沁诉 Cool Whispers
北方冷夜低声语 Cool whispers drift from the north on the night
守望光明暖我心 Yet you warm my heart for we hold the light
秋去冬来时节异 The land must fade from green into white
爱恋火焰熊熊烧 Hush my heart this love is a fire
绵绵情意燃不尽 This love will burn like a fire
并肩同卧赏冬景 Lie side by side in the soft winter white
相拥入怀比翼飞 Hold me close to you as we brace for flight
祈祷亲友见证爱 In time my pray they'll see what we feel
疼惜怜爱春风里 Gentle love this pain wont retire
绵绵情意燃不尽 This love must burn like a fire
紧闭双眼思我见 Close your eyes and dream what I see
波澜不惊前路茫 Peace for a moment the future unclear
如履薄冰手牵手 Hand by hand as we stand on the wire
终点已近来路隐 The ending so near our start close behind
日照丛林叶旋落 Light bends through trees,leaves spiral and wind
光阴凝滞远俗世 We're far from here and frozen in time
北方冷夜低声语 Cool whispers drift from the north on the night
守望光明暖我心 Yet you warm my heart for we hold the light
秋去冬来时节异 The land must fade from green into white
爱恋火焰熊熊烧 Hush my heart this love is a fire
绵绵情意燃不尽 This love will burn like a fire
(唯爱版,Amy Diamond演唱)
[译注]:《沁诉 Cool Whispers》是日本电视连续剧《唯爱》(又译:《唯一的爱》)的插曲,因为这首歌的缘故,我捺下性子看完这部片子。在偶像剧泛滥的时代,少男少女的爱情故事距离我遥远了些,反而是在片尾出现的配角——经女主角菜绪的父亲亲口许配后真心爱上她的有为青年齐藤,在结婚前夕发现菜绪的心里没有自己之后,抛下所有功利想法毅然分手,让人印象深刻。在荧幕里自然要让男女主角演绎美好的童话故事,而在现实的人生中,也许菜绪和齐藤才是能够相扶到老的一对,他们的错过其实并非幸事。只是,也像电影《他是龙》的主角们一样,他们为自由而活。