著名青年钢琴演奏家杨艺可(Tony Yike Yang),于1998 年12 月出生于中国重庆市,现为加拿大出类拔萃的华裔青年钢琴演奏家。在他的成长历程中,曾经在众多的国际钢琴比赛中获得殊荣,在国际钢琴界崭露头角,受到了国际音乐界的高度关注和世界钢琴界人士的瞩目。
演出时间:2018年6月10日(周日) 15:00
演出地点:广州大剧院 实验剧场
著名青年钢琴演奏家杨艺可(Tony Yike Yang),于1998 年12 月出生于中国重庆市,现为加拿大出类拔萃的华裔青年钢琴演奏家。在他的成长历程中,曾经在众多的国际钢琴比赛中获得殊荣,在国际钢琴界崭露头角,受到了国际音乐界的高度关注和世界钢琴界人士的瞩目。
2015 年10 月于波兰华沙举办的五年一届的世界殿堂级“肖邦国际钢琴比赛”中,杨艺可取得了决赛第五名的获奖好成绩,由此创下了“肖邦国际钢琴比赛”开赛88 年以来年龄最小的决赛圈入围比赛选手和史上最年轻的肖邦比赛获奖者纪录,获奖时他年仅16 岁。
作为肖邦国际钢琴比赛史上最年轻获奖者的杨艺可,他受到了波兰总统的特别接见。此外,世界大师级的音乐家、钢琴演奏家、音乐评论家们对他非常赏识,特别称赞他的肖邦“第二号奏鸣曲”演奏中间的停顿恰到好处,仿佛就是肖邦的灵魂附体!著名的国际钢琴界泰斗马尔塔·阿格里齐(Martha Argerich)大师,称赞杨艺可具有“无与伦比的才华”(magnificent talent)。著名的钢琴大师傅聪先生点评说:杨艺可很有天才钢琴家的天赋和灵气,完全有能力取得更好的比赛成绩。如此高赞的评价,很难想象竟然是针对于一位当时年仅十六岁的华裔钢琴家而言。
在2017年举行的第十五届“范克莱本钢琴大赛”中,同样作为史上最年轻参赛者的杨艺可获得了具有评委会一致投票认可的评委会大奖。他还曾赢得过,2014年“奥伯林Thomas Evon Cooper国际钢琴比赛”;2014年“加拿大多伦多肖邦国际钢琴比赛”,并成为历史上最年轻的获奖者;2013年“菲尼克斯贝森朵夫和雅马哈青少年钢琴比赛”;2013年“希尔顿黑德岛国际钢琴比赛”;2012年“美国盐湖城吉娜巴卡尔(Gina Bachauer)国际钢琴比赛”青少年组。
2016 年9 月,杨艺可做为斐声于国际音乐界的世界级青年钢琴家,以及加拿大全日制优等应届高中毕业生,以全A 的文化成绩和优异的钢琴艺术成就,获得了全额奖学金入读于美国哈佛大学资格,同时还考入了新英格兰音乐学院,师从于Wha Kyun Byun 教授学习钢琴,成为一名双学院、双全额奖学金、双硕士的双料优秀钢琴人才。
在过去的几年时间里,杨艺可(Tony Yike Yang)应邀在欧洲、亚洲和美洲的各大音乐厅进行了数十场的钢琴巡回表演。目前,他的演出合约已经签到2019 年之后,是当今活跃在世界各国舞台上的优秀青年钢琴演奏家!同时,他还应邀在很多国际著名音乐节上表演,还曾被特邀为包括英国皇室卡米拉公爵夫人在内的世界知名人士表演,广受欢迎和好评。并受到了欧盟驻加拿大大使、美国驻加大使的亲切接见。还曾与波兰爱乐交响乐团、渥太华交响乐团等多个国际知名交响乐团进行合作,其中与国际著名的克里夫兰交响乐团合作演奏的《柴可夫斯基第一钢琴协奏曲》,获得了极大成功。
Music Garden
The Youngest Chopin Prize Winner Tony Yike Yang Piano Recital
Performance Time:2018/6/10(Sun.)3:00pm
Performance Venue:Experimental Theatre
Performance duration: 100 mins (With 20 mins Intermission)
Born in December 1998, 19-year-old Tony Yike Yang is emerging as one of the foremost pianists of the younger generation. As a frequent prizewinner, Yang's success at the 17th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition led him to become the competition's youngest ever laureate, winning the 5th prize at the age of 16.
Recently, Yang was also awarded the Jury Discretionary Award at the Fifteenth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition where he was the youngest competitor. In previous years, Yang has won top prizes at the Thomas and Evon Cooper International Piano Competition (Oberlin, 2014), the Bosendorfer and Yamaha USASU International Junior Piano Competition (Phoenix, 2013), the Hilton Head International Young Artists Piano Competition (Hilton Head, 2013), the Gina Bachauer International Junior Piano Competition (Salt Lake City, 2012), and the Canadian National Chopin Competition as the competition's youngest ever competitor (Toronto, 2014).
Yang has performed with the Cleveland Orchestra, Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra, Hunan Symphony Orchestra, Orchestre Métropolitain, Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra, Ottawa Symphony Orchestra, Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra, Toronto Sinfonietta, Toronto Festival Orchestra, and the Royal Conservatory of Music’s Academy Symphony Orchestra. In addition, he has also made appearances at the Chopin and His Europe, Rockport Music Festival, Oberlin-Lake Como Academy, Festival de Lanaudière, Stratford Summer Festival, Canadian Chopin Festival, Bravo Niagara, Wintergreen, and the International Niagara Music Festival, among many others.Yang has been featured on many television programs, including the "Inspiration Generation" series on Global TV where he was selected as one of six outstanding Canadian young people, demonstrating the talents and excellence of Canadians. In recent years, Yang was named CBC Music’s Classical Young Artist, and was also featured as one of their 25 hot Canadian musicians under 25.
Yang is currently a student in the Harvard University and New England Conservatory of Music Joint-Degree Program, where he is studying with Prof. Wha Kyung Byun. In the past, he has studied on full-scholarship at the Juilliard Pre-College, and at the Phil and Eli Taylor Performance Academy of the Royal Conservatory of Music.
Beethoven: Sonata No.28 in A major, Op.101
Albeniz Isaac: Iberia- EL Puerto
Prokofiev: Romeo and Juliet op.75
Chopin: Bacarolle op.60
Chopin: mazurka op.59
Ravel: Gaspard de la nuit (Ondine-Le Gibet- Scarbo)