【周五欧美资讯l成演集团】热门乡村音乐排行榜HOTCOUNTRY SONGS

【周五欧美资讯l成演集团】热门乡村音乐排行榜HOTCOUNTRY SONGS

立即送票务 欧美男星 2018-09-21 18:11:16 619




 MeantTo Be - Bebe Rexha & Florida Georgia Line 


 "Meant to Be" is a song recorded by American singer Bebe Rexha featuring vocals from American countrymusic duo Florida Georgia Line.Its musicvideo was filmed in Albuquerque, New Mexico and directedby Sophie Muller. It was released on October 23, 2017. As of September2018 the video has over 570 million views on YouTube.

美国歌手BebeRexha和美国乡村音乐组合Florida Georgia Line合作,共同演唱录制了《Meant to Be》这首歌。歌曲MV由Sophie Muller执导,在新墨西哥州阿布奎基进行拍摄,于2017年10月23日上映。截至2018年9月,该视频在YouTube上的浏览量超过5.7亿。


 Tequila- Dan + Shay 

DanSmyers co-wrote the song with Nicolle Galyon and Jordan Reynolds andco-produced the track with Scott Hendricks Smyers's wife, Abby Law Smyers,performs backing vocals on the song during the post-chorus "when I,when I" hook.

Anaccompanying music video was directed by Patrick Tracy and premiered March 1,2018. The video explores the love story between a skier, played by MicaVon Turkovich, and a hiker, played by Nyle DiMarco, who meet in a mountainrange in Breckenridge, Colorado. Like the actor himself, DiMarco'scharacter is deaf, and throughout the video he can be seen teachingTurkovich's character various words and phrases in sign language. Thesign for tequila is featured prominently. After a brief romance, the pairseparate when DiMarco's character departs to finish his journey alone. However,the two are reunited at the bar where they first grabbed drinks.


DanSmyers 和Nicolle Galyon  、Jordan Reynolds 合作创作了这首歌, Scott Hendricks Smyers 的妻子Abby LawSmyers,也参与了歌曲制作,为后半部分副歌"when I, when I"唱和声。

歌曲MV由Patrick Tracy 导演执导,2018年3月1日首次亮相。该MV讲述了一个滑雪者(Mica Von Turkovich饰)和一个登山爱好者(Nyle DiMarco饰)在科罗拉多州的布雷肯里奇山相遇,衍生出的爱情故事。DiMarco本色出演一个聋哑人,整个MV里他都在用Turkovich手语,龙舌兰的标志格外醒目。一场短暂的浪漫过后,DiMarco离开独自完成他的旅程,这对恋人便分到扬鞭,却又在之后,在他们第一次小酌的那个酒吧再度重逢。


 Simple- Florida Georgia Line 

Written by duomembers Tyler Hubbard and Brian Kelley along with MichaelHardy and Mark Holman, the song expresses romantic love as a "simple"concept.

Hubbard and Kelleyboth discussed the song in an interview with Nash Country Daily. Hubbardsaid that "Majority of the time, I just find that for us it’s just easy tokeep it simple. There's no need to complicate it, especially when it comes tolove and [our] relationships with our wives and our families. Just a littlereminder to simplify things every now and then and have a good time while youdo it". 


这首歌由TylerHubbard、Brian Kelley、MichaelHardy和 Mark Holman共同创作,歌曲传达的浪漫爱情理念为“简单”。

Hubbard 和 Kelley接受《纳什乡村日报》采访时都谈到了这首歌。Hubbard说:“大我发现对于我们来说,大多数时候要保持简单很容易,没有必要把事情复杂化,尤其在爱情和与妻子、家庭的关系中时。小小提醒一下你们,要时不时将事务简化,这样你做的时候就能乐在其中。




 Sunrise,Sunburn, Sunset - Luke Bryan 

"Sunrise,Sunburn, Sunset" is a song written by Zach Crowell, Ryan Hurd,and Chase McGill and recorded by American country musicsinger LukeBryan. It was released in May 2018 as the third single from Bryan's 2017album What Makes You Country.

Thesong recalls a summertime romance between two teenaged protagonists. Thenarrator falls in love with a girl after being hired to paint the girl'sfather's house.

Bryandebuted the song on the May 2018 finale of American Idol, on which heserves as a judge.

《Sunrise, Sunburn, Sunset》 这首歌由 ZachCrowell、Ryan Hurd和Chase McGill 共同打造,由美国乡村歌手Luke Bryan 演唱录制。这首歌曲发行于2018年5月,是Bryan 2017年发行的专辑《What Makes You Country》中的第三首单曲。歌曲讲述了两个少年之间青春懵懂的夏日之恋,男主为女主的父亲装修房子,渐渐爱上了女主。Bryan在2018年5月的《美国偶像》总决赛中首次演绎了这首歌,并担任了该比赛的评委。


 Heaven- Kane Brown 

"Heaven" isa song recorded by American country music singer KaneBrown for the re-release of his self-titled debut album onOctober 6, 2017.

The song was writtenby Blake Anthony Carter, Matthew McGinn, and Lindsay Rimes. Billboard describedit as a "romantic slow jam." Kane Brown first discovered the song ata writer's retreat where he heard it from through the floor while he wasworking on another song ("What's Mine Is Yours") upstairs. He decidedto cut it because it instantly reminded him of his fiancée.


美国乡村音乐歌手 KaneBrown将歌曲《Heaven》进行重新录制发行,该首歌曲收录于2017年10月6日发行的专辑中当中。

这首歌由Blake Anthony Carter、 Matthew McGinn和Lindsay Rimes共同创作,Billboard网站称其为一首“浪漫的慢节奏舞曲”。 Kane Brown 第一次听到这首歌时,他正在一位作家的休息公寓楼上创作另一首歌曲(《What's Mine Is Yours》),音乐声穿过地板传到他耳朵里,这首歌让他不禁想到了自己的未婚妻,于是他决定要编辑完成这首歌曲。


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