ABIOVE - Associcae Brasileira das Industrias de Oleos Vegetais
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
Represents the vegetable oil industries, cooperates with the Brazilian government as regards policies related to this sector, promotes Brazilian products, supports its members, generates statistics and prepares sectorial studies.
ABLE - Association of Biotechnology Led Enterprises
Sector: Biotech Associations
A not-for-profit national forum that represents the Indian Biotechnology Sector
ACI - American Cleaning Institute
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
Represents producers of household, industrial and institutional cleaning products, their ingredients and finished packaging; oleochemical producers; and chemical distributors to the cleaning product industry.
AFOA - American Fats and Oils Association
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
Works to improve trade relations in the oils and fats industry around the world.
AFOEX - Asociación Nacional de empresas para el Fomento de las Oleaginosas y su Extracción
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
AFOEX – Asociación Nacional de empresas para el Fomento de las Oleaginosas y su Extracción is Spain's national association of companies for the promotion of oilseeds and oil extraction. It is an independent apolitical and non-profit professional organization present throughout the Spanish territory.
Sector: Biotech Associations
An independent, non-profit biotechnology stakeholders association. Its key role is to provide accurate information and awareness, understanding as well as knowledge on biotechnology and biosafety in South Africa and the African region.
AHDB - Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) is a statutory levy board, funded by farmers, growers and others in the supply chain and managed as an organisation independent of both commercial industry and of government. Its purpose is to inspire UK farmers, growers and industry to succeed in a rapidly changing world.
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
ANIAME represents the Mexican oils, edible fats and vegetable proteins industry.
AOCS - American Oil Chemists’ Society
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
Advances the science and technology of oils, fats, surfactants and related materials, providing current and emerging information, disseminating research results in oils, fats, lipids, proteins, surfactants and related materials through its meetings, publications and web presence.
AOF - Australian Oilseeds Federation
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
Established in 1970 to represent the common interests of all Australian oilseed industry participants and to promote the development, expansion and improvement of Australian oilseed production.
AOMG - Asean Oleochemical Manufacturers Group
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
Represents the oleochemical industry and seeks to promote the formation of reliable and responsible production of oleochemicals without prejudicing normal competition between companies and countries.
APAG - European Oleochemicals and Allied Products Group
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
Provides a forum on statistical, technical, analytical and regulatory matters and other topics of common concern to members.
APC - American Peanut Council
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
A US organisation that represents all segments of the peanut industry, including growers, shellers, manufacturers, brokers, international companies and more. For more information.
APCC - Asian Pacific and Coconut Community
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
Promotes, coordinates and harmonises all activities of the coconut industry and aims to improve the socio-economic conditions of all stakeholders of the coconut industry in member countries, particularly small coconut farmers.
APSEA - All Pakistan Solvent Extractors’ Association
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
All Pakistan Solvent Extractors’ Association is a representative body, which takes care the interest of the extractors and coordinates their problems with the federal and provincial government agencies to resolve them.
ASA - American Soybean Association
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
Provides a voice for farmers, members and delegates by testifying before Congress, lobbying Congress and the Administration, contacting members and meeting with the media.
ASAGA - Asociacion Argentina de grasa y Aceites
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
Brings together experts, professionals, specialists, researchers, institutions and companies in the oils and fats trade from across Argentina.
ASEBIO - Spanish Bioindustry Association
Sector: Biotech Associations
Brings together companies, associations, foundations, universities, research and technology centres that carry out activities directly or indirectly related to biotechnology in Spain.
ASSITOL - Associazione Italiana dell’Industria Olearia
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
Assitol - Italian Association of the Oil Industry represents and protects the industrial companies that operate in the oil and oil-derived products in the various national, European and international branches.
Sector: Biotech Associations
The Italian Association for the Development of Biotechnology, representing more than 120 companies and science & technology parks operating in Italy and involved in various biotech-related fields – pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, agro-food, fine chemicals, environment, processing industry and equipment.
Sector: Biotech Associations
Australia’s industry organisation that works on behalf of members to provide representation and services to promote the global growth of Australian biotechnology.
BIO - Biotechnology Innovation Organization
Sector: Biotech Associations
The world’s largest trade association representing biotechnology companies, academic institutions, state biotechnology centres and related organisations across the USA and in more than 30 countries. BIO members are involved in the research and development of healthcare, agricultural, industrial and environmental biotechnology products.
BIO Deutschland
Sector: Biotech Associations
Germany’s biotechnology sector representative at the European association, EuropaBio, in Brussels. Works closely with other biotech organisations in Europe and the USA in order to lobby for the interests of the sector in an internationally coordinated way.
BioIndustry Association
Sector: Biotech Associations
The trade association for enterprises involved in UK bioscience. Members include start-ups, emerging and more established bioscience companies, pharmaceutical companies, academic, research and philanthropic organisations, and service providers to the bioscience sector.
Sector: Biotech Associations
The national industry association with nearly 250 members located nationwide.
BPBA - Belgian Plant Biotechnology Association
Sector: Biotech Associations
A not-for-profit association that aims to support progress in plant biotechnology.
CCC - Canola Council of Canada
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
The Canola Council is the first industry association in Canada to encompass all links in the value chain. Its mission is to advance the growth and profitability of the canola industry based on innovation, sustainability, resilience and the creation of superior value for a healthier world.
CCS - Czech Chemical Society
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
The Czech Chemical Society (CCS) is a professional, voluntary organisation of citizens with its chosen focus on chemistry and its related fields. It conducts scientific, training and consulting activities and works to promote Czech scientific achievements in the field of chemicals.
CIARA - Cámara de la Industria Aceitera de la República Argentina (Argentine Oil Industry Chamber)
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
Protects and promotes the interests of the oilseed processing industry in Argentina.
CMC - Commodity Markets Council
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
A leading trade association for commodity futures exchanges and their industry counterparts.
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
COCERAL is the European association representing the trade in cereals, rice, feedstuffs, oilseeds, olive oil, oils and fats and agrosupply.
COPA - Canadian Oilseed Processors Association
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
COPA is a federally incorporated non-profit industry association that works in partnership with the Canola Council of Canada (CCC) to represent the interests of oilseed processors in Canada.
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
COPA-COCEGA represents farmers and agri-cooperatives in the EU.
CRA - Corn Refiners’ Association
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
CRA represents the corn refining industry of the United States. Corn refiners manufacture sweeteners, ethanol, starch, bioproducts, corn oil and feed products from corn components such as starch, oil, protein and fibre.
DGF - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fettwissenschaft
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
The DGF is the German network for the science and technology of fats, oils and lipids. It brings together science, technology and business professionals to promote practical and scientific research, improve training and facilitate the exchange of information.
DIB - German Association of Biotechnology Industries
Sector: Biotech Associations
Germany’s trade association for industrial biotechnology, representing 200 large, medium-sized and small member companies engaged in research, development and production of pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, agro-biotech products, enzymes, food additives and more.
EBB - European Biodiesel Board
Sector: Biofuels Associations
A non-profit organisation that promotes the use of biodiesel in the European Union (EU) and groups major EU biodiesel producers.
EFPRA - European Fat Processors and Renderers Association
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
Europe’s leading authority on the use, value and bio-security of edible animal fats and meat industry by-products.
EOA - European Oilseed Alliance
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
The European Oilseed Alliance (EOA) represents the EU oilseed sector and makes its voice heard at the EU level. EOA brings together the oilseed producing organisations from the main European producing countries (Germany, France, UK, Poland, Czech Republic, Finland and Belgium). Its members currently represent 90% of the EU oilseed production.
EPOA - European Palm Oil Alliance
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
Founded to create a platform for palm oil-related issues and discussions. Its goal is to create a balanced and objective view on health and nutritional aspects of palm oil, by providing science-based information, rebalancing the discussion around the health and nutritional facts about palm oil and communicating on industry commitments. EPOA is committed to sustainable palm oil production.
ePURE - European Renewable Ethanol Industry Association
Sector: Biofuels Associations
Represents the European renewable ethanol industry at EU level and promotes renewable ethanol in Europe through the formation of policies and laws that benefits both industry and society.
ETL - Elintarviketeollisuusliitto
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
ETL – the Finnish Food and Drink Industries' Federation represents the interests of the food and drink industry in Finland.
Euro Fed Lipid - European Federation for the Science and Technology of Lipids
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
A federation of 13 scientific associations concerned with lipids, fats and oils that represents 2,000 individuals and companies. It aims to further lipid science and technology and the cooperation and exchange of ideas between scientists and technologists at European level.
Sector: Biotech Associations
The European Association for Bioindustries created in 1996, composed of members that represent over 1,800 small and medium-sized biotech companies. Members are involved in research, development, testing, manufacturing and commercialisation of biotechnology products and processes.
FAB - Foro Argentino de Biotecnologia
Sector: Biotech Associations
A private, non-profit organisation that brings together businesses, institutions and specialists related to biotechnology in Argentina.
Fedepalma - National Federation of Oil Palm Growers of Colombia
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
A business and trade organisation for the oil palm agroindustry in Colombia that defends the interests of oil palm growers.
FEDIOL - EC Seed Crushers and Oils Processors Federation
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
Represents the European Vegetable Oil and Proteinmeal Industry in Europe. Its members purchase and transport seeds and oils, crush oilseeds into crude oils and meals, refine and transform crude oils and fats of vegetable or animal origin, sell oils in bulk and in bottles for the food, feed and energy markets, and meals for the feed market. It represents 85% of the European market and its combined membership comprises more than 150 facilities over Europe.
FEFAC - European Feed Manufacturers Federation
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
FEFAC represents the European Compound Feed Industry and is the only independent spokesman at the level of the European Institutions and FEFAC observer status in CODEX Alimentarius. Its membership consists of 24 national associations in 23 EU member states.
The European compound feed industry employs over 110,000 persons on approximately 4,000 production sites – often in rural areas – which offer few employment opportunities. Farm animals in the EU consume an estimated 470M tonnes/year of feed, of which about 30% is produced by the compound feed manufacturers. Turnover of the European compound feed industry in 2013 is estimated at €55bn.
FOP - French Union of Oilseed and Protein Crops Producers
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
FOP is the French trade association for oilseed and protein crop producers.
FOSFA - Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Association
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
A professional international contract issuing and arbitral body concerned exclusively with the world trade in oilseeds, oils and fats with over 1,000 members in 84 countries. Internationally, 85% of the global trade in oils and fats is traded under FOSFA contracts.
FPRF - Fats and Proteins Research Foundation, Inc
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
Established in 1962 to serve the rendering and associated industries. The FPRF’s purpose is to provide an institution that will direct and manage a research process, resulting in an enhanced current usage – and the development of new uses – for rendered animal products, thus providing added value to all animal production.
GAPKI - Indonesian Palm Oil Producers Association
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
Represents the palm oil industry in Indonesia.
GCIRC - Groupe Consultatif International de Recherche Sur le Colza/ International Consultative Group for Research on Rapeseed
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
Develops scientific and technical research as well as studies and experiments concerning the improvement of rapeseed and its processed products from agronomic, technology and food perspectives. Ensures close links between researchers.
GERLI - Groupe d’Etude et de Recherche en Lipidomique
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
The Research Group on Lipidomics GERLI (Groupe d'Etude et de Recherche en Lipidomique) is a scientific society with an advisory board, created in 1978, and one of the thematic groups of the French Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Société Française de Biochimie et Biologie Moléculaire, SFBBM).
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
GROFOR – the German association of wholesale traders in oils, fats and oil raw materials – has a membership including traders, producers, promoters, agents and service providers from all over Europe.
Sector: Biotech Associations
The association for the Dutch biotechnology industry.
IARBO - International Association of Rice Bran Oil
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
IARBO is a non-profit organisation working to establish an international scientific standard for rice bran oil and to promote the associated industry.
IFFO - The Marine Ingredients Organisation
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
IFFO is the international not for profit organisation that represents and promotes the fishmeal, fish oil and wider marine ingredients industry worldwide. IFFO works to strengthen the global standing of the industry, while ensuring sustainable future supplies worldwide.
With a network of members reaching across 60 countries, its members account for over 50% of world production and 75% of the fishmeal and fish oil traded worldwide. While these products are the core of our industry, recent years have seen a widening to include marine algae cultivation and the production of meal and oil from krill.
IMACE - European Margarine Association
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
Founded in 1958 and based in Brussels, IMACE, the European Margarine Association, represents margarine manufacturers, producing both for retail and business to business (B2B) sectors throughout Europe.
IOC - International Olive Council
Sector: Edible Oil Associations
Brings together olive oil and table olive producing and consuming stakeholders.