Budweiser Storm Music Festival | Hard Rock“风暴”体验

Budweiser Storm Music Festival | Hard Rock“风暴”体验

shenzhenparty 欧美男星 2017-12-08 18:36:54 696


Hard Rock Hotel Shenzhen Forecasts Fun with Exclusive Budweiser Storm Music Festival Package

2017年12月5日,中国深圳 – 深圳硬石酒店欣然宣布携手中国最大的电子音乐节之一 – 2017年度百威风暴电音节 – 推出独家住宿套餐,为宾客呈献原汁原味的音乐热情和周到贴心的优质服务。观众除了欣赏激情四射的视听表演之外,更可享受硬石酒店的热情款待和绝佳音乐体验。

Shenzhen, China, December 5, 2017 – Hard Rock Hotel Shenzhen is pleased to announce its collaboration with Budweiser Storm Music Festival 2017 with an exclusive accommodation package. One of the biggest electronic dance music festivals in China will take place on December 16 and 17 in Shenzhen, and festival-goers can now upgrade their electrifying experience with the stellar hospitality of Hard Rock Hotel.


The music festival package allows visitors to experience Hard Rock Shenzhen’s spirit and superior service. Available for reservations from November 27 to December 14, 2017, and priced at RMB 1,688, the package includes the following privileges for music and lifestyle connoisseurs alike:

  • 两张深圳百威风暴电音节门票

  • 12月16日或17日一晚豪华客房住宿体验,含自助早餐

  • Hard Rock硬石餐厅百威汉堡双人套餐

  • 活动节场地往返接送服务

  • 免费停车、高速无线网络连接,及使用先进的Body Rock健身中心

  • Two tickets to the Budweiser Storm Music Festival Shenzhen

  • One night-stay for two in a Deluxe Room with buffet breakfast on December 16 or 17

  • BudBurger set menu for two at the signature Hard Rock Cafe

  • Round trip transportation to the festival venue

  • Complimentary parking, high-speed WIFI and access to the state-of-the-art Body Rock Fitness Center

为庆祝百威风暴电音节,深圳Hard Rock硬石餐厅特别推出正宗美式百威汉堡。美味酷炫的汉堡搭配秘制百威烧烤酱,汁鲜味满,一经推出便广受追捧。2017年11月27日至2018年1月26日,深圳Hard Rock硬石餐厅将紧随上海和杭州两地硬石餐厅的步伐,推出百威汉堡套餐,含一个汉堡一杯生啤,售价为人民币138元,需另加15%服务费(含6%增值税)

In honor of the Budweiser Storm Music Festival, Hard Rock Cafe Shenzhen presents a new creation, the all-American BudBurger. This sensational burger topped with Budweiser barbecue sauce is full of tangy flavors, and caused a storm of buzz at Hard Rock Cafes in Shanghai and Hangzhou. It will be available at the Hard Rock Cafe Shenzhen between November 27, 2017 and January 26, 2018 in a set of one BudBurger and one Budweiser draft beer for RMB138, prices are subject to 15% service charge (including 6% VAT).

12月16至17日深圳百威风暴电音节期间,满载Hard Rock硬石餐厅招牌食物和饮料的特色餐车将惊艳亮相深圳龙岗体育场,与在场观众一起欢庆这场电音盛典。

An eye-catching food truck serving signature food and beverages from Hard Rock Cafe will also be available during the Budweiser Storm Music Festival on December 16-17 at Longgang Stadium.


Food Truck

Pop Up On Music Festival 展示在电音

Hard Rock Hotel Shenzhen

深圳硬石酒店坐落于著名的观澜湖国际休闲旅游度假区内,拥有258间装潢豪华的客房和套房、BodyRock®健身中心、Rock Shop®摇滚商店、专为摇滚小明星打造的Hard Rock Roxity Kids Club儿童俱乐部、1000多平方米的会议活动空间,以及包括Sessions 全日制餐厅、MC Frida池畔酒吧、蛋糕店、格林尼治大堂吧和招牌Hard Rock硬石餐厅等在内的多间现代餐厅,注定将成为广东地区的新地标。

Located in the famed Mission Hills Centreville, Hard Rock Hotel Shenzhen is destined to become a new landmark in the Guangdong region, and features 258 luxurious rooms and suites, a Body Rock® fitness center, Rock Shop® selling collectible Hard Rock merchandise, Hard Rock Roxity Kids Club™for budding little rockstars, over 1,000 square-meters of event and meeting facilities, and a collection of contemporary dining destinations, namely Sessions all-day dining restaurant, M.C. Frida rooftop pool bar, The Cake Shop, GMT+8 Lobby Lounge and of course, its own signature Hard Rock Cafe.


预定电话+86 755 3395 2888或访http://www.hardrockhotels.cn/shenzhen/

Hard Rock hotel Shenzhen is located at 9 Mission Hills Road, Longhua District, Shenzhen, China. 

For reservations or more information, call +86 (0)755 3395 2888; or visit http://www.hardrockhotels.cn/shenzhen/

关于Hard Rock International

Hard Rock International是全球最知名的公司之一,在74个国家拥有179家餐厅和24家酒店。从埃里克·克莱普顿 (Eric Clapton) 的一把吉他开始,Hard Rock硬石现拥有全球最珍贵的音乐珍藏品,陈列于世界各地的Hard Rock 硬石餐厅、Hard Rock 硬石现场演出场地和Hard Rock硬石酒店。Hard Rock硬石同时也以其极具收藏价值的时尚音乐商品、现场音乐演出会及其得奖公司网站而著称。

Hard Rock International拥有所有Hard Rock硬石品牌的全球化注册商标。公司在很多标志性城市拥有并经营(或特许经营)餐厅,包括伦敦、纽约、旧金山、悉尼和迪拜。Hard Rock International在全球还拥有并经营着许多酒店。旗下度假产业还包括位于佛罗里达州坦帕和好莱坞的两家最为成功的酒店,目前由母公司 The Seminole Tribe of Florida经营。此外,在巴厘岛、芝加哥、坎昆、伊比沙岛、拉斯维加斯和圣迭戈也分别设有酒店。即将开业的Hard Rock 硬石餐厅将位于马那瓜、开罗、弗罗茨瓦夫和成都。而最新的Hard Rock 硬石酒店选址将包括亚特兰大、大西洋城、柏林、布达佩斯、伦敦、洛斯卡沃斯、马尔代夫、纽约、达沃斯、渥太华以及中国大连和海口。了解Hard Rock International更多信息,请访问www.hardrock.com。

Hard Rock International

With venues in 74 countries, including 179 cafes, 24 hotels and 11 casinos, Hard Rock International (HRI) is one of the most globally recognized companies. Beginning with an Eric Clapton guitar, Hard Rock owns the world’s greatest collection of music memorabilia, which is displayed at its locations around the globe. Hard Rock is also known for its collectible fashion and music-related merchandise, Hard Rock Live performance venues and an award-winning website. HRI owns the global trademark for all Hard Rock brands. The company owns, operates and franchises Cafes in iconic cities including London, New York, San Francisco, Sydney and Dubai. HRI also owns, licenses and/or manages hotel/casino properties worldwide. 

Destinations include the company’s two most successful Hotel and Casino properties in Tampa and Hollywood, Fl., both owned and operated by HRI parent company The Seminole Tribe of Florida, as well as other exciting locations including Bali, Chicago, Cancun, Ibiza, Las Vegas, and San Diego. Upcoming new Hard Rock Cafe locations include Managua, Cairo, Wroclaw and Chengdu. New Hard Rock hotel, casino or hotel-casino projects include Atlanta, Atlantic City, Berlin, Budapest, London, Los Cabos, Maldives, New York City, Davos, Ottawa, Dalian and Haikou in China. For more information on Hard Rock International, visit www.hardrock.com.

Place Name: 深圳硬石餐厅 Hard Rock Hotel Shenzhen

Place Address: No.9 Mission Hills Road, Shenzhen


Place Phone: 0755 - 3395 2888

Email: [email protected]

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