6 Months to 0 Waste Course

6 Months to 0 Waste Course

ZeroWasteShanghaiOfficial 欧美女星 2018-03-02 13:16:33 573

6 Months to 0 Waste

We currently have two time slots available for the course: 

Monday or Tuesday mornings from 9 - 11 am (1x month): 

First workshop on 26th or 27th of March

Tuesday evenings from 7 - 9 pm (1x month): 

First workshop on 20th of March

Registration deadline is 10th of March. If you would like to join our course, make sure to add Alizee on wechat (ID: alizeebuyss). 

Want to know more about the course? Read more here below! 

Hey you! 

You want to have a more sustainable lifestyle, but you don’t know where to start?

You can’t feel like you can align your action with your values?

You don’t know were to find like-minded people in the city?

Feeling overwhelmed by the many aspects of a more eco-friendly lifestyle?

… if yes, then this course is for you!

Join us for a course over 6 months to help you

Become a Zero-Waster.

We will help you:

- Reduce your environmental footprint

- Living healthier 

- Align your actions with your values 

- Meet like-minded people

6 months, one workshop per month:

4 workshops on with a focus on the house, 1 workshop on groceries & 1 workshop on how to organize a zero waste dinner or party. 

Most workshops have an integrated fun DIY related to each topic. On top of that, we will give you all the tools and products to integrate in your life. 


• Small teams of 8-10 people 

• Having a fun time with great people who share the same values 

• Team spirit & dynamics* 

• Zero Waste coaching before, during & after the workshop  

• All the necessary tools to succeed: product box, checklists, recipes, translations and cheat sheets for the ayi, etc.  

• 6 months, 1 workshop per month 

• One workshop per house in the room + dinner party workshop 

• 4 rooms in the house + groceries + dinner party

*You will remain with the same people throughout the course





Six workshops over six months. We are not going to rush through all of this. Shortcuts don’t exist.

So what can you expect in the workshops?


1. First steps towards the essentials: Learn how to declutter.


That’s right! You will first and foremost learn how to declutter once and for all. We will go through every step to make sure that you start with what you NEED, not what you HAVE/ WANT.


2. You are what you eat: How to shop (almost) waste free & reconnect with your food producer


It’s not easy, but it is possible to shop without making any waste. Know that we know you a little better and what your lifestyle is, we will go through your very own grocery lists and find the solutions in town for you.

We notice that people get very serious about food, and we feel ya! 

That’s why you might even be able to meet the future producers of yourf ood at our workshops!


3.        A healthy body starts by knowing what you put on it: Natural body & face care


Nothing is more you than your skin. Unfortunately, not only are most of the products we use in our bathroom wrapped in some sort of unrecyclable material, but they also contain harmful chemicals, parabens, additives, and other endocrinal disrupters, … (the list is loooooong).

We help you discover multiple brands and ways to simplify and detoxify your hygiene routine!


4. CLEAN HOME CLEAN BODY: Natural cleaning at home


Ah! We hear ya coming. Should I bring my ayi? No need. If you don’t know/ understand what your housekeeper uses or how to use it, then she might as well keep using what she’s been using all along.

Don’t worry though, we will send some Chinese cheat sheets with you guys home.


5. ECO HOME MAKE OVER: Implementing systems at home to save water, energy, waste and more.


This may be one of the most crucial workshops of the 6 months. This is where everything you have been learning almost comes together. You implemented some things here and there, but you also need to think of the joints that bring this lifestyle together as a whole.

And that’s what we will be learning here.


6. WORK HARD PLAY HARD: Throwing a waste free party


Time to have some fun! In this last workshop we will have an actual dinner party, without A N Y waste. We will have decorations, some presents, some food and some wine …

(this is our favourite one!)



Price for the course is 2,400 RMB

What does it include?

- 6 workshops  

- Zero waste goodies per workshop to get you started

- Chinese cheat sheets & recipes for your ayi

- Coaching before, during, after

- Access to professionals and experts

- Drinks & snacks during the workshop


Alizée is one of the cofounders of Zero Waste Shanghai, and has been (almost) zero waste for 2 years now.

Her expertise lies in the Circular Economy and environmental solutions. She has been organizing workshops in Shanghai around Zero Waste and urban compost bins since 2016.

She will be the one hosting this course over the coming months and make sure you start getting used to new habits to reduce your environmental footprint. 

Wanna sign up for the next batch?

Add Alizee on wechat: alizeebuyss (ID)! 






