The LGBTQ+ anthems to see you through the rest of #20gayteen

The LGBTQ+ anthems to see you through the rest of #20gayteen

TimeOutShanghai 欧美女星 2018-11-12 19:06:14 1009

Photograph: Anna Cruz via Unsplash

There may only be a couple of months left of 2018 and this year's Pride celebrations may be a distant memory, but don't let that dampen your party spirit. Here are the LGBTQ+ anthems to see you through the rest of #20gayteen – as picked by key players in Shanghai’s queer nightlife scene.

‘Get Your Hands Off My Man’ (Fire Island Dub 4 Junior), Junior Vasquez

Michael Cignarale, Medusa’s Resident Glitter Qween Diva and Mau Mau, Medusa’s Resident DJ.

‘The ’90s in New York City were fierce, and clubs like Palladium, Sound Factory and Tunnel have been teaching all the children what a party is. But Junior Vasquez was at that time the DJ that brought queer kids, straight white men and qweens together on a dance floor and kept them dancing for hours into the next day. This track is a little piece of that history and no qween is safe from this drumline; you will be dancing and sissying out honey.’

‘In For The Kill’, La Roux

Ting Ting Liang, founder of Roxie and DJ Iku-Iku, resident DJ at Roxie.

‘For us, “In For The Kill” has the sound quality of [LBT bar] Roxie. It represents what the bar and community space is and what it stands for: it’s sexy, edgy, fun, sweet, diverse, strong and chaotic all in one song.’

‘Rise Like a Phoenix’, Conchita Wurst

Jack Chan, owner of Lucca and Happiness 42.

‘Drag performer Conchita Wurst made world news after she won the Eurovision Song Contest for Austria in 2014 with “Rise Like a Phoenix”. For me, this song shows how powerful our community is – to be able to participate in a huge event like Eurovision and actually win it.’

‘All Night’, Icona Pop

Ramisto, founder of HUNT.

‘It had always been a dream of mine to do a flashmob. In 2014, when the sixth ShanghaiPRIDE was coming up, I decided it was time and started planning Shanghai’s first Pride flashmob to “All Night”. I was so happy when 50 people showed up for the first rehearsal and when we performed everyone was so into it, people involved were literally crying with happiness. Whenever I hear that song, I’m reminded of that time – my best ShanghaiPRIDE moment. As for the song itself… it’s kind of rebellious, young and fun. It’s all about celebration and people reaching their dreams of a better life and better future… and that’s who we are.’

‘Dancing Queen’, ABBA and ‘I Am What I Am’, Gloria Gaynor

Andy Hwong, owner of Asia Blue.

‘For me, it’s a tie. “I Am What I Am” is my moral anthem, ’cause it speaks to the personal struggles that I went through to accept and love who I am. As for “Dancing Queen”, it was on the first cassette I ever bought in the ’80s. I still play it all the time because it represents free spiritedness, having fun and loving life. It’s such an uplifting tune and fills me with a sense of achievement and pride because I can be the Queen as long as I’m dancing.’

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