XprizeCN 欧美女星 2018-03-01 20:54:40 472

Sponsors & Partners

XPRIZE would like to thank the following sponsors for their support:


ANA is Japan’s five-star international airline with 83 international routesand 116 domestic routes. Founded in 1952, ANA bridges the divide betweenplaces, people and their cultures. The airline prides itself on providingpassengers with a unique and flawless journey through the airline’s relentlessdrive towards excellence, innovation and creativity. To learn more, click here.


In 2015, the innovationXchange (iXc) at the Australian Department ofForeign Affairs and Trade was launched as part of the Australian AidProgram to address the growing need for innovative and transformative solutionsfor intractable problems facing people living in developing countries. The iXcaims to foster a culture of innovation in our aid program by harnessing newtechnologies, methodologies, and partnerships. It understands collaboration ispivotal, partnering with other government agencies, the private sector, NGOs,and academics to source new ideas for piloting and experimentation.

Each of the iXc’s development portfolios – health and water, economicgrowth and humanitarian – challenge convention, seeking new ways to multiplythe impact of Australian aid in the Indo-Pacific. The iXc has led a variety ofopen innovation processes to help improve humanitarian responses in thePacific, aquaculture in the Indian Ocean, and food choices to reduce worseningmalnutrition levels in our region. It is also initiating an ambitious socialentrepreneurship and financing agenda to equip local innovators andentrepreneurs with the skills, networks, capital, and access to marketsrequired to make their businesses viable, attractive to investment, andscalable.

With global partners the iXc supports an online platform to allow hundredsof organizations across the world to share information on innovations and seekfinance for them where necessary. It will seek to invest in a range of debt,equity and grant funding initiatives that enable new technologies, behaviouralscience approaches, and business models to be explored. The iXc believes it iscrucial for all contributors to share lessons learned on developmentinnovations being trialled and will continue to seek opportunities to scalesuccessful pilots.

For more information, you can visit: to https://innovationxchange.dfat.gov.au/

iXc的每一个开发组合 - 健康与水,经济增长与人道主义都挑战惯例,寻求新的途径来增加澳大利亚对印度洋太平洋地区援助的影响。iXc领导了各种开放式创新流程,帮助改善太平洋地区的人道主义响应,印度洋水产养殖以及减少本地区营养不良水平恶化的食品选择。它还启动了雄心勃勃的社会企业家精神和融资议程,为本地创新者和企业家提供所需的技能,网络,资金和市场准入,以使其业务可行,具有投资吸引力和可扩展性。

The Barbara Bush Foundation is the nation’s leading advocate for familyliteracy. Founded by former First Lady Barbara Bush, the mission of theFoundation is to advocate for and establish literacy as a value in every home.

The goals of the Foundation are simple: We want children to start schoolready to excel and help parents improve their literacy skills.  Mrs.Bush’s guiding belief was simple – if you helped a person learn to read, theiropportunities in life were endless.

To learn more about the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy’scommitment to promote family literacy in homes across America, pleasevisit www.BarbaraBush.org.

基金会的目标很简单:我们希望孩子们开始准备好学习,并帮助父母提高他们的读写能力。布什夫人的指导信念很简单 - 如果你帮助一个人学习阅读,他们的生活机会是无止境的。

COSIA (Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance) is an alliance of Canada’slargest oil sands producers, collaborating on innovations to accelerate thepace of environmental performance improvement in Canada’s oil sands. Since itsformation in 2012, COSIA has shared 936 distinct environmental technologies andinnovations that cost over $1.3 billion to develop. COSIA has some of the bestminds on the planet working on technologies to enable the responsible andsustainable development of oil sands in the areas of water, land, tailings andgreenhouse gases. For more information, please visit www.cosia.ca.

COSIA(加拿大油砂创新联盟)是加拿大最大的油砂生产商组成的联盟,合作开发创新,加快在加拿大的油砂的环保性能改进的步伐。自2012年成立以来, COSIA已共享936种独特的环保技术和创新,投入了成本超过13亿美元用于开发。 COSIA拥有全球最优秀的技术人员,致力于技术研究,以实现水,土地,尾矿和温室气体领域油砂的负责任和可持续发展。欲了解更多信息,请访问www.cosia.ca

Deloitte Consulting LLP helps organizations grow their businesses andenhance value by identifying actionable insights. Over 31,000 practitionersprovide a broad range of capabilities across human capital, strategy &operations and technology that are aligned to the particular needs of specificsectors, businesses and organizations. Deloitte provides clients with leadingbusiness insights that can help generate a tangible and measurable impact. Formore information, click here.


Betsy and Dick DeVos are, respectively, chairman and president of theWindquest Group, an enterprise and investment management firm based in Michiganwith diversified projects in technology, manufacturing, clean technology, andnonprofit solutions.  Betsy is a national leader of school choice educationreform. She was a presidential appointee to the board of the John F. KennedyCenter for the Performing Arts and currently serves as a member of a number oflocal and national boards, including the American Federation for Children,ArtPrize, Kids Hope USA and the Foundation for Excellence inEducation. Dick is the former president of Amway Corporation and the NBA’sOrlando Magic. In addition to business roles, he is an active leader in a widerange of initiatives in his local community of West Michigan, including GrandAction Foundation and West Michigan Aviation Academy. Dick and Betsy have beenmarried for over 30 years and have seven children and two granddaughters. TheDick & Betsy DeVos Family Foundation serves as a catalyst for partner organizationsthat position communities for growth and viability.

BetsyDick DeVos分别是Windquest集团的董事长和总裁,Windquest集团是一家位于密歇根州的企业和投资管理公司,在技术,制造,清洁技术和非营利性解决方案方面拥有多元化项目。贝齐是选择教育改革的全国领导者。她是约翰肯尼迪表演艺术中心董事会的总统任命人,目前担任多个地方和国家委员会的成员,包括美国儿童联合会,艺术奖,希望儿童美国和基金会卓越教育。迪克是安利公司和NBA的奥兰多魔术队的前总裁。除了商业角色之外,他还是西密歇根当地社区的一系列活动中的积极领导者,其中包括Grand Action FoundationWest Michigan Aviation Academy迪克和贝齐已结婚超过30年,有七个孩子和两个孙女。DickBetsy DeVos家庭基金会为促进社区发展和生存的伙伴组织发挥了催化剂的作用。

Founded in 1993, the Dollar General Literacy Foundation (DGLF) has helpedadvance the literacy skills of over 6 million individuals and donated more than$100 million to nonprofit, library and school-based literacy programs. TheFoundation’s funding focuses on helping programs deliver quality literacyinstruction and increasing access to literacy services. The DGLF believeslearning to read is an investment that opens doorways for personal,professional and economic success. It is a gift that no one can take away – agift that lasts a lifetime.

Dollar General Literacy FoundationDGLF)成立于1993年,帮助超过600万人提高扫盲技能,并向非营利组织,图书馆和学校的扫盲计划捐赠超过1亿美元。该基金会的资助重点是那些提供优质的扫盲指导和增加扫盲服务途径的帮助计划。 DGLF认为,学习阅读是一项投资,为个人,专业和经济成功打开了大门。 这是一件没有人可以拿走的礼物 - 一种持续一生的礼物。

Econet Wireless is a diversified telecommunications group with operationsand investments in Africa, Europe, North America, Latin America and the AsiaPacific.

Econet Wireless是一家多元化的电信集团,在非洲,欧洲,北美,拉丁美洲和亚太地区运营和投资。

Google's innovative search technologies connect millions of people aroundthe world with information every day. Founded in 1998 by Stanford Ph.D. studentsLarry Page and Sergey Brin, Google today is a top web property in all majorglobal markets. Google's targeted advertising program provides businesses ofall sizes with measurable results, while enhancing the overall web experiencefor users. Google is headquartered in Silicon Valley with offices throughoutthe Americas, Europe and Asia. For more information, visit the Googlewebsite.

Google的创新搜索技术每天为全球数百万人提供信息。斯坦福大学博士生Larry PageSergey Brin创立于1998年。今天的Google是全球所有主要市场的顶级网站。 Google的针对性广告计划为各种规模的企业提供了可衡量的结果,同时为用户提升了整体网络体验。 Google总部位于硅谷,在美洲,欧洲和亚洲设有办事处。有关更多信息,请访问Google网站。

Scott Hassan created Suitable Technologies with the goal of redefiningpresence, by giving people the power to choose when and where to be present,regardless of geographic location. Prior to Suitable, Scott founded WillowGarage, combining his belief in open source technology and his passion forbringing robotics into everyday life. Scott has been a driving force behindsome of the most influential Internet companies and projects. He was thefounder of eGroups (now Yahoo! Groups) and was the key software architect anddeveloper of Google, Alexa Internet and the Stanford Digital Library. Scottinvests in start-ups that aim to make fundamental quality of life improvementsfor citizens around the world.

Scott Hassan创建了适合技术,旨在通过赋予人们选择何时何地在场的权力,而不管地理位置如何。在适合技术之前,Scott创立了Willow Garage,结合了他对开源技术的信仰和将机器人技术带入日常生活的热情。斯科特一直是一些最具影响力的互联网公司和项目背后的推动力量。他是eGroups(现在是Yahoo! Groups)的创始人,并且是GoogleAlexa Internet和斯坦福数字图书馆的关键软件架构师和开发人员。斯科特投资于初创企业,旨在为全球公民提高生活质量。

HeroX exists at the intersection of crowdsourcing, competition andcollaboration, using each to drive positive change. HeroX is a platform whereyou can support a cause you believe in, help fund a prize, or post challengesto inspire others. We offer the tools to help spark brilliant new solutions andwe spread the word to people passionate about change. For more information,visit HeroX.com.

HeroX存在于众包,竞争和合作的交叉点,使用它们推动积极的变化。 HeroX是一个平台,您可以支持您相信的事业,帮助寻找奖励项目,或张贴挑战激励他人。我们提供工具来帮助激发出崭新的解决方案,并且我们将Hero这个词汇传播给热衷于变革的人。欲了解更多信息,请访问HeroX.com

Watson represents a new era in computing called cognitive computing, wheresystems understand the world the way humans do: through senses, learning, andexperience. Watson continuously learns, gaining in value and knowledge overtime, from previous interactions. With the help of Watson, organizations areleveraging cognitive computing to transform industries, help professionals dotheir jobs better, and solve important challenges.

To advance Watson, IBM has three dedicated business units: Watson,established for the development of cloud-delivered cognitive computingtechnologies that represent the commercialization of "artificialintelligence" or "AI" across a variety of industries; WatsonHealth, dedicated to improving the ability of doctors, researchers and insurersand other related health organizations to surface new insights from datato deliverpersonalized healthcare; and Watson IoT, focused on making sense of dataembedded in more than 9 billion connected devices operating in the worldtoday, which generate 2.5 quintillion bytes of new data daily.

For more information on IBM Watson, visit: ibm.com/Watson and ibm.com/press/Watson.

为了推动沃森,IBM有三个专门的业务部门:Watson,专为云端交付的认知计算技术的开发而建立,代表了各种行业中“人工智能”或“人工智能”的商业化; WatsonHealth致力于提高医生,研究人员和保险公司以及其他相关卫生机构的能力,从数据中提供新的见解,提供个性化医疗服务;沃森物联网(Watson IoT),致力于使数据嵌入到当今世界上运行的超过90亿个连接设备中,每天产生2.5百京字节的新数据。
有关IBM Watson的更多信息,请访问:ibm.com/Watsonibm.com/press/Watson

Anu Jain

Anu Jain is an entrepreneur with a deep commitment to philanthropy. Anuco-founded several successful ventures including Lavish Life, InfoSpace andIntelius/inome. She is passionate about giving back and making a difference,with a focus on education, girls and women empowerment. Anu believes thateveryone should have equal rights to all basic needs as well as the besteducation possible, regardless of their socio-economic situation.

Anu is a member of the Board of Trustees and Vision Circle at the XPRIZE Foundation,a nonprofit focused on using exponential technology to solve the grandchallenges of humanity. She is sponsoring the Anu & Naveen Jain Women'sSafety XPRIZE to come up with the best solution for the safety of girls andwomen in India. She is also on the advisory council of the UN Foundation GirlUp campaign that specifically focuses on empowering adolescent girls in the USand around the world. Anu is also on the US-India Advisory Board of GirlRising, a global campaign for girl’s education.

Anu is a director of the board for Bellevue LifeSpring, an organizationdedicated to serving underprivileged children and their families in the localBellevue community. She has served on the advisory board of Pratham, an earlylearning education non-profit as well as on the board of the United Way of KingCounty and a six-year term as a board member at University Preparatory Academy.

Anu holds a BA in business administration and economics from SUNY, StonyBrook, NY, and an MBA from Rutgers University in New Jersey. She grew up inmany different countries as a UN child. Anu and her husband have three childrenwho are all entrepreneurs and actively involved in giving back to thecommunity.

Anu Jain是一位致力于慈善事业的企业家。Anu共同创立了几家成功的企业,包括Lavish LifeInfoSpaceIntelius / inome她热衷于回馈和改变,重点放在教育,女孩和女性赋权上。Anu认为,无论社会经济状况如何,每个人都应享有与所有基本需求同等的最佳教育权利。
AnuXPRIZE基金会董事会和Vision Circle的成员,该基金会是一家非营利组织,致力于使用指数技术解决人类的巨大挑战。她正在赞助AnuNaveen Jain女性安全XPRIZE,为印度女性和女性的安全提出最佳解决方案。她还担任联合国基金会女青年联合会的咨询委员,专门致力于增强美国和世界各地青少年女性的能力。Anu也在美印女孩教育全球运动Girl Rising咨询委员会中。
AnuBellevue LifeSpring董事会的董事,该组织致力于为当地Bellevue社区的贫困儿童及其家庭提供服务。她曾担任Pratham的咨询委员会成员,这是一个非盈利的早期学习教育机构,也是King County联合之路的董事会成员,并在大学预备学院任董事会成员,任期六年。

Naveen Jain

Naveen Jain is an entrepreneur and philanthropist driven to solve theworld’s biggest challenges through innovation. He is the founder of MoonExpress, World Innovation Institute, iNome, TalentWise, Intelius, Infospace, inaddition to serving as an advisor to the UK Longitude Prize and as a member ofthe Explorer club. He is also a regular contributor to Forbes, WSJ, INC andHuffington Post. As a Board of Trustees and Vision Circle member at the XPRIZEFoundation, he is focused on finding entrepreneurial solutions that addressglobal challenges in health, education, poverty, agriculture, and access toclean water.

He has been recognized globally for his entrepreneurial success andleadership, and has been awarded the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Yearand the Albert Einstein Technology Medal for pioneers in technology. Naveen wasnamed “Most Admired Serial Entrepreneur” by Silicon India, and won the RedHerring Lifetime Achievement Award for leadership in the technology industry,being named one of Red Herring’s Top 20 Entrepreneurs.

Naveen Jain is on the board of Singularity University, an interdisciplinaryuniversity with the mission to educate and inspire leaders to addresshumanity’s grand challenges through innovative technologies.

Naveen is an advisor to the UK Longitude Prize and a member of the Explorerclub.

Naveen Jain has been awarded many honors for my entrepreneurial successesand leadership skills including “Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year”,“Albert Einstein Technology Medal” for pioneers in technology, “Most admiredSerial Entrepreneur” by Silicon India and “Top 20 Entrepreneurs” and “LifetimeAchievement Award” for the leadership in the technology industry and support ofother entrepreneurs by Red Herring.

Naveen Jain是一位致力于通过创新解决世界最大挑战的企业家和慈善家。他是Moon Express,世界创新研究院,iNomeTalentWiseInteliusInfospace的创始人,此外还担任英国经度奖的顾问和Explorer俱乐部成员。他还是福布斯,华尔街日报,INC和赫芬顿邮报的定期撰稿人。作为XPRIZE基金会的董事会成员和愿景圈成员,他专注于寻找解决健康,教育,贫困,农业和获得洁净水方面全球挑战的创业解决方案。

Richard Merkin, has been the CEO and founder of the Heritage Group since1979. Under his stewardship, the Heritage Group has become the largest,physician-owned and operated integrated delivery system in the United Stateswith over 50 related healthcare companies. Dr. Merkin serves on the Board ofthe California Institute of Technology and the Keck School of Medicine at theUniversity of Southern California. He has established the Richard MerkinFoundation for Stem Cell Research at the Broad Institute at Harvard and theMassachusetts Institute of Technology, the Richard Merkin Initiative at theJohns Hopkins Brain Sciences Institute, and the Richard Merkin Foundation forNeural Regeneration at UCLA.

Richard Merkin1979年以来一直担任Heritage集团的首席执行官和创始人。在他的领导下,Heritage集团已成为美国最大的,医生拥有和运营的集成交付系统,拥有50多家相关医疗保健公司。 Merkin博士担任加利福尼亚理工学院和南加州大学Keck医学院董事会董事。他在哈佛大学Broad学院和麻省理工学院建立了Richard Merkin干细胞研究基金会,在加州大学洛杉矶分校建立了Richard Merkin神经再生基金会,在约翰霍普金斯大脑科学研究所发起了Richard Merkin倡议。

Elon is the CEO & Chief Technology Officer of Space ExplorationTechnologies (SpaceX) which is developing a family of launch vehicles intendedto reduce the cost and increase the reliability of access to space ultimatelyby a factor of ten. The company officially began operations in June 2002 and islocated in the heart of the aerospace industry in Southern California.

SpaceX is the third company founded by Mr. Musk. Prior to SpaceX, heco-founded PayPal, the world's leading electronic payment system, and served asthe company's chairman and CEO. PayPal has over twenty million customers in 38countries, processes several billion dollars per year and went public on theNASDAQ under PYPL in early 2002. Mr. Musk was the largest shareholder of PayPaluntil the company was acquired by eBay for $1.5 billion in October 2002.

Before PayPal, Mr. Musk co-founded Zip2 Corporation in 1995, a leadingprovider of enterprise software and services to the media industry, withinvestments from The New York Times Company, Knight-Ridder, MDV, Softbank andthe Hearst Corporation. He served as Chairman, CEO and Chief Technology Officerand in March 1999 sold Zip2 to Compaq for $307 million in an all cashtransaction.

Mr. Musk's early experience extends across a spectrum of advancedtechnology industries, from high energy density ultra-capacitors at PinnacleResearch to software development at Rocket Science and Microsoft. He has aphysics degree from the University of Pennsylvania, a business degree fromWharton and originally came out to California to pursue graduate studies inhigh energy density capacitor physics & materials science atStanford. 

马斯克先生的早期经验延伸到一系列先进技术行业,从Pinnacle Research的高能量密度超级电容器到Rocket ScienceMicrosoft的软件开发。他拥有宾夕法尼亚大学的物理学位,沃顿商学学位,最初在加利福尼亚州斯坦福大学攻读高能量密度电容器物理和材料科学专业。

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is ascience-based federal agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce withregulatory, operational, and information service responsibilities with apresence in every state and our territories. NOAA’s mission is to protect lifeand property and conserve and protect natural resources.

美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)是美国商务部内一个以科学为基础的联邦机构,负责监管,运营和信息服务,并负责在各州开展业务。 NOAA的使命是保护生命和财产,保卫和守护自然资源。

NRG is the leading integrated power company in the U.S., built on thestrength of the nation’s largest and most diverse competitive electricgeneration portfolio and leading retail electricity platform. A Fortune 200company, NRG creates value through best in class operations, reliable andefficient electric generation, and a retail platform serving residential andcommercial businesses. Working with electricity customers, large and small, wecontinually innovate, embrace and implement sustainable solutions for producingand managing energy. We aim to be pioneers in developing smarter energy choicesand delivering exceptional service as our retail electricity providers servealmost 3 million residential and commercial customers throughout the country.More information is available at www.nrg.com. Connect withNRG Energy on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @nrgenergy and @NRGMedia.

NRG是美国领先的综合电力公司,建立在全国最大,最多元化的竞争性发电组合和领先的零售电力平台之上。作为财富200强企业,NRG通过一流的运营,可靠高效的发电,以及为住宅和商业企业提供服务的零售平台创造价值。与大小电力客户合作,不断创新,接受和实施可持续的能源生产和管理解决方案。我们的目标是成为开发智慧能源和提供卓越服务的先锋,因为我们的零售电商为全国近300万住宅和商业客户提供服务。欲了解更多信息,请访问www.nrg.com。在Facebook上与NRG Energy联系,并在Twitter @nrgenergy@NRGMedia上关注我们。

Nokia is a global leader in mobile communications whose products havebecome an integral part of the lives of people around the world. Every day,more than 1.3 billion people use their Nokia to capture and share experiences,access information, find their way or simply to speak to one another. Nokia'stechnological and design innovations have made its brand one of the mostrecognized in the world. For more information, visit the Nokia website.


Established in 2010 by Qualcomm Incorporated, the Qualcomm Foundation isdedicated to developing and strengthening communities worldwide. Specifically,the Qualcomm Foundation focuses it philanthropic efforts on helping create andsustain educated, healthy, culturally vibrant communities in regions around theglobe. As sponsor of the Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE competition, the QualcommFoundation is proud to support the discovery of innovative mobile solutionsthat will contribute to the advancement of healthcare and diagnostics. For moreinformation about the Qualcomm Foundation and Qualcomm Incorporated’s globalsocial responsibility programs, visit the Qualcomm website.

高通基金会于2010年由Qualcomm Incorporated成立,致力于发展和加强全球社区。具体而言,高通基金会将其慈善活动的重点放在帮助在全球各地创建和维护受过教育,健康,充满文化活力的社区。作为Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE竞赛的赞助商,高通基金会很荣幸能够支持发现革新的移动解决方案,这将有助于推动医疗保健和诊断领域的发展。有关高通基金会和高通公司全球社会责任计划的更多信息,请访问高通网站。

John Raymonds is currently the Manager, CIO of Raymonds Capital, LLC. Hisoriginal background is in the rigid plastic packaging industry leading thesuccessful growth of two private businesses - one domestic to the US and one inEurope. In addition to the legacy of core operating business units there isalways a search for specific and unique direct investment opportunities. Recentwork includes being the lead investor bringing back the Reading Rainbow brandat RRKidz.com as well as a founding partner at Bron Studios in Vancouver, BC.John served on the Board of Trustees for an NAIS school for 8 years and in hispersonal life self-development is always a point of focus. Mr. Raymondsbelieves in living a balanced life, focusing on family and friends, and whereappropriate helping them to grow their own lives.

John Raymonds目前是Raymonds CapitalLLC的首席信息官、经理。他最初的背景是在硬塑料包装行业,导致两家私营企业的成功发展,其中一家在美国,另一家在欧洲。除了保留的核心经营业务单位之外,总是寻找特定和独特的直接投资机会。最近的工作包括作为主要投资者回收RRKidz.comReading Rainbow品牌以及卑诗省温哥华Bron工作室的创始合伙人。 John曾在NAIS学校董事会任职8年,在他个人生活中,自我发展始终是一个重点。 Raymonds先生相信,过着平衡的生活,关注家人和朋友,并在适当的时候帮助他们过上自己的生活。

For over 30 years, Tony Robbins’ passion has been helping people breakthrough and take their lives to new levels — no matter how successful theyalready are — in the areas that matter most: their businesses, personalfinance, intimate relationships, families, careers and health.

Tony has received honors from the United Nations, Forbes, Accenture,American Express and Harvard Business School. As a peak performance strategist,Tony has helped over 50 million people from more than 100 countries transformtheir lives through his live events, books, audio programs, health products andpersonal coaching. What began as Tony's individual effort to feed families inneed has grown into the nonprofit Anthony Robbins Foundation, which providesassistance to underserved youth, low-income families, senior citizens and thehomeless. The foundation's International Basket Brigade provides baskets offood and household items for an estimated two million people annually incountries all over the world.

30多年来,托尼罗宾斯的热情一直在帮助人们突破并将他们的生活提升到新的水平 - 无论他们已经取得多大成功 - 在最重要的领域:他们的企业,个人财务,亲密关系,家庭,职业生涯和健康。

Shell has been a technology pioneer for more than 100 years, and has comeup with many industry-transforming “firsts” to deliver energy its customers andpartners need. Since 2007, Shell has spent more than $1 billion annually onresearch and development. In 2014, our research and development expenditureswere $1.2 billion. Shell’s technical and engineering staff amount to more than43,000.

Shell companies have operations in more than 70 countries and territorieswith businesses including oil and gas exploration and production; productionand marketing of liquefied natural gas and gas to liquids; manufacturing,marketing and shipping of oil products and chemicals and renewable energyprojects. Royal Dutch Shell plc is incorporated in England and Wales, has itsheadquarters in The Hague and is listed on the London, Amsterdam, and New Yorkstock exchanges. For further information, visit www.shell.com.

壳牌一直是技术先锋已有100多年的历史,并且已经提出许多行业转型的“第一”,为其客户和合作伙伴提供所需的能源。自2007年以来,壳牌每年在研发方面花费超过10亿美元。 2014年,研发支出为12亿美元。壳牌的技术和工程人员达43,000多人。
壳牌公司在70多个国家和地区开展业务,包括石油和天然气勘探和生产; 生产和销售液化天然气; 制造,销售和运输石油产品和化学品以及可再生能源项目。荷兰皇家壳牌有限公司在英格兰和威尔士注册成立,总部设在海牙,并在伦敦,阿姆斯特丹和纽约证券交易所上市。欲了解更多信息,请访问www.shell.com

Wendy Schmidt is the President of The Schmidt Family Foundation, where sheworks to advance the development of renewable energy and the wiser use ofnatural resources. The foundation houses its grant-making operation in The 11thHour Project, which supports more than 150 nonprofit organizations in programareas including climate and energy, ecological agriculture, human rights, andits maritime connection, 11th Hour Racing.

In 2010, to further her commitment to ocean health issues, Wendy partneredwith XPRIZE to sponsor the Wendy Schmidt Oil Cleanup XCHALLENGE, a $1.4 millioncompetition designed to identify efficient and innovative solutions to addressoil spillage from ocean platforms, tankers, and other sources. The 18-monthlong competition, prompted by The Deepwater Horizon disaster, resulted in asolution that yielded fourfold improvement over existing cleanup capabilities.

In 2012, Wendy again partnered with XPRIZE to design the Wendy SchmidtOcean Health XPRIZE, a prize that responds to the global need for betterinformation about the process of ocean acidification, one of the harbingers ofclimate change. The prize launched in September 2013.

Wendy has a Masters in Journalism from The University of California atBerkeley, and a B.A. magna cum laude from Smith College. She serves on the boardsof The Natural Resources Defense Council, The California Academy of Sciences,Climate Central, XPRIZE, The Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute,GRIST, Maiyet, The Nantucket Dreamland Foundation, and The America's CupOrganizing Committee. Her interests include sailing, scuba diving and tennis.

2010年,为了进一步实现承诺解决海洋健康问题,WendyXPRIZE合作,赞助Wendy Schmidt石油清理XPRIZE,这是一项耗资140万美元的竞赛,旨在确定有效和创新的解决方案,以解决海洋平台,油轮和其他来源的溢油问题。由“深水地平线”灾难引发的长达18个月的竞赛,最终形成了一个解决方案,比现有的清理能力提高了四倍。
2012年,Wendy再次与XPRIZE合作设计了Wendy Schmidt Ocean Health XPRIZE,该奖项响应全球对海洋酸化过程的更好信息的需求,这是气候变化的先兆之一。该奖于20139月发布。
温迪拥有加州大学伯克利分校的新闻学硕士学位,以及史密斯学院优等成绩文学士学位。她在自然资源保护委员会,加州科学院,气候中心,XPRIZE,摇篮到摇篮产品创新研究所,GRISTMaiyetNantucket Dreamland基金会和美洲杯组委会担任董事会成员。她的兴趣包括帆船,潜水和网球。

Founded by Jamsetji Tata in 1868, the Tata group is a global enterprise,headquartered in India, comprising over 100 independent operating companies.The group operates in more than 100 countries across six continents, with amission ‘To improve the quality of life of the communities they serve globally,through long-term stakeholder value creation based on Leadership with Trust’.

There are 29 publicly-listed Tata enterprises with a combined marketcapitalisation of about $116 billion (as of March 31, 2016). Tata companieswith significant scale include Tata Steel, Tata Motors, Tata ConsultancyServices, Tata Power, Tata Chemicals, Tata Global Beverages, Tata Teleservices,Titan, Tata Communication and Indian Hotels.

In tandem with the increasing international footprint of Tata companies,the Tata brand is also gaining international recognition. Tata companies bringto their customers worldwide a whole host of reputed brands which touch theirlives every day. Brand finance, a UK- based consultancy firm, has valued Tata’smulti-brand portfolio at over $23 billion in 2016.

Tata companies are building multinational businesses that seek todifferentiate themselves through customer-centric, innovation,entrepreneurship, trustworthiness and value-driven business operations, whilebalancing the interests of diverse stakeholders including shareholders,employees and civil society.

Ratan Tata, former Group Chairman, Tata group, is a true believer inIndia’s potential to solve global problems at an exponential scale, with itsabundance of intellectual prowess and tech-savvy minds. He has made a string ofpersonal investments in new ventures which embody the creativity and innovationof young India.

Tata集团由Jamsetji Tata1868年创立,是一家总部位于印度的全球性企业,由100多家独立运营公司组成。该集团在遍布六大洲的100多个国家开展业务,其使命是“通过基于领导与信任的长期利益相关者价值创造,提高全球服务社区的生活质量”。
随着塔塔公司不断增加的国际业务,塔塔品牌也获得了国际认可。塔塔公司为全球客户带来了众多知名品牌,每天都会触及他们的生活。一家英国的咨询公司Brand finance2016年,评估塔塔的多品牌组合价值超过230亿美元。

Imaginea Energy stands for Imagine A new way of doing business, a new waythat involves lots of “AND.” As the President & CEO, Suzanne West is dedicatedto changing the way we develop our oil and gas resources by generatingsustainable profits that can do good in the world AND providing meaning andpurpose to people so that we make a greater positive difference in the worldAND doing it in a way that works with Mother Nature as a partner to providebetter sustainability of this beautiful planet we inhabit. West is the formerPresident of Black Shire Energy, Inc. and Auriga Energy, Inc., Chariot Energy,Inc., and Touchstone Petroleum, Inc.

Imaginea Energy意味着设想一种新的经营方式,一种涉及大量“AND”的新方式。作为总裁兼首席执行官,Suzanne West致力于通过产生可持续的利润来改变我们开发石油和天然气资源的方式,这对世界有利;为人们提供意义和目的,以便我们在世界上取得更大的积极影响;并以与大自然合作的方式,为我们居住的这个美丽的星球提供更好的可持续性。 WestBlack Shire EnergyInc.Auriga EnergyInc.Chariot EnergyInc.Touchstone PetroleumInc.的前总裁。


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