从Wycombe Abbey, 到Oxford University, 再到Moon Tuition 任职 (1)

从Wycombe Abbey, 到Oxford University, 再到Moon Tuition 任职 (1)

哈佛剑桥妈妈MoonTuition 欧美男星 2018-11-10 03:00:53 753



Moon Tuition培训项目:英国名校:小升初(7+, 11+, 13+; ISEB), 中考(GCSE, 16+),高考(A Level),留学考(UKISet), 美国名校:SSAT, ISEE, SAT, ACT

Moon Tuition培训课程: 周末常规培训,期中短期集训营,圣诞节,复活节, 暑假集训营, skype微课,一对一辅导。 

Moon Tuition留学服务: 入学申请,新移民英语培训和监护

新移民培训: 新移民英语培训

Moon Tuition - 英国名校入学考试ISEB 11+, 13+ 授权考试中心





邮箱: [email protected]

雷丁中心: Unit 5, No. 35 Maiden Lane Centre, Lower Earley, Reading, RG6 3HD, UK

伦敦中心: 151 South Ealing Road, Ealing, W5 4QP, UK

牛津中心: Blenheim Drive, Summertown, Oxford, OX2 8DQ

剑桥中心: Trumpington, Cambridge, CB2 9AY

James Blunt Remix  - 哈佛贝贝作曲

Life of a WycombeAbbey girl

- Miss Fox


Going to secondary school is without doubt a big and daunting prospect. You move from a place where you are the oldest and know every face in the corridor,  to one where you are out of your comfort zone and have to start from scratch. It’s scary for everyone but from first hand experience, the best way is to dive right in and seize every opportunity. From there, the world is your oyster.  I went to Wycombe Abbey, which helped me attain my dream of studying Classics at Oxford University. I am also a tutor at Moon Tuition Oxford, helping my students reach their academic goals, whatever they may be.


Of course, a lot depends on what school you choose. I went to Wycombe Abbey, an all girls boarding school. My first memories of the open day was that it looked like Hogwarts, with it castle-like exterior and long windows. I loved the immense theatre, the old creaking library and the swanky sports centre. Walking round, I knew this was the school for me.


The biggest shock to the system when I got there was the boarding aspect. I lived close enough that I could go home every Sunday but besides that I had to adapt to a completely different routine. This being said, the process was much easier than expected. The dorms are ‘mixed aged’. This means you can have girls of different ages sharing a room. My first dorm was with three others: one a year older, one my age (who became one of my best friends) and a girl in the year below. Mixed aged dorms sounds weird but it wasa great way to make friends across years, making the boarding house a really tight community. To make things even easier, every new girl is assigned a ‘house mother’. This is a girl in the year above who is your dorm for the first term. She helps settle you in and give you advice. I’m still in touch with my house daughter 5 years on! Your house mistress and matron are also always there for a chat. They check up on you every evening before lights off.


A question I always get about Wycombe is: ‘Isn’t the workload really intense?’. So it cannot be denied that there is a high expectation of you but that expectation is not so much imposed on you but more personally adopted. The teachers will provide all you need to achieve those top grades and will gladly give you any extra support. But it is you who needs to put in the time to put those resources to good use. This being said, it is really important to get a balance. It isn’t how much time you work for but how effectively you work. One other thing I would add workwise is to be open to the subjects you take. Going into Wycombe, I had my heart set on the sciences. However, I became increasingly entranced with Latin the more I did it and the department were there at my every doubtful moment, supporting me whenever I needed it.


So back to striking the balance. Wycombe offers so many opportunities to try new things. During my time I did drama, public speaking,violin, kickboxing and fencing. I loved all of them and each stretched me in new ways. Don’t look at your hobby, whatever it is, as an obligation. Being passionate about something outside work builds you as a person. Whatever you enjoy or want to try, throw yourself into it.


You get as much out of Wycombe as you put into it. It’s a really wonderful place to make life-long friends, stretch yourself academically, and challenge yourself outside the classroom… it is also the closest you will get to Hogwarts.

Moon Tuition


       Moon Tuition的以学生为本,中西结合的教学方法和理念,配合Moon Tuition的专用教材, 不管是英国孩子,印度孩子, 还是华裔,Moon Tuition教起来都得心应手。正是这些独特的优势让我们在竞争激烈的7+, 11+ 13+ GCSE, A Level 培训市场站稳了脚跟,并逐渐成为市场的主力。

       每年Moon Tuition都有大量学生获得英国顶尖私立学校,包括伊顿,哈罗的录取和奖学金。每年Moon Tuition也有大量学生考取英国文法学校。我希望Moon Tuition可以帮助更多的孩子通过教育改变命运。

2017/2018年Moon Tuition私立学校成果汇报

St Paul's School 13+ 无条件录取通知书: 4 boys
Westminster School 13+ 无条件录取通知书: 3 boys
Eton College 11+ ISEB Pre Test 第一轮预考通过: 14 boys
Eton College 11+ A List 有条件录取通知书: 5 boys
Eton College 11+ B List 有条件录取通知书: 3 boys
Eton College 13+ 无条件录取通知书: 6 boys
Harrow School 11+ ISEB Pre Test 第一轮预考通过: 13 boys
Harrow School 11+ 有条件录取通知书:   (November 2018)
Harrow School 13+ 无条件录取通知书: 4 boys     (学术奖学金 :3 boys)
Winchester College 11+有条件录取通知书: 8 boys
Winchester College 13+无条件录取通知书: 2 boys
Radley College 13+ 无条件录取通知书: 2 boys    (学术奖学金: 1 boy)

英国私立名校:(11+ Boys)
City of London  School for Boys: 3 boys
Kings  College : 2 boys
Alleyn's  School: 2 boys
UCS: 1 boy
Highgate  School: 2 boys
Welllington  College Prep School Eagle House: 3 boys (学术奖学金: 1 boy)
Abingdon  School : 2 boys (Academic Scholarship: 1 boy)
Royal Grammar  School (Guildford): 2 boys (学术奖学金: 1 boy)
Royal Grammar  School (Newcastle): 1 boy
Leighton Park  School: 2 boys (Academic Scholarship: 1 boy)
Bancroft's  School: 1 boy

英国私立名校:(11+ Girls)
Wycombe Abbey  School : 4 girls    ( 学术奖学金: 2 girls)
St Paul's  Girls' School: 3 girls
Guildford High  School: 2 girls
The Lady  Eleanor Holles School: 2 girls    (学术奖学金: 1 girl)
City of London  School for Girls: 2 girls
Highgate  School: 1 girl
Downe House  School : 4 girls    (学术奖学金: 1 girl)
Cheltenham  Ladies' College : 5 girls    (学术奖学金: 2 girls)
St Stithun's  School: 2 girls
Headington  School: 2 girls
St Helen &  St Katharine : 3 girls
Oundle School: 1 girl
The Abbey  School: 3 girls  (学术奖学金: 2 girls)
Queen Anne's  School: 2 girls   (学术奖学金: 1 girl)
Badminton  School: 1 girl   (学术奖学金: 1 girl)
Leighton Park  School: 2 girls   (学术奖学金: 2 girls)
Reddham  House : 3 girls    (学术奖学金: 1 girl)

英国私立名校:(13+ Boys)
Abingdon  School: 1 boy    (学术奖学金: 1 boy)
Hampton School: 2 boys    (学术奖学金: 1 boy)
Dulwich  College: 2 boys
Tonbridge  School: 4 boys   (学术奖学金: 1 boy)

英国私立名校:(13+ Girls)
Badminton  School: 2 girls    (学术奖学金: 1 girl)
St Stithun's  School: 1girl    (学术奖学金: 1 girl)

Moon Tuition培训项目:英国名校:小升初(7+, 11+, 13+; ISEB), 中考(GCSE),高考(A Level),留学考(UKISet), 美国名校:SSAT, ISEE, SAT, ACT

Moon Tuition培训课程: 周末常规培训,期中短期集训营,圣诞节,复活节, 暑假集训营, skype微课,一对一辅导。 

Moon Tuition留学服务: 入学申请,新移民英语培训和监护

新移民培训: 新移民英语培训

Moon Tuition - 英国名校入学考试ISEB 11+, 13+ 授权考试中心





邮箱: [email protected]

雷丁中心: Unit 5, No. 35 Maiden Lane Centre, Lower Earley, Reading, RG6 3HD, UK

伦敦中心: 151 South Ealing Road, Ealing, W5 4QP, UK

牛津中心: Blenheim Drive, Summertown, Oxford, OX2 8DQ

剑桥中心: Trumpington, Cambridge, CB2 9AY








