决赛评审介绍 | 香港国际钢琴邀请赛

决赛评审介绍 | 香港国际钢琴邀请赛

锦星文化 欧美男星 2017-12-30 09:19:58 493



Artistic Director of Competition Committee


International Renowned Piano Master, Gold Medal Winner at the 11th Van Cliburn International Piano Competition 


所獲獎項 Awards:

第11屆範·克來本國際鋼琴比賽           冠軍

The 11th Van Cliburn International Piano Competition         Gold Medal


第12屆新奧爾良國際鋼琴比賽           冠軍

The 12th New Orleans International Piano Competition        First Prize


第9屆義大利坎圖國際鋼琴比賽         特等獎

The 9th Cittadi Cantu International Competition          Grand Prize


第48屆懷德曼國際鋼琴比賽              冠軍

The 48th Wideman Piano Competition                       First Prize


1994年卡佩爾國際鋼琴比賽             亞軍

1994 Kapell International Piano Competition                 Second Prize


第43屆布索尼國際鋼琴比賽             季軍

The 43th Busoni International Piano Competition             Third Prize


1990年瑪利亞·卡拉斯國際鋼琴比賽     亞軍

1990 Maria Callas International Piano Competitions           Second Prize


Final Round Adjudicator Panel



Alain Le Pichon(France):Famous pianist, educator, writer, scholar. He graduated from Paris and Oxford University. He was a professor of Sorbonne, schoolmaster of Eton, banker in London and New York, entrepreneur in Hong Kong. He gave many concerts and made several records.


Ned Kirk (USA): Renowned pianist, Ph.D of University of Washington, Artistic and Managing

Director of The Minnesota Beethoven Festival, Chair of the Music Department at Saint Mary's

University in Winona, Minnesota,Director of Graded Music Test Committee.



 Norman Lee (Hong Kong):Renowned pianist, Steinway Artist, Piano Instructor at Department of

Music of Hong Kong Baptist University, Department of Music of Hong Kong Chinese University

and Classic Music Performance Division of Baron School of Music (Hong Kong).


Dr. Tammy Lum(USA):Pianist, multiple competition prize winner and music educator. She is a tenured professor at Nyack College, NY. She received BM, MM at Eastman School of Music, and Doctor of Musical Arts at Manhattan School of Music. She made several records, gave concerts in America and France, and were as judge at important competitions.

許 寧(香港):香港著名鋼琴家和教育家,香港演藝學院、香港大學、香港中文大學及香港浸會大學教授。她在美國三藩市音樂學院學習並獲得碩士學位。她積極從事鋼琴演奏與教育工作, 曾多次舉行獨奏音樂會,還多次擔任重大比賽的評委。

Hui Ling(Hong Kong):Pianist and educator, faculty member of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, the University of H.K., the Chinese University of H.K., and the Baptist University of H.K.. She obtained Bachelor of Music and Master of Music at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. She has given many lectures, master classes, solo and chamber recitals, and served as jury for many piano competitions.


Yushu Pei(Hong Kong):Dr. Pei Yushu received his Doctor of Musical Arts (in Piano Performance) degree from the University of North Texas, where he studied with the world-renowned pianist Joseph Banowetz. Dr. Pei currently teaches piano at The Education University of Hong Kong.


Ning-Wu Du(China):Renowned pianist and composer.He has performed world-wide in recital and with orchestra,in places such as China,Japan,Korea,Australia,Holland,England,France,Gemany,Canada,and the U.S Etc..DU has produced many works for solo piano and chamber groups.He is currently professor of piano at Xinghai Conservatory in Guangzhou,Chian.


Ming-Hsiu Yen(Taiwan):Renowned composer and pianist. She received DMA degree in Composition and MM degrees in Composition and Piano Performance from the University of Michigan, and is currently Associate Professor at the Taipei National University of the Arts. She was awarded international prizes, including the Yoshiro Irino Memorial Prize and the Grieg Festival Young Artists Competition.

蘇顯亮 (美國): 國際著名鋼琴演奏家,活躍演出於世界各地。現任亞洲日本鋼琴城首席顧問,西班牙巴賽隆納音樂節課程總監,中國廣西大學榮譽教授。曾執教於香港大學及英國京士墩大學。現為義大利著名三角琴法吉奧理 (Fazioli)的榮譽藝術家。

Ernest So(USA):Renowned pianist, actively performing all over the world. He is the Chief Technical Consultant for Asia Piano Japan, artistic director of curriculum for Barcelona Music Festival in Spain, Honor professor at Guangxi University of China. He taught at Hong Kong University and Kingston University in UK. He is Fazioli Artist.


Liu Yuntian(China):famous youth pianist. He studied in the U.S. and received his master degree there, now teaches at Xinghai Conservatory of Music. Being as the youngest pianist, he won the first prize of Gold-bell Award in China. He also won the highest honor in the International Vladimir Horowitz International Piano Competition and Queen Elizabeth International Piano Competition. 

Maria Jee(韓國):美國、香港和韓國都享譽盛名的鋼琴家,曾在三藩市音樂學院擔任室內樂藝術家和協奏鋼琴家。現為香港演藝學院鋼琴家。

Maria Jee (Korea): Renowned pianist in Korea、United States and Hong Kong, Chamber Music and Collaborative Pianist at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, Pianist at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Art.


Kawai Chan(Hong Kong):Lecturer in Music at Hong Kong Baptist University.Doctor of Musical Arts(Piano)of Michigan State University.Kawai has taught in different universities in the United States and Hong Kong and won many competition prizes.She had given performances throughout the United States,Italy,Austria


Genevieve Wong(Hong Kong): Renowned pianist, Piano Instructor at Classic Music Performance Division of Baron School of Music (Hong Kong). She studied at New England Conservatory of Music where she got her Bachelor Degree and then studied at The Juilliard School where Master Degree. She won the award in the Five Towns Music and Art Foundation in USA, and performed in many American concert halls including Lincoln Center in New York. 


Cecilia Long (Macao):Mphil, B(MUS), FRSM, FTCL, Director of Macau Chamber Music

Association, guest pianist of the Macao Orchestra, lecturer at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and the Hong Kong International Institute of Music.

朱穗明(香港):鋼琴演奏家, 香港首位達克羅士音感舞動專家。畢業於英國倫敦橋凱音樂學院及瑞士日內瓦達克羅士學院。曾任教於香港演藝學院 , 現仼教於上海交響樂團音樂學院及為香港達克羅士音樂中⼼㙯術總監, 創辨兒童成人全人創意音樂訓練課程,決心推廣該教學。

Sui Ming Chu(Hong Kong):concert pianist and first HK- Chinese certified Dalcroze Eurhythmics teacher.Graduated from London’s Guildhall School of Music, GGSM and attained Bachelor of Arts HES-SO in music and movement from Haute Ecole Specialisee de Suisse Occidentale: Institut Jacques Dalcroze, Geneva. She is a frequent performer as soloist and chamber musician and creator of cross media performances in HK, Macau, Mainland China and UK. She has taught in HKAPA and now teaches in Shanghai Orchestra Academy. She founded the HK Dalcroze Center and has been launching out series of holistic creative music and movement education for children and adult.


Emerging pianist, Master in Piano at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts(HKAPA),Huang currently a piano collaboration tutor at HKAPA. He held recitals, and as soloist, he collaborated withseveral Hong Kong orchestras. He is also good at piano improvisation.

徐惟恩 (台灣):鋼琴演奏家、指揮家、作曲家、管風琴家、大鍵琴家,香港演藝學院歌劇與聲樂指導 。

Famous Pianist,Conductor and Composer,

Organist,Harpsichord,Lecturer at The

Hong Kong Academy of Pertoming Arts.


Composer of Turtledove Tone etc.

Damin Ren, famous composer and theorist, Professor of Composition & Music Theory. Professor of composition at Xinghai Conservatory of Music in China.He is many conservatories’ visiting professor, such as Central Conservatory, China Conservatory, Shanghai Conservatory and Wuhan Conservatory. His magnum opuses include chamber music Mountain-song for Violin and Piano,Fantasia—Octet and Cantonese Capriccio for Cello & Piano (commissioned by the Schoenfeld International String Competition 2013 and won Award of Outstanding Composition); monograph Harmony of Pop & Jazz, Fundamental Music Theory; translations The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz and The Cambridge History of Western Music Theory.










