Taylor Swift has donated £1m to victims of the flooding.2016年8月,霉霉为美国路易斯安那州洪灾受害者捐款100万英镑。"The fact that so many people in Louisiana have been forced out of their own homes this week is heartbreaking," she said in a statement about her contribution."I encourage those who can to help out and send your love and prayers their way during this devastating time."关于自己此次捐款,霉霉是这样说的:“因为洪水,路易斯安那州的受害者流离失所,这真的让人很心疼。我希望那些有能力帮助灾民的人能站出来伸出援手,并为这些可怜的人们真诚的祈祷。”2016.07-探访澳洲生病儿童尽管和抖森正爱得深沉,霉霉依然恋爱、慈善两不误!2016年7月,霉霉低调现身澳大利亚当地的一家儿童医院,慰问那里的儿童病患。霉霉不仅与孩子们玩起自拍,还为孩子们送上好听的歌曲!"Real life Angel! Can't believe she visited the hospital I sometimes have to go to," one person commented on social media.一位网友激动地表示:“泰勒真的是个天使!真不敢相信她会来!这医院我常去呢!”
Pop star Taylor Swift surprised one of her biggest fans by turning up at their wedding over the weekend.2016年6月,霉霉惊喜现身粉丝的婚礼!(彼时霉霉刚和Calvin Harris分手...这样贴心的偶像也是没sei了!)这次霉霉之所以能出现在粉丝的婚礼上是因为新郎的妹妹,Max Singer的妹妹Ali知道哥哥很喜欢霉霉,所以连着给霉霉写了好几个月的信,表示希望霉霉能来参加哥哥的婚礼。As the wedding guests danced, the star emerged to play her hit song behind a small electric piano. 没想到霉霉真的就过来了!她不但丝毫没有明星的架子,反而和粉丝打成一片…并在婚礼上为一对新人献唱!不知道还以为霉霉是在参加朋友的婚礼呢!
2015年7月,霉霉向身患癌症的粉丝捐款5万美元。11岁的内奥米•奥克斯不幸身患血癌。霉霉慷慨捐款5万美元,鼓励她顽强抗击癌症。内奥米将泰勒的单曲Bad Blood作为抗击癌症的战歌,她的励志视频被上传到YouTube广为传播。泰勒知道后大方捐款5万美元,并赠言:献给美丽勇敢的内奥米,祝你早日康复。When Naomi saw the message she was so excited she "could hardly breathe". 内奥米收到霉霉的信息后激动的不能自已!The Oakes family - from Arizona - wanted to raise $30,000 to help cover medical bills. With Taylor's help, they've raised more than double that.内奥米的家人原本是想筹3万美元。现在,有了霉霉的热心帮助,他们终于可以为可怜的小内奥米治病了!
A girl with brain cancer who got to talk to her hero Taylor Swift has died. Although Taylor couldn't visit Jalene in Texas, they chatted on FaceTime.霉霉的粉丝Jalene 身患脑癌后,不幸离世。此前,霉霉虽未能亲自探望Jalene ,却早就和她Facetime陪她聊天(好暖心的姑娘)。Taylor spoke to Jalene for around twenty minutes, reports the New York Daily News. She was told Jalene was feeling too unwell to dance."I'm so sorry you're having a bad night." Taylor said.在那次Facetime时,霉霉和Jalene 畅聊20多分钟。她们聊到纽约每日新闻,霉霉也得知Jalene 因身患绝症,甚至不能自在的跳一支舞。"You look beautiful tonight, you really do. You're just as pretty as your pictures."霉霉温柔的对Jalene 说:“宝贝,你今天好漂亮~你和照片上一样迷人~”Jalene's mother said that on Sunday her "princess" had "gained her beautiful angel wings". Taylor sent flowers to the family.Jalene 的妈妈说,她的宝贝小公举因为泰勒的鼓舞,已经拥有一双美丽的隐形翅膀~细心的泰勒还为Jalene 送上美丽的百合花。“Amazing, very thoughtful. I'm sure Jalene is smiling down from Heaven.”“泰勒真的很贴心。我的宝贝一定会喜欢的。我知道她一直都在微笑着,宝贝,我们与你同在。”Jalene的妈妈如是说。
Taylor Swift has been to talk to schoolchildren in New York about her love of reading and writing.2014年10月,霉霉探访纽约一所学校,和孩子们畅谈阅读、写作的爱好~The singer wrote a 400-page unpublished book based on her life and friends when she was in her early teens. She told the schoolchildren that song writing is now what inspires her most.霉霉小时候也很喜欢写书呢,她曾经把自己和朋友的故事写成一本400多页的书。而现在,她更喜欢写歌。