Who created James Bond (詹姆斯·邦德)?

Who created James Bond (詹姆斯·邦德)?

ThomasFC托马斯 欧美男星 2018-04-27 19:56:15 498

“My name is Thomas, and on Wednesday May 2nd I’ll be giving a public talk about who created James Bond. Read below for more details!”

For a special preview of the talk, listen and read! 

The Writer

Ian Fleming (伊恩弗莱明)


James Bond first appeared in a 1952 book (书) called Casino Royale (皇家赌场). This is also the name of the first James Bond (007) movie released in China, but that was in 2007. It was the 20th official film, and there were already dozens of books, comics (漫画) and video games (电子游戏).


Fleming wrote that James Bond (007) was tall, handsome, from a wealthy family, and had served with British Intelligence (英国情报) during the Second World War (战). These things are all true of Ian Fleming himself. The books are fictitious (虚构的), but Fleming's real life (现实生活) experience inspired (发) him to write.


The Movies

Harry Saltzman [below, left] & Cubby Broccoli (椰菜!) [below, right]

The first James Bond movie was released in 1962, and was called “Dr. No”. Harry Saltzman was a Canadian (加拿大人) businessman who had bought the rights to the books. However, Harry had never made a successful movie. He really wanted to, though…

Dr. No (1962)

007 relaxes with a friend

Harry Saltzman partnered with Cubby Broccoli (椰菜),who made many changes to the books, and made the movies a huge success in over 100 countries. Cubby loved movies, and would always be on set, even cooking for

the cast and crew (演员和工作人员).

Casino Royale (皇家赌场)

007 relaxes by himself

When he died, his daughter Barbara Broccoli became in charge of the franchise (许经营). She had married Micheal G. Wilson, a writer for the James Bond movies; a man who really liked Ian Fleming’s (伊恩弗莱明) books, and is in many of the films in non-speaking roles!

SPECTRE (007惡魔四伏) 

Micheal G. Wilson 

The Actors (员)


Six actors have played James Bond, and all of them are quite different. Sean Connery was the first, Roger Moore played him the longest (seven movies), and Daniel Craig (丹尼尔克雷格) is the most recent. Who will be the next James Bond is a popular discussion in the British media. 

Roger Moore 

Thomas' Public Talk for EF (Education First)

Wednesday, 2nd May @8pm in Futian Book City







