

Kidd英语秀 欧美男星 2019-01-08 18:18:12 838


视频的配乐是来自The Killers乐队的All these things I've done。其实最早在想配乐的时候耳边就一直萦绕着这首歌的旋律(英文里叫Earworm,来自德语,意思是“脑中挥之不去的旋律”)但怎么也想不起来叫什么。最后在硬盘里找到了这首歌发现名字和歌词竟然如此应景,就毫不犹豫的拿来做了背景乐。歌曲被我剪去了第二段,因为电脑内存太小,制作不了四分钟以上的视频,所以就有了这个“不完全总结”。

视频中的现场是四月份在基督城拍的,那个时候住在距离演出现场很近的一家叫做Jail House的监狱主题青旅。想起那个青旅,2018年还有许多美好的回忆留在那里。比如和阿根廷人Pablo一起做阿根廷大饺子,乌拉圭人Gabriel为了做南美甜蘸酱(Dulce de la Che)引起的“厨房爆炸”事件,另一个乌拉圭人Martin因为夜晚纵情高歌被经理逐出青旅以及和日本女孩Moeka聊披头士和村上春树。

有天晚上和喜欢日本文学的Moeka在公园散步,星空绚烂,银河璀璨。我说你看见了吗,天空中排成一线的三颗星,就像巨人的腰带。她不做声。后来她告诉我她患有一种极罕见的眼疾叫做retinitis pigmentosa色素性视网膜炎,这使她在夜晚几乎没有视力(其他更可怕的症状这里就不提了)。于是我拿出手机,放了一首Don Mclean的Vincent(Starry Starry Night),对她讲起我学到的关于猎户星座Orion的知识。



我和Fiona还一起看了青少年偶像Ed Sheeran的演唱会,是2018年看过的三场演唱会其中的一场。我还记得在我们前排,有位带着两个女儿来的爸爸。在演唱会结束后,两个可爱的小女孩开心地拥抱父亲并大声的对他说Thank You Dad!还有一个全程表情冷漠一看就是陪老婆来的大叔,但每次妻子回头看她的时候,他却马上温柔地微笑。

2018年还有许多这样的点点滴滴以及无数可爱的人事物。它们不断充实着我的soul,可这并没有使我像一个solider那样勇敢坚定。就像歌里面唱的那样。I've got a soul but i'm not a solider. 所以新的一年,希望自己找到方向,更加勇敢。

All these things I've done

When there's nowhere else to run
Is there room for one more son
One more son
If you can hold on
If you can hold on, hold on
I want to stand up, I want to let go
You know, you know, no you don't, you don't
I want to shine on in the hearts of men
I want a meaning from the back of my broken hand

Another head aches, another heart breaks
I am so much older than I can take
And my affection, well it comes and goes
I need direction to perfection, no no no no, help me out
Yeah, you know you got to help me out
Yeah, oh don't you put me on the backburner
You know you got to help me out, yeah

And when there's nowhere else to run
Is there room for one more son
These changes ain't changing me
The cold-hearted boy I used to be

Yeah, you know you got to help me out
Yeah, oh don't you put me on the backburner
You know you got to help me out, yeah
You're gonna bring yourself down
Yeah, you're gonna bring yourself down
Yeah, you're gonna bring yourself down

I got soul, but I'm not a soldier
I got soul, but I'm not a soldier
I got soul, but I'm not a soldier
I got soul, but I'm not a soldier
I got soul, but I'm not a soldier
I got soul, but I'm not a soldier
I got soul, but I'm not a soldier
I got soul, but I'm not a soldier
I got soul, but I'm not a soldier
I got soul, but I'm not a soldier

Yeah, you know you got to help me out
Yeah, oh don't you put me on the backburner
You know you got to help me out
Yeah, you're gonna bring yourself down
Yeah, you're gonna bring yourself down
Yeah, oh don't you put me on the backburner
You're gonna bring yourself down
Yeah, you're gonna bring yourself down

Over and again, last call for sin
While everyone's lost, the battle is won
With all these things that I've done
All these things that I've done
(Time, truth, hearts)
If you can hold on
If you can hold on






