何静“Sharing The Dance”
日前,华东师范大学哲学系、知识与行动研究中心何静(副教授)的论文“Sharing The Dance – On The Reciprocity of Movement in The Case of Elite Sports ”被国际知名杂志《现象学与认知科学》(Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, Volume 17, Issue 1, pp 99–116)录用。该刊物为A&HCI数据库(Arts & Humanities Citation Index,艺术与人文科学引文索引)来源期刊。
此次研究成果为合著,何静与南丹麦大学(University of Southern Denmark)的Susanne Ravn为共同第一作者。
引用地址为: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11097-016-9496-5 (可点击文末“阅读原文”直接进入相关页面)
Abstract: In his recent works on daily face-to-face encounters, Zahavi claims that the phenomenon of sharing involves reciprocity. Following Zahavi’s line of thought, we wonder what exactly “reciprocity” amounts to and how the shared experience emerges from the dynamic process of interaction. By turning to the highly specialized field of elite sports dance, we aim at exploring the way “reciprocity” unfolds in intensive deliberate practices of movement. In our analysis, we specifically argue that the ongoing dynamics of two separate flows of movement, namely the mutually manifested bodily motility and blended affectivity, constitute a shared experience of dancing together. In this sense, moving together, in sports dance, is a practical way of understanding each other. In agreement with Zahavi, our analysis emphasizes the bi-directed nature of sharing. However, at the same time, we contribute to Zahavi’s ongoing endeavour as the case of sports dance reveals how reciprocity can be dynamically shaped through the coordination of movement and the feeling of connection. Our article thereby both pursue the methodological point that qualitative research of expertise competences can constructively enrich phenomenological analysis and bring to the fore the importance of movement in the dynamic process of interaction.
《现象学与认知科学》创刊于2002年,截止今年已经刊发17卷,目前主编为加拉格尔(Shaun Gallagher)与扎哈维(Dan Zahavi)。该刊为A&HCI数据库收录期刊,纸质印刷版ISSN:1568-7759 ,网络发表版ISSN:1572-8676 。
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(Knowledge and Action Lab, KAL)