模仿惠特妮 休斯顿 Mimicking Whitney Houston

模仿惠特妮 休斯顿 Mimicking Whitney Houston

Maia的留学日记 欧美女星 2018-09-26 11:54:02 709

学校花了大价钱请一位给奥巴马表演过的歌唱家给我们开演唱会。她为了纪念去世的惠特妮 休斯顿,给我们唱了许多她的经典歌曲,像是《I Wanna Dance With Somebody》还有《I Will Always Love You》。大家都知道这些歌,而这位歌手又把休斯顿模仿得惟妙惟肖。整个礼堂都疯了,大家站起来,跟着节奏摇摆手臂,用手比出爱心,以最大的声音跟着歌手喊出每一句歌词。我的拉丁班上的一位男生甚至冲上台,在歌手允许的情况下亲了她的脸颊,引来了大家更加热烈的欢呼,整个礼堂都沸腾了。

Our school spent a lot of money on inviting a singer who performed for Barack Obama to perform for us. In tribute to Whitney Huston, she performed a number of her songs, such as “I Wanna Dance With Somebody”, and “I Will Always Love You”. Everyone knows these songs, and the singer did an amazing job at mimicking Huston. The whole auditorium went wild. Students stood up, waved their arms in the air, made heart shapes with their hands, and sang along with the singer at the top of their lungs. A guy in my Latin class even ran up stage, and kissed the singer on her cheek with her consent. Everyone cheered even louder. 






