60 hilarious Chinese names for Western celebrities

60 hilarious Chinese names for Western celebrities

CrazyCh 欧美男星 2018-12-02 00:03:25 638

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When the world was tweeting about Katy Perry during her halftime Superbowl performance, China was going wild onTwitter about a woman called “Fruit Sister”.

But it turns out they’re actually exactly the same person.

It is no longer a secret that the Chinese people are fond of giving funky nicknames to the western celebrities.

It’s because most of the western names, when introduced into China, were translated officially only by their pronunciations. So, they are just a bunch of meaningless characters put together in Chinese. By giving them a nickname, it could be much easier to remember the long foreign names and it’s just a lot fun. So today we’re gonna learn Chinese nicknames of western celebrities.


1. Adam Levine: 骚当(sāo dāng)= Flirty Adam

2. Angela Merkel: 默克尔(mò kè ěr)= Silent Granny

3. Ariana Grande: 小牛牛(xiǎo niú niú)= Little Cow

4. Avril Lavigne: 酵母(jiào mǔ)= Yeast  

5. Barack Obama: 奥巴马(ào bā mǎ)= The Mysterious Wishing Horse

6. Benedict Cumberbatch: 卷福(juǎn fú)= Curly Blessing

7. Ben Whishaw: 本喵(běn miāo)= This Meow

8. Britney Spears: 小甜甜(xiǎo tián tián)= LittleSweetie OR 星巴克(xīng bā kè)= Queen OfStarbucks

9. Bruno Mars: 火星哥(huǒ xīng gē)= Mars Brother

10. Calvin Harris: 高富帅(gāo fù shuài)= Tall, Rich, Handsome

11. Carly Rae Jepsen: 蹲妹(dūn mèi)= Squat Sister

12. Chris Hemsworth:锤哥(chuí gē)= Hammer Brother

13. Christina Aguilera: 擦妈(cā mā)= Wiping Mom

14. Demi Lovato: 呆米(dāi mǐ) = Rock Princess

15. Ed Sheeran: 毛绒绒(máo róng róng) = Furry & Cute

16. Ellie Goulding: 绵羊(mián yáng)= Sheep

17. Emma Stone: 石头姐(shí tou jiě)= Stone Sister

18. Eminem: 姆爷(mǔ yé)= Grandfather Thumb

19. Frank Ocean: 法海(fǎ hǎi)= It’s the name of a monk too.

20. Gisele Bundchen: 吉娘娘(jí niáng niáng) = Queen G

21. James Franco: 腐兰兰(fǔ lán lán)= Rotten Orchard

22. James McAvoy: 一美(yī měi)= The Prettiest

23. Jay Leno: 下巴(xià ba)= The Chin

24. Jennifer Lopez: 洛霸(luò bà)= Lord of Butt

25. Jennifer Lawrence: 大表姐(dà biǎo jiě)= Eldest Cousin

26. Jessie J: 结石姐(jié shí jiě)= Calculus Sister

27. Justin Bieber: 丁日(dīng rì)= Dick

28. Justin Timberlake: 贾老板(jiǎ lǎobǎn)= Boss Jia

29. Kanye West: 侃爷(kǎn yé)= Chatting Grandfather

30. Kate Perry: 水果姐(shuǐ guǒ jiě)= Fruit Sister

31. Ke$ha: 钱婆(qián pó)= Money Woman

32. Kim Kardashian: 金大妈(jīn dà mā)=Aunt Gold OR  侃大山(Kǎn dà shān)= Kanye’sBig Mountain

33. Kristen Stewart:面瘫女(miàn tānnǚ) = Facial Nerve Paralysis Girl

34. Lady Gaga: 土婆(tǔ pó)=Dust Woman OR 康敏苏(kāng mǐnsū)= Coming Soon

35. Lana Del Rey: 打雷姐(dǎ léi jiě) = Thunder Sister

36. Leonardo DiCaprio: 小李子(xiǎo lǐ zǐ)=Little Plum OR Pikachu

37. Mariah Carey: 牛姐(niú jiě)= Cow Sister

38. Martin Freeman: 潮爷(cháo yé)= Grandfather Fashion

39. Matt Bomer: 孔雀(kǒng què)= Peacock

40. Meryl Streep: 梅姨(méi yí) = Auntie Mei

41. Michael Fassbender: 法鲨(fǎ shā)= Fa Shark

42. Michelle Dockery: 大小姐(dà xiǎo jiě)= Big Miss

43. Miley Cyrus: 舌婊(shé biǎo)= Tongue Bitc

44. Nicki Minaj: 麻辣鸡(má là jī)=Numbing Spicy Chicken

45. Mr. Bean: 憨豆(hān dòu)= Funny Beans

46. One Direction: 小破团(xiǎo pò tuán) = Little Broken Team

47. Orlando Bloom: 开花(kāi huā)= Blossoming Flower

48. P!NK: 粉妈(fěn mā)= Pink Mom

49. Rihanna: 日日()= Fuck Fuck OR 山东皇后(shān dōng huáng hòu)= The Queen of Shandong Province

50. Ryan Gosling: 高司令(gāo sīlìng)= General Gao

51. Scarlett Johansson: 汤包(tāng bāo)= Soup Dumplings

52. Selena Gomez: 傻脸(shǎ liǎn)= Silly Face

53. Sylvester Stallone屎太浓(shǐ tài nóng)= Shit toostinky

54. Taylor Swift: 霉霉(méi mei)=Unlucky Or 公交霉= Bus Little Sister

55. The Weekend: 盆栽哥(pén zāi gē) = Brother Potted Plant

56. Tom Cruise阿汤哥(ā tāng gē)= Soup Brother

57. Tom Hardy: 汤老湿(tang lǎo shī)= Always Wet

58. Tom Hiddleston: 抖森(dǒu sēn= Shaking Forest

59. Timothée Chalamet: 甜茶(tián chá)= Sweet Tea

60. Troye Sivan:戳爷(chuō yé)= Poking Grandfather

As you can see from the list, Chinese people are very good at giving funny names to western celebrities. We hope this post have made you laugh. 

What is your Chinese name/nickname?


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