03.20 SLYS音乐演讲 | SLYS Masterclass

03.20 SLYS音乐演讲 | SLYS Masterclass

SLYSSOA 欧美男星 2018-03-19 13:43:11 387



"How To Feel Good Through Music" 

by Mr.Matteo

日期 DATE:2018.03.20 (周二/TUE)

时间 TIME: 6pm-8pm

入场 Admission 

原价 Original Price: CNY300

预售价 Advanced Payment: CNY200

SLYS 学生 SLYS Students: CNY100


① 音乐如何和我们交流?

② 音乐如何激发我们?

③ 我们如何透过乐器/人声变得更能抒发情感?

Masterclass Content:

① How does music speak to us?

② How does music inspire us?

③ How can we be more expressive with our instrument/voice?


意大利出生的Matteo Cappelletti在六岁时开始学习小提琴。经过了10年的古典小提琴训练,他在意大利制作人兼艺人Fabrizio Bordogna的指导下转向了电贝斯,并报读了意大利米兰的CPM音乐学校。在那里,他跟意大利著名的爵士乐手Attilio Zanchi学习,并有机会和意大利多位著名音乐人进行了三年各方面的音乐训练,他和Bebo Ferra学习音乐和声、Dino D’AutorioRoberto Guald学习音乐演奏、Diego Michelon学习乐队概念及向Roberto Cipelli学习爵士音乐。在2000年,他以最高荣誉毕业并花了一年的时间继续他的低音大提琴学习。

2000年之后,他和Claudio Grande, Arpioni, Fabrizio Coppola参加了各种音乐项目(现场演出及录音),专注于流行摇滚音乐。

之后,他在2005年和荣获两次全国新兴乐队比赛的Kazutoshi Sawa(来自日本东京的创作型歌手和吉他手)的乐队合作录制了迷你专辑。他的单曲《GoldenLand》陆续在意大利和英国的电台播放,且由Matchbox Records分布,列入各种汇编,并分布到世界各地。

2006年初,Matteo加入了《Karmakiller》项目(一个意大利官方罗比·威廉姆斯致敬乐队)。这经历让他在意大利及瑞士最大俱乐部的舞台及多个夏天音乐节(比如Alcatraz,Bradipop, Rock Island, Mendrisio Arena, Area 51, Palasegrate, 等)演出。之后,他和意大利翻唱及原创乐队现场和录音室演出个类型音乐,并在意大利、奥地利、德国、法国和瑞士巡回演出。

Italian born Matteo Cappelletti started to study the violin since the age of 6. After 10 years of Classical violin training, he moved on to the electric bass studying privately with Fabrizio Bordogna (Italian Producer and Artist) and then enrolled at the CPM music school in Milan, Italy. There, he studied with Attilio Zanchi (One of Italy’s top Jazz musicians) and had the opportunity to have three years of training on music harmony with Bebo Ferra, performance with Dino D'Autorio and Roberto Gualdi, ensemble music with Diego Michelon and Jazz classes with Roberto Cipelli. In case you didn’t know, they are top artists in the Italian music scene. He graduated with the highest honours during the year 2000 and continued to further his studies on the double bass for one more year.

During the year 2000 onwards, he joined various music projects (Live-shows & Recordings) with Claudio Grande, Arpioni, Fabrizio Coppola mainly doing Rock-Pop music.

Soon after that, he collaborated with Kazutoshi Sawa's band (songwriter and guitarist from Tokyo) who won two national contests for emerging bands and recorded an EP in 2005 with him. His single "Golden Land" was broadcasted on Radio in Italy and UK, where it was distributed by Matchbox Records and was included in various compilations that was distributed all over the world.

In the beginning of 2006, Matteo joined the "Karmakiller" project, an official Italian tribute band of Robbie Williams, an experience that puts him on the stage with the biggest clubs in Italy and Switzerland and in many other summer music festivals (Alcatraz, Bradipop, Rock Island, Mendrisio Arena, Area 51, Palasegrate, etc.). He continued to work with Italian cover and original music bands both live and in studio playing Rock / Pop / Blues / Swing / Jazz / Funk touring in Italy, Austria, Germany, France and Switzerland.


If you are new to music, and wanting to experience or learn or discuss about music in a professional yet encouraging setting, this is a place for you!


"You & your friends are cordially invited to these fun events! If you've never been here before, feel free to come and say hi!"

SLYS School of Arts with the motto 'Pursue Your Passion with Quality' is an international school for the arts founded by Berklee College of Music graduate Mr.Simon Lee since 26th July, 2014. The mission & objective of this school is to diversify quality education, promote quality events, provide equipment sales at a fair/honest price and to provide equipment/studio rentals that is of industry standards.

SLYS艺术学校由毕业于伯克利音乐学院的Simon Lee 先生于2014年7月26号创建,其艺术宗旨为:热忱无限,品质优先。本着追求品质的宗旨,SLYS艺术学校的国际化特点明显,学校的各类艺术课程皆由来自世界各地的精英教授。SLYS艺术学校的使命及目标是传播多元性的文化教育,促进开展各类有质量的文化活动,在行业内以合理公平的价格销售各种乐器以及提供乐器/工作室的租赁服务。

  S-Sedulous 勤奋的

  L-Lowly     谦逊的

  Y-Yearn     渴望的

  S-Sharpen 磨炼的

SLYS - Start Learning Your Skills 


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