Who is he?Tiesto?Skrillex?Dotcom?

Who is he?Tiesto?Skrillex?Dotcom?

CLUBDIMO九江 欧美男星 2017-11-08 15:08:42 350

中国·九江  DIMO CLUB

China jiujiang · Dimo club

There are a lot of DJs with a mask, and there are a few in the Top100 DJs, such as Deadmau 5, Daft Punk, and BL3ND. Although the "mask of the devil" are arranger style different, but the symbol of personality mysterious headgear as a tool to attract fans, for them to bring incalculable fanaticism.

电音界有不少带着面具的DJ,而进入过Top100 DJs榜的也不在少数,比如老鼠哥 (Deadmau5),蠢朋克(Daft Punk),还有鬼脸哥(BL3ND)。虽然“面具狂魔”们编曲风格各异,但象征个性的神秘头套作为吸引粉丝的利器,为他们带来无可估量的狂热者。


Daft Punk


In recent years, the audio industry has also emerged a rapidly popular wearing a headset DJ, the nickname called "Marshmallow" mysterious figure, as the virus raging domestic and international social networks, and even Xiaobian in the circle of friends often see him Figure. This is by virtue of "Future Bass" type of arrangement in the cusp of the charm of the guy? And after the mask is a kind of face? Are not you curious? Anyway, I was curious.

近年电音界又冒出了一个迅速窜红的头套DJ,并且在去年DJ MAG百大排行榜空降28名。这个外号叫作“棉花糖”的神秘人物,如同病毒般肆虐国内外社交网络,甚至小编在朋友圈都时常看到他的身影。这个凭借“Future Bass”式编曲站在风口浪尖的家伙魅力何在?而在面具之后又是一张怎样的脸庞?难道你们不好奇吗?反正我是很好奇。

If you ask why Marshmello is so hot? Put aside the music does not say, Marshmello itself is a fairly fair level of PO social network of people. Its PO in the PO a lot of lonely one is flirtatious photos

如果问Marshmello为什么会那么火?抛开音乐不说,Marshmello本身就是PO照相当有水准的网络社交达人。其在INS 里PO了许多孤独一人却风骚四溢的照片



“私家车是个什么东西,Cop Car才是我玩具”


"I just want to make good music.

That doesn't require you knowing who I am."


—  Marshmello

X Marshmello 2017Tomorrowland现场 X

In March 2015, Marshmallow released the first single "WaVeZ" through social networking sites; the same year, together with Shiqi Rex launched the audio track "FinD Me".

2015年3月,棉花糖通过社交网站发布了首支个人单曲《WaVeZ》;同年,联手史奇雷克斯推出电音曲目《FinD Me》。

IIn 2016, the first solo album "Joytime", the album contains 10 EDM tracks; in October, electronic music magazine "DJ MAG" selected "100 DJ", marshmallows ranked 28th.

2016年,推出首张个人专辑《Joytime》,专辑收录了10首EDM曲目;10月,电子音乐杂志《DJ MAG》评选出“百大DJ”,棉花糖排在第28位。

A lot of work is sweeping the world's largest dance floor, the DJ/producer with a strange mask, his music is a blend of a variety of styles, are highly exciting, make the listener like in the cloud, as the clouds drift together!


In 2017, the individual single "Alone" into the US bulletin board hundred singles list; launched together Ookay production, by Noah Sellers song song "Chasing Colors"; April, "Alone" finalists Disney radio music Award for "Best Dance Song Award".

2017年,个人单曲《Alone》进入美国公告牌百强单曲榜;推出联手Ookay制作、由诺雅·塞勒斯献声的歌曲《Chasing Colors》;4月,《Alone》入围迪士尼电台音乐奖“最佳舞蹈歌曲奖“。

X Marshmello Alone X

On a crowded and Marshmello 2017!As a new DJ Marshmello ranking 10 could see their potential!

Marshmello 2017年一挤而上!作为新晋DJ的Marshmello排名第10名就能看出其潛力!

Like the MV Marshmello, the story ends are warm positive energy!Electronic music may be devoted all of his time and energy, but share happy to everyone and positive energy of life, will also enjoy yourself!

喜欢Marshmello的MV ,故事结尾都是暖暖的正能量四射!电音也许要奉献自己全部的时间精力,但是分享给大家快乐和正能量的生活,自己同样也会乐在其中!

X Marshmello Moving on X

Who is Marshmello?This problem more than I ask you, everyone is curious!But so far no one can answer, unless Marshmello want to disclose his own answer.But this does not prevent a large number of fans for his love!

Who is Marshmello?这个问题不止你我会问,所有人都好奇!无奈至今还没有人能回答,除非 Marshmello 自己想主动公布答案。但这丝毫不能阻止大批的粉丝对他的喜爱!










