药明生物宣布哈佛大学刘如谦(David R. Liu)教授加盟公司科学顾问委员会

药明生物宣布哈佛大学刘如谦(David R. Liu)教授加盟公司科学顾问委员会

药明生物 欧美男星 2018-09-25 08:03:12 637


WuXi Biologics Appoints Harvard Professor David R. Liu to Scientific Advisory Board

(*Please scroll down for English news.)


全球领先的开放式生物技术平台公司药明生物(WuXi Biologics, 2269.HK)今日宣布哈佛大学化学与化学生物系教授刘如谦(David R. Liu)加盟公司科学顾问委员会(SAB, Scientific Advisory Board)。刘如谦博士还担任美国布罗德(Broad)研究所副所长与“Richard Merkin教授”,以及霍华德-休斯医学研究所(HHMI)研究员。


刘如谦教授(Professor David R. Liu)






刘如谦教授于1994年以同班第一名的优异成绩从哈佛大学毕业,求学期间师从E. J. Corey教授,专注于固醇生物合成研究。在伯克利大学攻读博士期间,他师从Peter Schultz教授,创新性开启了细胞内遗传密码子的研究工作,于1999年获得博士学位并成为哈佛大学助理教授。2005年提升为正教授后,刘如谦教授开始担任霍华德-休斯医学研究所研究员。单碱基编辑技术(Base editing)、噬菌体辅助持续进化(PACE)和以DNA为模板的化学合成(DNA-templated synthesis)是刘如谦教授实验室最具代表性的三项前沿技术,其中单碱基编辑作为新一代基因编辑技术成功入围《科学》杂志最终评选的2017年年度四大突破。


凭借深厚的学术造诣和丰富的教学经验,刘如谦教授荣获罗纳德-布雷斯洛奖(Ronald Breslow Award)、纯化学奖(Pure Chemistry Award)以及亚瑟-科普学者奖(Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award)等多个国际大奖,并于2017年入选《自然》全球十大科学人物。刘如谦教授是60多项已公开授权专利的发明人,发表论文超过160篇。同时,他也是Editas Medicine、Pairwise Plants和Beam Therapeutics等五家生物技术公司的创始人或联合创始人。


今年1月,药明生物宣布聘请五位来自生物制药研发行业各个领域的全球顶尖科学家成立科学顾问委员会。该顾问委员会主席由美国Scripps研究所首席执行官、美国加州转化医学研究所所长Peter G. Schultz博士出任,其他成员还包括全景分子医学研究所(PRI)的创始人、董事总经理、科学总监及Velocity制药研发公司董事总经理兼首席医学官James Larrick博士,麻省理工学院(MIT)生物工程与健康科学与技术系教授Ram Sasisekharan博士,美国纽约艾伦-戴蒙德艾滋病研究中心(ADARC)科学总监及首席执行官、美国洛克菲勒大学艾琳-戴蒙德(Irene Diamond)教授何大一博士和美国明尼苏达大学McKnight杰出教授胡维硕博士。





WuXi Biologics Appoints Harvard Professor David R. Liu to Scientific Advisory Board

SHANGHAI, September 252018

WuXi Biologics (2269.HK), a leading global open-access biologics technology platform company offering end-to-end solutions for biologics discovery, development and manufacturing, today announced the appointment of David R. Liu, Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University, Richard Merkin Professor and Vice-Chair of the Faculty at the Broad Institute, and Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Investigator, as a member of its Scientific Advisory Board (SAB).

Prof. Liu joins other renowned experts with deep collective knowledge in the fields of synthetic biology, antibody therapeutics, protein engineering, analytical sciences, virology, vaccines, and cell culture bioprocessing and bioengineering, providing insightful suggestions to help shape the technological and strategic direction of the company and build additional momentum for WuXi Biologics’ quest to empower global partners and transform the way in which biologics are discovered, developed and manufactured.

We are honored to welcome Prof. Liu to the SAB. His research integrates chemistry and evolution to illuminate biology and enable next-generation therapeutics,” said Dr. Chris Chen, Chief Executive Officer of WuXi Biologics. “Internationally recognized scientists, entrepreneurs and visionary thinkers such as Prof. Liu considerably expand the diversity of ideas within our SAB and further support WuXi Biologics as a technology leader and a trusted partner for biopharmaceutical companies worldwide to advance the science and technology of biologics development, ultimately benefiting patients worldwide.


David R. Liu graduated first in his class in 1994 at Harvard, where he performed research on sterol biosynthesis under Professor E. J. Corey’s guidance. During his Ph.D. research with Professor Peter Schultz at Berkeley, Prof. Liu initiated the first effort to expand the genetic code in cells. He earned his Ph.D. in 1999 and became Assistant Professor at Harvard the same year. He was promoted to Full Professor and became an HHMI Investigator in 2005. Base editing, phage-assisted continuous evolution (PACE), and DNA-templated synthesis are three examples of technologies pioneered in his laboratory. 


Prof. Liu’s research and teaching have earned distinctions including the Ronald Breslow Award, the Pure Chemistry Award, and the Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award. In 2017, he was named to the Nature’s 10 researchers in world, and base editing, a next-generation genome editing technology, was one of four finalists for Science magazine’s 2017 Breakthrough of the Year. Prof. Liu has published more than 160 papers and is the inventor of more than 60 issued patents. He is the founder or co-founder of five biotechnology companies, including Editas Medicine, Pairwise Plants, and Beam Therapeutics. 


In January 2018, WuXi Biologics announced formation of Scientific Advisory Board. The inaugural SAB members represent a broad range of scientific disciplines in biologics research and development, including the Chair of SAB, Peter G. Schultz, Ph.D. (President of the Scripps Research Institute and the California Institute for Translational Research); James Larrick, M.D. and Ph.D. (Founder, Managing Director, Scientific Director of Panorama Research Institute; Managing Director & Chief Medical Officer of Velocity Pharmaceutical Development); Ram Sasisekharan, Ph.D. (Alfred H. Caspary Professor of Biological Engineering and Health Sciences & Technology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology); David D. Ho, M.D. (Scientific Director and CEO, Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center; and Irene Diamond Professor, the Rockefeller University) and Wei-Shou Hu, Ph.D. (Distinguished McKnight University Professor at University of Minnesota).


About WuXi Biologics

WuXi Biologics (stock code: 2269.HK), a Hong Kong-listed company, is the only open-access biologics technology platform in the world offering end-to-end solutions to empower organizations to discover, develop and manufacture biologics from concept to commercial manufacturing. Our company history and achievements demonstrate our commitment to providing a truly ONE-stop service offering and value proposition to our global clients. As of June 30, 2018, there were a total of 187 integrated projects, including 98 projects in pre-clinical development stage, 78 projects in early-phase (phase I and II) clinical development, 10 projects in late-phase (phase III) development and 1 project in commercial manufacturing. With total estimated capacity of biopharmaceutical production planned in China, Ireland, Singapore and US reaching 220,000 liters by 2021, we will provide our biomanufacturing partners with a robust and premier-quality global supply chain network. For more information on WuXi Biologics, please visit www.wuxibiologics.com.







