production and to substantiate this with the volumetric recording service offered. The operator consortium expects high demand due to the rapid market developments in VR and AR. The technology can be used for professional commissioned productions in the fields of eLearning, automotive, games, or medicine, for example. This opens up completely new possibilities, especially for the film industry, including “walk-in films”.

Starting signal for Volucap (from left): Sven Slazenger (Interlake), Dr. Carl L. Woebcken (Studio Babelsberg), Minister Albrecht Gerber, Peter Kauff (Fraunhofer HHI), actress Emilia Schuele, Dr. Johannes Steurer (ARRI), Frank Govaere (UFA), and Sven Bliedung (Volucap)

ARRI regards the participation in Volucap as an investment in the (virtual) future. “It is very important for us to drive forward the technological development and early commercial implementation of 3D recording techniques for the new VR and AR markets. Last but not least, we learn early on how our products and services for these markets need to be further developed,” explains Dr. Johannes Steurer, Teamlead Future Trends & Technology at ARRI.

The heart of the innovative Volucap studio—the 360-degree recording area, almost four meters high and illuminated from the outside—was planned and equipped by the experts of the ARRI System Group in close cooperation with Fraunhofer HHI. They installed a network of 235 ARRI SkyPanel S60-C and S30-C series LED spotlights around the light rotunda.

ARRI System Group experts installed 235 SkyPanels from ARRI at Volucap Studio

“With the lighting equipment, ARRI is already making a significant contribution to the studio's performance,” emphasizes Dr. Johannes Steurer. He also sees further points of contact at ARRI: “In the field of post-production services, the proximity to Volucap enables the consistent implementation of demanding VR and AR projects for film and industrial customers. For the Camera Systems division, Volucap provides the application scenarios and important impulses for the further optimization of the recording technology.”

Albrecht Gerber, Brandenburg´s Minister of Economics and Energy, officially opened the studio, which is funded by the state of Brandenburg with approximately two million euros from the Digital Hub Initiative. He praised Volucap as a “great showcase project” with “enormous economic potential.” On this occasion, actress Emilia Schuele was the first actress to be recorded in 360 degrees so that she could later be digitally staged.

Photos: Fraunhofer HHI (1), Stefan Kny (2)

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