11/25 瑞典民谣精灵 Sofia Jannok

11/25 瑞典民谣精灵 Sofia Jannok

B10现场 欧美女星 2017-11-10 15:49:05 893

极地天籁 - 瑞典民谣精灵Sofia Jannok


The Sami legend - Sofia Jannok 2017

China Tour Live in Shenzhen


Sofia Jannok – Liekkas(MV)

演出信息 Information

时间:2017.11.25 周六 20:30

场地:B10现场 http://www.b10live.cn 

Time: 2017.11.25 Saturday 20:30 

Venue: B10 Live http://www.b10live.cn 
Add: Building C2, North District, OCT-LOFT, Nanshan District, Shenzhen 
Tel: 0755 86337602 (15:00-18:00, info only) 
Venue Support: OCT-LOFT Culture Development Co., Ltd 
Admittance starts at 20:00. 
Open area with several seats on both sides for resting purpose. 

购票信息 Ticketing

票价:预售 120 元;现场 150 元 

※截止时间:11 月25日 00:00 



点击页面底部阅读原文购买预售 或 登陆秀动网




Fare: Presale 120 RMB; At Door 150 RMB 

※Presale service available until 00:00 on Nov. 25
①Entity:Old Heaven Books (120#, A5, North District of OCT-LOFT) 

Please send the following information to [email protected] at least ONE DAY before the concert: 
1.Name 2.Phone number 3.Date of the concert 4.Quantity of tickets 
Ticket reservation will be closed 15 minutes before the show starts, please pick up your ticket at B10 Live in time. 
3/At Door: B10 Live 
※Starts at 19:30 on the day.

“Sofia Jannok心怀冰雪与大地” – The National

 “她的声音纯净如北欧的空气” – Crepuscule Culture


 "瑞典民谣精灵"、"萨米传奇歌手"、"极地天籁之音",不知道应该用哪一个来形容她,但其实可能并不重要,Liekkias这首大金曲的作者+歌者就足够了。这就是2010年/2014年两度瑞典格莱美奖提名,2014年瑞典音乐大奖最佳世界音乐艺人得主Sofia Jannok。


Sofia Jannok出生于瑞典最北部的Gallivare,她在歌声中流露出来的超出年龄的成熟和稳重来源于她丰富的舞台和创作经历。11岁登台演唱至今,Sofia已经带着她日渐成熟的音乐出现在了各类CD、电视、电影中,以及大大小小节日庆典的舞台上。瑞典作为北欧五国之一,一方面有它神奇、神秘的地方,而另一方面也从不缺少热情、充满动感的流行音乐。而作为“世界上最神秘的少数民族”的萨米族人的Sofia,在她身上也体现出了传统和现代彼此影响的影子。在她的音乐中,爵士音符、流行元素,甚至是电子颗粒都隐约可见,旋律中的Yoik(萨米族传统歌曲结构形式)也一直和现代成份形影不离,更不要提那些美妙又充满历史沉淀的萨米语的歌词,而更加精彩的是,在歌中,Sofia赞颂大自然,赞颂土地,也在积极感受着舞池和现代城市活力的脉搏。这种冲撞着的和谐使她的歌曲充满吸引力,同时也当之无愧地成为“瑞典之声”。

于是,在这位“瑞典之声”的歌手的作品中,最具代表性以及占绝大多数的,还是萨米族传统的Yoik和以萨米语写成的歌曲。2007年的《White》和2009年的《By The Embers》里,Sofia的声音如天籁,虽然借用了相当多的现代元素,但Yoik的精魂始终如一。另一位用现代元素包装民族音乐的歌手是恩雅(Enya),而Sofia与她又有所不同,相比Enya借用爱尔兰民族音乐作为素材,结合科技手段去营造意境,制造一种世界音乐的效果,Sofia却在始终如一地突出着萨米族Yoik的地位。在Sofia的音乐中充斥着两个词语:热情和冲突。来自Yoik的民族的热情和Sofia充满动感又百转千回的温婉声线使歌曲具有灵魂,另一方面,传统的萨米语、Yoik的编曲结构和现代元素交相辉映,既不彼此融合,但又相互点缀,十分别致。Yoik的结构形式很像是一种歌曲上的“比兴”手法,形式固定,内容也有条件,但每首歌总能在相同的条条框框中暗含着不同的情绪。专辑《By The Embers》的封套上Sofia的民族装扮再次印证了她的音乐方向,萨米文化是她的生命之根。


Sofia说“我的音乐很难用言语表达,我的音乐旋律在北极光的神秘和令人欣慰的篝火的温暖之间舞动着。生我养我的土地和人民给予我神奇的灵感,我的音乐融汇了大自然的力量"。她有清晰响亮的声音,用来表现现世的温暖。在她2013年的《Wide As Oceans》和2016年的《This Is My Land》这两张广受好评的专辑中,Sofia除了萨米语之外,也越来越多的使用瑞典语、英语以及世界语创作歌词,使她的音乐愈发国际化。


2010年5月23日至30日,Sofia Jannok 受邀参加上海世博会瑞典馆的国家馆日庆祝活动表演,并在杭州、成都、深圳、天津、北京等城市作巡回演出。时隔七年,这位萨米族的民谣女神再次访问中国,北上广深四站,与女神的七年之约,怎么可以错过!

Sofia Jannok - WE ARE STILL HERE(MV)



Sofia Jannok, born and raised in Sapmi, is a twice-Grammy-nominated artist from Sweden. Her music contains beats, power yoiks, pop tunes and innovative vastness. Her voice carries dynamic landscapes and no matter whether the lyrics are in English, Swedish, or Sami Sofia Jannok embraces each sounds with every album and distinctly reveals her message through music.

“Here borders are to be crossed

Here opposites come together, equally worthy of existing.

Here the contrast rises, showing the beauty.

Here the conflicts begin, if I fight the divisions.

Here the yearning finds peace, with one foot on either side.

Here the storm gets its power.

I am this storm, born and raised on the tree line. The emotions, reflections, and debates I come across are found on, about and because of the tree line.


I am the snow grouse hard to trace, spreading my wings over the border with no effort at all. The hunter shoots me down again and again – still I am here. We all are.


I am the snow lioness, fighting the norm that wants to erase my everything and create only one landscape, in a world where there are multiple.


I am the power yoik in the front line of nature protecting herself for future generations.

To all my indigenous relatives around our mother – may we never be silent.


I am the crooked birch tree, adapting to the climate by my stubborn love to life at the edge of the tundra.


For the unbreakable sinews of kin, I continue to sing.

For my future sisters, I raise my voice to the misters.

Kings and queens, cities and tress, mountains and seas.

All that is in between.

This is my land.

SKAP Music Prize 2008

Prince Eugen’s Cultural Prize, 2009

Twice Grammy nominated in Sweden (Grammis, 2010, 2014)

Artist of the year, World Music Award, Sweden 2014

Twice nominated for independent music labels’ prize Manifest (2014. 2017)

Best Music Video, Imagine Native film festival, Toronto, 2016. (We Are Still Here)  

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