【钢琴家】俄罗斯新锐爱德华·孔茨(Eduard Kunz)

【钢琴家】俄罗斯新锐爱德华·孔茨(Eduard Kunz)

每晚一张音乐CD 欧美男星 2016-02-28 09:05:21 903

Eduard Kunz (Russian: Эдуард Кунц,born October 30, 1980 in Omsk, Soviet Union)

    在年轻钢琴家里我也是有钟爱的,俄罗斯钢琴家Eduard Kunz就是其中一位。在2009年日本盲人钢琴神童和张昊辰共同夺冠的那届克莱本大赛上,Eduard Kunz演奏的巴赫-布索尼恰空就让我为之一振。在预赛时他演奏的是五首斯卡拉蒂,海顿奏鸣曲,巴赫-布索尼恰空和一首巴赫前奏曲,我拿到了录音。这曲目的选择与其他选手集中选择肖邦拉赫等展现了完全不一样的趋向。事实上,Kunz在斯卡拉蒂的演奏上触键很讲究,是一种很飘逸的现代演奏方法,对音质音色控制力也很好,在海顿,恰空和前奏曲里展现了他的野心与态度,尤其在最后比赛用前奏曲里以小搏大,是非常有胆识的选择,也是对自己对演奏氛围控制的自信。现代太需要‘’求道派‘’的年轻演奏家,Kunz是我看好的一个。还另外赠送了他的一个风衣现场,拉威尔加斯帕之夜如神。(文\发条橙子™,来自豆瓣)


  Mr. Evgeni Bozhanov, Bulgaria, 25

  Mr. Ran Dank, Israel, 27
  Mr. Alessandro Deljavan, Italy, 22
  Ms. Kyu Yeon Kim, South Korea, 23
  Mr. Eduard Kunz, Russia, 28
  Ms. Andrea Lam, Australia, 27
  Mr. Michail Lifits, Germany, 26
  Ms. Yeol Eum Son, South Korea, 23
  Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii, Japan, 20

  Ms. Mariangela Vacatello, Italy, 27

  Ms. Di Wu, China, 24

  Mr. Haochen Zhang, China, 19

注释:范·克莱本国际钢琴比赛'是为了纪念美国钢琴家范·克莱本(Van Cliburn 1934—2013)于1958年获'柴科夫斯基国际音乐比赛'第一名而于1962年创办的国际音乐大赛,以后这项比赛每4年在美国得克萨斯州的沃思堡举行。

最后还有一首White Lies for Lomax(《白色谎言》,是美国年轻作曲家Mason Bates的作品,我们顺便推荐了其他一些克莱本比赛的演绎录音,特别包括咱们这个的张昊辰的:

2009 Van Cliburn International Piano Competition Semifinal Round Eduard Kunz


Exclusive Interview with Eduard Kunz by Bożena U. Zaremba In today’s music world, where a pianist hops on a plane to give a recital in Moscow one day, in New York the next day, then in London, he or she can live practically anywhere, as long as a big enough airport is close by. But in Bucharest? Why? Yes, it’s a capital city, but let’s face it, for most of us, it is quite unfamiliar. It is not considered Europe’s cultural heart, it is not a prime tourist destination, nor does it host political summits of great magnitude. On the other hand, why not? After all, this number one Romanian city has a lot to offer: eclectic architecture including medieval, neoclassical, art nouveau and bravely modern buildings (did you know that its Palace of the Parliament, with its imposing 3.55 million square feet, is the largest parliament building in the world?); a rich cultural life, with plentiful museums, art galleries, at least three symphonic orchestras, a national opera, wide-ranging theaters, and an abundance of further attractions. Definitely, it has a lot to offer to a receptive mind, to someone who dares to explore the unwalked paths. And artists do. Quite often they are also restless and leave their hometowns in pursuit of a perfect place, which time and again is determined by sheer coincidence. Sometimes they fall in love with its vibrant atmosphere or with the landscape, or with a person.

Eduard Kunz, who was born in Siberia, educated in Moscow and lived in England for some time, made his home in Bucharest, Romania, for personal reasons: Bucharest is his wife’s hometown and has become his haven and a base for extensive international travels. Kunz made news in the music world in 2011, when, despite the enthusiastic reception from the audience, who admired his charm and imaginative powers, he was eliminated in the third round of the International Tchaikovsky Competition. This music competition is one of the most glamorous and definitely most prestigious of all; its list of laureates includes such household names as Van Cliburn, Vladimir Ashkenazy and Mikhail Pletnev. This elimination created a huge controversy and drew criticism toward the jurors and the entire competition system. I asked Eduard Kunz about this experience.Eduard Kunz: It seems like it was some 100 years ago. I was sad when I got eliminated, but, on the other hand, I had not expected anything. I wanted to participate just because, for me, it was the only chance to perform. I had already participated in 15 competitions (14 of which I had won) and know that winning a competition does not guarantee big earnings. It does not guarantee anything.







