电音业界大佬云集的IMS亚太峰会唯一官方After Party

电音业界大佬云集的IMS亚太峰会唯一官方After Party

SHFT 欧美男星 2017-09-17 21:09:29 630


Louie Louie (SHFT), DJ Liz (VOLTAGE), King Chain (A2ARTiST), KAKU, WhyBeatZ, WARZ


出生于日本,在加州长大的他,经历绝对是非凡的,他看见亚洲舞曲市场与全球市场的不同,并下定决心要改变这一切,为音乐出一己之力。他的音乐起源于 Hip-hop,7 年前开始走上电音舞曲创作的道路,在旧金山湾区崭露头角,逐渐打响知名度,成为最卖座的 DJ/音乐制作人。

2010 年,KAKU 被邀请到中国演出,台北第一夜店 SPARK 聘为首席 DJ。近日签下国际俱乐部常驻,如香港的 PLAY,马尼拉的 HYVE,北京的 ELEMENTS 等。近期的演出如:日本 2014 Ultra Music Festival 邀请 KAKU 表演,Road To Ultra 澳门 2015,Ultra Korea2015/2016,迈阿密音乐周 2016,Storm 深圳上海,更是横跨旧金山、洛杉矶、西雅图、迈阿密、北京、上海、台北、东京、首尔、吉隆坡、新加坡、曼谷、马尼拉、悉尼、巴塞罗那、Ibiza与Tomorrowland的家乡安特卫普等演出。

曾与世界上最著名的 DJ 一起演出,包括 Dash Berlin,Sander van Doorn,Dirty South,Headhunterz,Bassjackers,Starkillers,Sidney Samson,Morgan Page 等等。

他独特的和爆炸的风格迅速使他成为亚洲首演的表演者之一。不断努力丰满他的履历,KAKU 的目标是给亚洲和全球带来不同的声音。

Tokyo born and now Taipei based KAKU delivers a fierce load of electronic numbers across the musical spectrum, ensuring Asia and the world has a dance floor education like no other.

With roots in hip-hop, KAKU began his venture into dance music 7 years ago building a reputation as one of the Bay Area's hottest upcoming DJ and producer. KAKU was invited back to Asia in 2010, where he took up residency at Taipei's #1 nightclub SPARK. Recently he has signed an international club residency with PLAY in Hong Kong, HYVE in Manila, and Elements in Beijing. Also he has being invited to perform at Ultra Music Festival in Japan to headlining sets with Johnnie Walker Jet Black Singapore, Hennessy Artistry Taipei & Hong Kong, and guest feature performances at premier clubs in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Beijing, Taipei, Tokyo, South Korea, Kuala Lumpur, and Sydney.

KAKU has played alongside some of the most renowned DJ's in the world including Dash Berlin, Sander van Doorn, Dirty South, Headhunterz, Bassjackers, Starkillers, Sidney Samson, Morgan Page, and many others.

King Chain (A2ARTiST)

KING CHAIN,⾦城,是在美国⻓⼤的美籍华⼈,擅⻓制作以混搭曲⻛,节奏感强的电⼦⾳乐为主。 另外,他在美国知名说唱团体Far East Movement远东韵律的⾳乐⼚牌“BredNButter”下发⾏了⾸张单曲 《Mystic》。他还与韩国超级⼥团 Girls' Generation少⼥时代的Tiffany⻩美英合作发⾏了这⾸中美韩跨国界的单曲《Don’t Speak》,收⼊在远东韵律最新的冠军专辑 《IDENTITY》中。这⾸单曲远东韵律明显突出了⾦城的招牌重节奏⻛格, 并且巧妙地融⼊Tiffany⻩美英优美的歌声,可说是整张专辑里最亮眼的单曲之⼀。

King Chain grew up in the States, and he is known for his mixing skills and regal bass. Under Far East Movement’s label “BredNButter,” King Chain released a single called “Mystic.” He has also partnered with Tiffany from Girls’ Generation on the song “Don’t Speak,” which was included in Far East Movement’s latest album, “Identity.” In this song, the famous bass drops from King Chain music were perfectly combined with the beautiful voice of Tiffany. This was viewed by listeners and critics alike as one of the best songs of the entire album.

Louie Louie (SHFT)


除了制作人外,作为DJ的他被ASAPMOB,Keith Ape等认可为指定DJ嘉宾同时也得到了MadDecent旗下艺人Grandtheft,JerseyClub音乐传奇人物DJSliink和纽约地下音乐女王VenusX的首肯,并与Soulection团队有着深入的合作。

Louie Louie used to roll as Yung Sol, but as his sound matured so did his moniker. He is deeply rooted in the underground scene and urban street culture which allows him to churn out vibing sets featuring the best of the industry - from old school house to hip hop. He has shared the stage with the likes of Keith Ape, DJ SLIINK and A$AP Mob, proving his credentials. Louie Louie has also recently become Shanghai and London Fashion week's special sound designer as well.


LIZ自幼学习钢琴,加上与生俱来的音乐天赋,和对音乐的热情,让她开始了DJ生涯2010年在‘摩登天空’舞台表演后得到业界认可,在各种时尚Party的DJ台上经常能到她的身影,并与国际音乐制作人PaulKalkbrenner, SteveAoki, FerryCorsten, A-Trak, MarkusSchulz JamesZabiala, Kyau&Albert, Heatbeat同台表演。

2012年她走出国门受邀称为Davos经济高峰论坛唯一一位亚洲DJ,并参与同年的草莓MIDI等国内知名大型音乐节。与此同时她敏锐的耳朵一直不断的追求更完美的声音不拘泥于单一风格把不同音乐类型音乐结合在一个Live set, 快速的混音技巧以及切换手法使舞池惊喜不断, 深得派对动物们的喜欢。现任北京百大俱乐部MODO驻场美女DJ!

LIZ picked up the piano since childhood, endowed with innate musical talent and passion, she started her DJ career in 2010 after the recognition of her performance on stage of the "Modern Sky" , she is often seenon DJ stage on different fashion parties,she has alsocoperformed with famous music producers like  PaulKalkbrenner, SteveAoki, FerryCorsten, A-Trak, MarkusSchulz, JamesZabiala, Kyau&Albert, Heatbeat .

In 2012 ,she was invited to the Davos Economic Forumas as the only Asian DJ ,and participated in largescale music festival like Strawberry and MIDI Festivals at the same year.At the same time ,her has always tried to break the limit of single style and combined various style of sound in a Live set, her mixing skills and switching techniques caused great buzz among party animals.Now,she is the constant DJ of MODO CLUB,one of Beijing’s TOP100 clubs.


WhyBeatZ中国资深电子⾳乐人,Voltage Music厂牌主理人,Native-Insturments 中国区代言人。

无论你在美国的Hollywood,Las Vegas,还是中国的北京,上海,他都活跃在当地著名俱乐部的舞台,曾与无数世界级音乐人同台演出,包括DJ Shadow,T-Pain,DJ Rafik,Chingy,FatJoe,Three 6 Mafia, DJ Snake, Craig David等,并备受赞誉。作为中国电子音乐的先锋⼈物,并为全球各大电子音乐厂商代言并演示各类电子音乐产品,包括Native-instruments,Arturia,Elektron等 ,WhyBeatZ代表着中国电⼦⾳乐制作人的实力,同时影响着中国现在和以后的新⽣代DJ们。⽤他⾃己的音乐模式让电⼦音乐有了新的⽅向。

WhyBeatZ (Voltage Music Label) is the perfect representation of China's BASS music strength . As a veteran Electronic musiche has been an influence for the new wave of China club Djs. No matter if you are in Beijing,Shanghai (CHINA)Las Vegas or Hollywood (USA) You most certainly have once danced to his music. As one of the precursor of BASS music in China he has had the privilege to be the demonstrator for numerous Electronic Music brands such as Native-instruments ,Aturia, Elektronand Etc. He also has shared the stage with various famous artists including Dj Shadow, T-pain, Rafik, Chingy, Fat joe, Three six mafia, Dj snake, Craig David.

WhyBeatZ is using his own personal approach to music. He is always bringing something new and fresh to the table!


Warren Zhao,以WARZ的名字而打响音乐界,是一位中国Trap&Bass制作人。他是成长于多伦多的上海人,在2015年发布了Rich Chigga《Dat $tick》、– (WARZ Edit - Yellow Beatles) 和 烟圈歌 的混音版本而备受音乐界的瞩目。受到奇特音效、合成器以及重低音的启发,Warz开始向Skrillex、Diplo, Getter和Grandtheft学习,之后更是与Cashmere Cat、 Stooki Sound、 Grandtheft和Ookay这些被他视为偶像的人一同登上舞台展现他的音乐现场。


Warren Zhao, better known as WARZ, is a Chinese Trap & Bass Music Producer. He was born in Shanghai and raised in Toronto and broke into the music scene in 2015 with his remix of Rich Chigga’s Dat $tick, Black Beatles – (WARZ Edit - Yellow Beatles) & 烟圈歌. Inspired by weird sounds, synth’s and heavy bass, Warz looks up to the likes of Skrillex, Diplo, Getter, and Grandtheft along with many other well-known producers and has shared/open shows for some his idols such as Cashmere Cat, Stooki Sound, Grandtheft and OOKAY.  

He continues to flourish in the music scenes of Shanghai and Toronto and is producing music on a constant. WARZ’s DJ sets are filled with elements of Trap, Heavy 808’s and unique sounds, as well as the hype personality he brings to the stage. He successfully lights up any dance floor with his upbeat nature!

主办方 - 电音台

电音台是让你快速入门电子音乐生方式的最佳选择。一个在线收听电子音乐的平台,集合了国内各大城市的派对信息和业内新闻,是电子音乐爱好者的交流社区。电音台现已荣誉发布IOS 2.0和安卓1.0版本。

DianYinTai is your easiest way to access the electronic music lifestyle in China. An electronic music streaming platform, it integrates the community of electronic music lovers with events around the country and the news they need. DianYinTai also is proud to announce the recent release of its IOS 2.0 and Android 1.0.

日期 Date

2017年9月21日 周四

(Thursday) 21st September 2017

时间 Time

10 PM - 3 AM

阵容 Lineup

Louie Louie (SHFT), DJ Liz (VOLTAGE), King Chain (A2ARTiST), KAKU,WhyBeatZ , WARZ

场地 Venue

Arkham Shanghai

地址 Address


Found 158, 168 Julu Lu, near Chengdu Nan Lu, Huangpu district

IMS,即国际音乐峰会,今年将在9月21日至9月22日,携手百威风暴电音节,于上海外滩茂悦大酒店举办第四届IMS亚太峰会。作为电音圈内人,IMS亚太峰会绝对是不能错过的一场业内人士交流盛宴。大量来自全球的电子音乐领域佼佼者都会被邀请参与到IMS中,让到场的嘉宾更加深入了解行业实况,把握现在、展望未来。而亚太峰会After Party无疑是一个与深藏不露的行业精英,共扩展人脉共饮一杯的绝佳机会。

The 4th International Music Summit (IMS) Asia- Pacific, together with Budweiser Storm Electronic Music Festival  will be held from September 21 to September 22 this year at Hyatton the Bund, Shanghai. IMS Asia Pacificis definitely a grand event for making exchanges, which electronic music insiders cannot miss. Many outstanding electronic music performers around the world will be invited to the IMS, to help attendees understand more deeply about the actual conditions of the industry, and to seize the present and look into the future.

主题演讲嘉宾 Keynote Speakers:

  • Axwell^Ingrosso

(瑞典艺人Artists, Sweden)

  • Interviewed by Rob Schwartz

(Billboard杂志,亚洲分局主管Billboard Magazine, AsiaBureau Chief, USA/Japan)

  • Bart Cools

(华纳唱片电子音乐全球研发及市场执行副总裁,英国/荷兰Warner Music Group, Executive Vice President/Global A&R Marketing Dance Music, UK/NL)

  • Laidback Luke

(荷兰艺人Artist, Netherlands)

  • Pranitan Phornprapha

(泰国Wonderfruit音乐节,创始人&CEOScratch First Co. Ltd, (Wonderfruit Festival), Founder/CEO, Thailand)

  • Scarlett Li

(中国华人文化投资基金会/热波传媒,副总裁/创始人CMC Holdings/Zebra Media, Vice President/Founder China)


For full list of Schedule and Topics please go to


电音台和A2LiVE联合呈现IMS首日官方庆功派对,来到城中最热的派对据点之一Arkham,带领全球电子音乐业界人士见证中国本土的电子音乐派对。演出嘉宾分别来自中国最受欢迎的厂牌A2 ARTiST, SHFT和VOLTAGE。现场门票80元,参加IMS亚太峰会的嘉宾可免票入场,电音台APP注册用户现场购票立减30元。

The IMS OFFICIAL Day 1 After Party is a chance for the global electronic music industry insiders to relax and recognise the talent within the China's electronic music scene, presented by DianYinTai and A2LiVE at local hot spot Arkham, featuring some of China's top artist management companies, A2 ARTiST, SHFT and VOLTAGE. 80 rmb entrance fee but free for IMS Asia-Pacific delegates and 30rmb off for all registered users of the DianYinTai app.






