

苏马葡萄酒IlMilione 欧美女星 2018-02-11 21:15:13 367


if you don't know how to judge a wine


then the awards are useful proof

李纳第尼酒庄位于帕尔马和雷焦艾米利亚的中间,在玛提尔德卡诺萨山脚下。酒庄的前身是一座建立于 1884 年的老式农场。由于身处葡萄园中间,在上世纪六十年代,经现庄主的父亲李纳尔多之手转型为酒庄。

The Rinaldini winery is located halfway between Reggio Emilia and Parma, at the feet of Matilde di Canossa hills. The winery has been converted from an old farm house from 1884 that stands at the center of the vineyards.

如今女儿宝拉同其丈夫 Marco Melegari 和儿子卢卡一起,保留着家族的传统经营酒庄生意。他们在从葡萄种植到葡萄酒装瓶的每个过程中都亲力亲为。在父亲的帮助下,庄园内的濒危葡萄品种得以幸存,例如兰布鲁斯科和 Pycol 的嫁接品种。在多年的努力维护下,这个葡萄品种开始被人们熟知和赏识。

 Established in the late sixties by the father Rinaldo, the business has retained its family tradition, and has managed the full transformation cycle, from the grape to the bottle, taken care by Paola Rinaldini with her husband Marco Melegari and son Luca, who is responsible for the care of the vineyards. Thanks to the father Rinaldo, the extinction of ancient vines was avoided, such as the clone of Lambrusco and Pycol, which made it known and given the appreciation it deserved after years of courage and tenacity.


Thanks to extensive research and testing, the Rinaldini demonstrated that even inferior and simple grapes, that were battered by producers and forgotten by masters of wine culture, it is possible to achieve wines of superior structure. It is so, that in the Rinaldini winery, is born the prestigious Lambrusco, a sparkling, tranquil, passito wine that blends together perfectly the best indigenous grapes of Emilia. 

艾米利亚罗马涅大区极具特色,这里是意大利北部和中部的交汇点,北部的波河流经这里,亚平宁山脉在这里向亚得里亚海延伸,形成了大片罗马涅的海滨 以及欧洲最长的沙滩。这里的气候和地理特色造就了意大利最多产的葡萄酒产区之一,包含超过五万六千公顷的葡萄种植面积。

The Emilia Romagna is a particular region, in the center of northern Italy, enclosed with Po River and the apennines leaning towards the adriatic sea, which creating the seaside  of Romagna with longest beach in Europe. The climate and soil characteristics make it the most productive wine regions with more than 56000 hectares.            


Lambrusco is a typical wine of Emilia Romagna,  representative of culinary excellence together with tortellini, Bologna mortadella ,  Parma ham, Parmigiano reggiano, Modenese ham, known and appreciated all over the world.


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 IL MILIONE总部:江苏苏州工业园区港田工业坊17-213 0512-62573433

 IL MILIONE天津:天津空港环河北路168号SM广场A1041 18902101693

 IL MILIONE 苏州:苏州-苏州中心B1-69号苏马意大利酒馆 0512-80660186

 IL MILIONE WINE LOUNGE:苏州园区苏州中心3楼03-15 0512-80660036 

 IL MILIONE 郑州: 河南郑州电厂路与五龙口华强城市广场2期 17337138122






