Bob Dylan 拒绝诺贝尔奖的老头

Bob Dylan 拒绝诺贝尔奖的老头

梵雅英语俱乐部 欧美男星 2017-08-09 10:16:24 211

Bob Dylan is a world-famous singer, song-writer, painter, and writer.

He was born in May 24th 1941. 

He is most known for his folk music and rock & roll music.

(Folk music 民谣;Rock & Roll 摇滚乐)

His music was called the ‘voice of a generation’. His music piece “blowing in the wind” and “ The times they are a-changing”, which became anthems of the civil rights movement and anti-war movement.

(Voice of a generation 时代的声音;anthem 圣歌,赞美诗;Civil rights 民权;  anti-war 反战(anti adj.反对的))

His music had won many awards across the world. Won many Grammy awards. And he was nominated the Grammy hall of fame. And the Presidential Medal of Freedom which the highest honor for people who contribute in literature. 

(Grammy 格莱美;Hall of fame 名人堂 ; Presidential Medal of Freedom总统自由奖章)

(Presidential Medal of Freedom 奥巴马为鲍勃迪伦带上自由奖章)

His music changed the world. Because of his world known pieces, he was nominated for the Nobel prize in literature. But he refuse to accept the prize.

(Nobel prize in literature 诺贝尔文学奖)

His music was loved around the world, many singers made cover versions of his songs. The most famous have to be “ make you feel my love”. This song later sang by Adele and become famous in China.

他的很多歌都被翻唱,其中最著名的一首是make you feel my love. 这首歌被英国歌手阿黛尔翻唱,在国内迅速的流传起来。


blowing in the wind

like a rolling stone 

The time they are a-changing

Girl from the north country 


Make you feel my love 

Tombstone blues 

Lay lady Lay 






