当有人跟你说:“Let's enjoy the Golden Gaytime!”时,你要怎么回……

当有人跟你说:“Let's enjoy the Golden Gaytime!”时,你要怎么回……

外研社Unipus 日韩女星 2018-02-25 09:13:02 820


某天小U正在专心看稿子,Rachelle(蕊蕊小姐姐)走过来对我神秘一笑说:Do you want to enjoy the Golden Gaytime tonight?



然后,小蕊蕊就开始对小U开展了“澳洲美食文化”恶补,然后……说好的Golden Gaytime呐?


As a multicultural country, it can be hard to find food specific to Australia. Our water is safe to drink, but tastes different in most cities. There are many international supermarkets and restaurants, and we have areas famous for particular food. But what is Australian food? We do have differences from other countries, so here are a list of some "must-eat" foods:

Golden Gaytime

These ice-creams are very popular and can be found individually in convenient stores like 7-11 or in supermarkets as a pack or a tub. With a vanilla middle, covered in caramel, then topped with chocolate and crumbed biscuit, it's no wonder why they're so popular. They come in various flavours, but the original is still the most popular. First released in Australia in 1959, "gaytime" is a perfect way to describe happiness, which is what this ice-cream brings.


其实gay的意思在这里并非你们所知道的那样,英国诗人威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)在著名诗歌I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud中写道: 

A poet could not but be gay,

In such a jocund company.


诗人怎能不 gay?

此处的 gay 显然不是指同性恋者。20 世纪 30 年代,林语堂用英文出版了苏东坡传记,取名 The Gay Genius。“十年生死两茫茫”,苏东坡悼亡妻的《江城子》流传千古,没听说他是同性恋。

翻开一本词典瞧瞧,gay 有三个意思:同性恋的鲜艳的快乐的。并明确标出,后两个是过时的(old-fashioned)。华兹华斯和林语堂,取 “快乐的” 之义。

So,若有人上来就是一句:“Hey, do you wanna have a golden gaytime?”


I'm happy and free, in good health, gay and cheerful. OK?


所以,广告语可以说是很贴切了……It's hard to have a Gaytime on your own...

Tim Tam Slam

Known even on If you are the One, Arnott's Tim Tams are delicious chocolate biscuits in Australia.

真是不查不知道,这Tim Tam那可是号称澳大利亚国宝级巧克力饼干,它的美味也是在国际上享有名声的,在澳洲的U粉儿们一定要替小U尝一尝啊!

There are various kinds of Tim Tams, some only available for a short amount of time. The Tim Tam Slam, however, is usually the original chocolate biscuit, but with an added twist. If you bite off both ends of the tip tam (usually the two corners), you can use this biscuit as a straw(吸管). You can have a glass of milk or a hot chocolate through this "straw" and that'll be your first Tim Tam Slam.

这段描述就十分有趣了:机智无比的澳大利亚人在Tim Tam饼干的基础上发明了一种改良品叫做“Tim Tam Slam”。在这种饼干的两个对角各咬开一个口之后,把其中一个缺口放入牛奶、咖啡等饮品中,就可以从另一头开始吸吮,直接把饼干变成吸管!小U听了也是跃跃欲试呢!

澳洲小哥哥带来了Tim Tam☟


Pubs in Australia have a range of hearty meals, and they're often found in universities as well as in the city or just around the place. One of the most common meals you will find in pubs are parmas. Parma is short for chicken parmigiana. It's like a chicken schnitzel (crumbed chicken), with tomato sauce, bacon and cheese on top. There are a lot of variations on this, but it's usually served in a huge portion, with chips and a small salad.


Also in universities, and parks, are BBQs for anyone to have their own sausage sizzle or something else. You don't need to reserve them, just simply walk up and start cooking! You do need to bring your own food to cook though. 

Pineapple Pizza

Another favourite is pineapple pizza. It has a different name depending on what store or restaurant you go to, but it's usually called pineapple, Hawaiian or Tropical pizza. It's basically ham, cheese, pineapple and basil. Give it a try! A lot of our pizza shops have a particular style, Italian or specific to their store. That's why the names change depending on where you go. There are a lot of different kinds of pizza like prawn or lamb pizza, so even if you don't want a classic pineapple pizza, you can try something else or make your own. Turkish bread as a pizza base is common when people make their own pizzas, as is flat bread.


Christmas food

I think the first thing to mention about Christmas in Australia, is that December is the start of Summer for us. So we have really hot weather, beautiful beaches and a summer Christmas. We do have Santa hats and classic Christmas foods, but we also have lots of fruit, BBQs and Christmas ham. Every family cooks something different on Christmas, so it depends what their particular background is. 



For example, Italians celebrate Christmas with a special cake called Panettone. Don’t be surprised if during the lead-up to Christmas, you start finding food you’ve never seen before. Australians celebrate all sorts of different Christmases from different parts of the world, and so our shops reflect the various traditions and foods that come with this. We have a lot of seasonal food and fruit. Some of the fruit that comes in season are strawberries, blueberries and more! I recommend you buy all the fruit you want when they’re in season, because they’re full of flavor and cheap.  


Orthodox Easter

Another thing about being multi-cultural is that everyone knows there are two times for Easter. There's Easter and then there's Orthodox Easter. Both follow the lunar calendar, but the Orthodox Easter is calculated using dates from the Julian calendar so the day is usually different to mainstream Easter. Usually people who are Orthodox Christians, such as Greeks and Russians, will observe Orthodox Easter as opposed to mainstream Easter. Greek shops are open during Easter, and closed for Orthodox Easter. Or, if your family follows Orthodox Easter, you get to buy all your chocolate when it's on sale, so you get Easter, but you get it cheaper.



Vegemite is a classic Australian spread. We usually put a small amount on toast, and sometimes add a slice of cheese. You can have this on crackers, or even as a pasta sauce. It's not like a chocolate spread at all. Trust us, you only need a little bit of vegemite and never on its own. Vegemite is fermented yeast, and is rich in Vitamin B. So when an Australian is feeling unwell, or wants a great breakfast, you can see them have a vegemite toast or cracker. Not all Australians like Vegemite, like any food it depends on each person's taste.


简而言之,这就是传说中的“澳洲臭豆腐”,它是一种深棕色的澳大利亚食物酱,由酿酒业的副产品酵母抽提物经加工而得到,一般用于涂在三明治、烤面包、烤面饼和梳打饼上食用。据说在澳大利亚,人们会骗那些没有见过这种酱的人吃下一大勺,然后大笑着看他们酸爽的表情哦~ 感觉新技能get了~



Anzac biscuits

Anzac biscuits are an Australian tradition that date back to the First World War. They were originally made by the wives of soldiers fighting overseas from ingredients like oats, honey and sugar, that don't spoil easily. This was because the journey from Australia to the battlefields took months and they needed to ensure they arrived good and ready to eat. These days they are eaten all year round and especially on days of remembrance for the war. They are usually a little hard, a little chewy with a slight sweetness to them.

Anzac是Australian and New Zealand Army Corps(澳新军团)的简称,特指在第一次世界大战期间远赴欧洲参加对同盟国作战的澳大利亚和新西兰联军。

这个Anzac Biscuit的来历也是颇为传奇——澳大利亚军人们的妻子为了能把食物寄给远在欧洲的丈夫,使用了一系列不易变质的原材料制作了这种饼干,而手法也一直延续至今。一百多年前从澳洲寄往欧洲战场的家庭自制式食物,小U不得不感慨劳动人民的智慧真是无穷大啊!


Australians love their pies. But when we talk about pies, we don't mean desert. We mean pastries filled with mincemeat in gravy. You'll see many stores and shops selling a variety of pies. Eating pies is very popular during sporting matches or even just for a snack. Although they aren't only found in Australia, we eat them a lot so they have become part of our national identity.



These are a popular desert throughout Australia. A local invention, Lamingtons have their origins in Queensland, being named after the Governor of Queensland, Lord Lamington. They are a small sponge cake with jam inside, coated in chocolate and rolled in coconut. Popular for any occasion, lamingtons are a centrepiece of Australian cuisine.

这个centrepiece of Australian cuisine的评价很高了,喜欢甜点的朋友们一定不要错过啊!

Fish and chips

We usually have fish and chips by the beach. There are different types of fish that you can have. Barramundi is a kind of fish, its name being a loanword from the native language of Rockhampton in northern Queensland, which means 'large-scaled river fish'. Another popular type of fish is called 'flake', which is our most common type of fish in Australia. It's usually the gummy shark, so when you get fish and chips, you can be eating shark and chips. It's very mild and highly recommended as you don't need to worry about bones. 

英国的“国菜”在澳大利亚同样受欢迎,到底是英联邦国家,经典的菜那肯定是少不了的。不过澳大利亚人因地制宜,搞了个“shark and chips”出来,鲨鱼配薯条,澳大利亚人真的是会玩啊。不过既然小姐姐大力推荐,那还是很值得一试的。



好了,澳洲美食今天就介绍到这里了,小U已经收拾好行李准备去enjoy the Golden Gaytime了!

编辑 | 桃子

实习生 | Rachelle


U伦布 | 英语 | 澳洲 | 美食









