Let’s start with Mr. Chairman’s clean white shirt. Last night, Ms. Yun from Chinatown was waiting outside your house to pick up the shirt. It’s dirty with red wine at the party. Before morning, the vegetable seller A-Qiang sent fresh products to your maid. That’s how you got a wonderful breakfast today before you come here. If you don’t understand, I make it simple.
How did everyone get here?Who built this transcontinental railway one hammer strike at a time? The Chinese took the hardest and the most dangerous jobs. One out of every ten of our people died while building seventy percent of the first transcontinental railroad in America. They say there was a Chinese worker under every railroad tie. This isn’t exaggeration, it’s true.
Those two and myself are the only survivors in that accidents. My brother, Laosi, lost his arm. This young man, Ah Gui, lost his parents. But in that most famous group photo, why is there not a single Chinese? Are we not worthy?
Gentlemen, I ask you to look at the marble floor, the chairs, the tables, and the beautiful ceiling. None of those would exist without a hand of Chinese who have been suffered by your arrogance, prejudice, and discrimination.
At this moment, my only son, fleshed outside his home. He was born in America. We, father and son, have given our years, lives, to this country. And what have we got in return? We got a Chinese Exclusion Act, which was enacted without asking any Chinese.
You call us “rats in the hole”, but I believe that everyone here benefits from the labour of these rats. Whether it’s your food, clothes, houses, even your transportation. In this land, in the eyes of natives, we are all outsiders.
All men are created equal, that is the spirit of American Independence, the very foundation of this nation. Gentlemen, I have the last question for you. Where is equality?
开膛手杰克 Jack the Ripper:19世纪末伦敦臭名昭著的连环杀手。1888年8-11月,在伦敦白教堂区及周边,残忍杀害多名性工作者,割喉、剖腹取内脏,作案手法相似。警方虽全力调查,收到诸多线索和疑似挑衅信件,但因证据不足,始终无法确定其身份,案件成悬案。百余年来,其身份一直是热门探讨话题,衍生出 “开膛手学” ,但真实身份至今成谜。 铁路华工 Trans⁃continental Chinese Railroad Workers :19世纪中叶,美国西进运动需大量劳动力建铁路,内忧外患的中国有许多华人赴美参与。他们承担最危险繁重工作,每日工作超12小时,用简陋工具开山铺轨。华人劳工报酬低、待遇差,饱受种族歧视,居住环境恶劣,疾病频发。修建中大量华工丧生,如穿越内华达山脉时因雪崩、滑坡被掩埋。1869年美国首条横贯大陆铁路建成,华人劳工贡献巨大却长期被忽视。直到2019年,旧金山才将5月10日定为 “铁路华工日”。 印第安保留地 Indian reservation:19世纪中叶,美国西进运动中,白人觊觎印第安人土地,美国政府通过不平等条约、武力驱赶等手段,将印第安人从故土驱离,集中迁移到划定的保留地。这些保留地多偏远、土地贫瘠,印第安人传统生活方式被破坏,文化传承受阻,经济陷入困境。 大魔术师朱连魁 Chee Ling Qua:艺名“金林福”,活跃于19世纪末20世纪初。出身贫苦,凭借天赋钻研中国传统魔术,表演融入大量中国元素。拿手节目 “大碗飞水” 惊艳众人。1898年赴美演出,以新颖形式和精湛技艺征服西方观众,成为首位在国际舞台大放异彩的中国魔术师,让西方领略中国魔术与文化的魅力。
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