美国偶像起源于英国的Pop Idol(流行偶像),美国偶像节目自开播以来一直是美国Neilson收视率排行榜第一名。三位评判Simon Cowell, Randy Jackson (II) & Paula Abdul 和主持人Ryan Seacrest在全美国寻找美国偶像--流行天皇/天后。
1. What the hell is that?!
使用情况:通常得到这样评论的选手必定是吓了评委一大跳的——in a BAD way of course。不是跑调得厉害就是表演得出奇怪异。
2. I didn't understand a word of that.
3. It's completely pointless/ridiculous/weird.
使用情况:自然……也不是什么好话。其中“It's completely pointless”多用在选手一上来的表现被批,然后主动要求再唱一首,结果还是被拒绝的情况。通常,评委没有主动明示的话,就不要自作聪明啦,不然只会给人家带来更大的折磨。
4. Sorry, sweet heart.
使用情况:显然也是no的意思,通常选手是那种性格比较讨人喜欢,或者长得还算漂亮,可惜歌艺平平的那种。当然也不否认偶尔也有评委为了安慰选手这么一说……sweetheart还能替换成honey, dear之类的。
5. There’s nothing special.
6. I’ve never heard that in my life.
1. It’s a bit over-the-top.
使用情况:歌唱得还算不错, 然而表演过头的那种。过多的舞蹈动作反而会减分呢……如果歌声足够出彩,也许评委会多给一次机会让选手换首安静一点的歌来唱。
2. I think you deserve a second chance.
3. I’ve got goose bumps.
使用情况:通常是女评委会这么说,绝对是好话哦。只有选手的声音很有穿透力、感动了评委才会发生这样的事情。注意这个词组goose bumps,“鹅皮疙瘩”——估计老外个子大疙瘩也比咱东方人的大,所以不是“鸡皮”而是“鹅皮”。
4. This girl/boy can sing.
5. You are absolutely nature/brilliant/amazing/fantastic.
使用情况:谁都听得出这是很高的评价啦。要注意这个You are absolutely nature. 估计要说“你天生…”这样的句子我们都会想得很复杂,原来nature一个词就可以了。还有就是老外说话很喜欢加absolutely这么“严重”的修饰,加强语气嘛。
6. One hundred/thousand/million percent yes!
使用情况:“百分百同意”么经常听见,不过果然老外说话夸张啊,百分之千什么也带的……有一次我还听到了One hundred million percent yes! 汗……那得多少个零啊?
一起学雅思 你最喜欢的歌
(2018 5-8月口语预测题)
Describe your favorite song
you should say:
– What is the song about?
– When did you first hear the song?
– Why is it your favorite?
Honestly speaking, for the most part, I would probably say that I have a great passion for listening to music and indeed I have listened like thousands of songs so far.
However, if I have to pick out a song that I like the most, I would probably choose the song Never grow old by Dolores from Cranberries(小红莓乐队).
I really enjoy the gorgeous lyrics and melody, which makes me addicted to this song. I can even remember the lyrics:
“I had a dream
In this dream it seems
It was my perfect day
Open my eyes
I realize this is my perfect day
Hope you never grow old”
Whenever I hear this song, I can feel a touch of sadness, and loneliness, but it also shows the hope of a better future. Maybe this is because of her unhappy experience in her childhood. It is said that she had been abused since she was 8 years old. What a pity. She is such a talented singer! In this song, I feel she is so desperate that she could do anything to escape the cycle of her life but after all she can ’ t afford to do so.
The reason that I am so fond of this song has something to do with the fact that it provokes so many beautiful memories from my childhood. Although it is a sad song, it opens my eyes to many things in life. One of them is that we should not take anything for granted, even the simplest one, and try to live to our fullest so that one day we would not have to regret that much about the journey that we have been through.
Fairly speaking, Hope You Never Grow Old is a really good song for self-reflecting, especially when you find yourself lost in the super busy world nowadays.