

玩转英语单词 欧美女星 2017-02-18 20:38:13 261


Quiz:Who said it, Trump or...?



President Trump's words - on Twitter and inhis fights with the media - have become the talk of 2017.

But can you spot the real quotes from the fake* ones? *Not actually fake.Just said by others, such as Kanye, Bieber and Churchill.



1 - "You know what uranium is, right?This thing called nuclear weapons, and other things? Like, lots of things aredone with uranium, including some bad things."

Donald Trump, Homer Simpson, George W Bush, Joeyfrom Friends


2 - "We live in a divided nation. And Iam going to try - I will do everything within my power to fix that."

Martin Luther King Jr, Michelle Obama, DonaldTrump, Winston Churchill


3 - "Although I like Kanye… he is a jackass. But he'stalented."

Taylor Swift, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Kim Kardashian


4 - "When Hillary Clinton says I'm out of touch, I justhave to remind people of the track record, alright? This is the same person whohas taken more money from lobbyists than any other candidate, Democrat orRepublican… and she's saying I’m out of touch? Who do you think is out oftouch?"

Donald Trump, Barack Obama, John McCain, Bernie Sanders


5 - "It takes two to lie – one to lie, and one tolisten."

Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, Donald Trump ,AncientGreek author Homer ,Homer Simpson

6 - "I can't believe I'm saying I'm a politician, but Iguess that's what I am now."

Mark Zuckerberg, Boris Johnson, Donald Trump, ArnoldSchwarzenegger


7 - "Dogs look up to you, cats look down on you. Giveme a pig! He looks you in the eye and treats you as an equal."

Boris Johnson, Winston Churchill, David Attenborough, DavidCameron

8 - "I'll tell you honestly, I will love it if we beatthem. Love it. But it really has got to me. I've voiced in live, not in frontof the press or anywhere. I’m not even going to the press conference."

Donald Trump, Jose Mourinho, Sir Alex Ferguson, Kevin Keegan


9 - "I wouldn’t say I was the best manager in thebusiness. But I was in the top one."

Sir Alex Ferguson, Brian Clough, Donald Trump, Lord AlanSugar


10 - "You don't need to go to church to be a Christian.If you go to Taco Bell, that doesn’t make you a taco."

Donald Trump, Kanye West,Katy Perry, Justin Bieber


11 - "We want our children in this nation to know thatthe only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and yourwillingness to work for them."

Michelle Obama, Melania Trump, Hillary Clinton, All of theabove


12 - "I've become less and less tolerant of the mediaand what they are saying. If there’s anything I’ve learned about the media frombeing a public figure, it's that they blatantly misrepresent people for theirown personal gain; even viciously attack people just to furtherthemselves."

Donald Trump, Kesha, Piers Morgan, PewDiePie


Trump or not? 11/12,Your score: 11/12

"The price of greatness is responsibility," saidWinston Churchill.








