震倒!!! Kanye West在SNL后台大骂Taylor Swift的录音...

震倒!!! Kanye West在SNL后台大骂Taylor Swift的录音...

林氏兄弟 LINS BROS. 欧美女星 2016-02-18 21:38:34 358


Kanye与Taylor Swift的恩怨持续...她前几天反击了Kanye的侮辱性歌词后, 一段Kanye在SNL后台发怒的音频网上流出。

他攻击了Swift是“fake ass”,同时抨击了SNL节目的工作人员。

“Look at that shit. They took my fucking stage off of ‘SNL’ without asking me. Now I’m bummed,” he says. “That and Taylor Swift fake ass. Now I ain’t gonna do this. We breakin’ the motherfu**ing Internet. I went through six years of this fu**ing shit. Let’s get to it, bruh. Let’s get to it, bruh.”


Kanye因为自己的演出舞台被SNL节目组缩减了一半感到非常恼怒。用了三次“Don’t fuck with me!”来抗议。

他认为自己比著名电影导演斯坦利·库布里克,使徒保罗, 毕加索,超级大毒枭Pablo Escobar等历史上任何人还牛逼50%....

“Are they fucking crazy? Bro! By 50 percent. Stanley Kubrick, Apostle Paul, Picasso, fucking Picasso, and Escobar…By 50 percent more influential than any other human being. Don’t fuck with me! Don’t fuck with me! Don’t fuck with me! By 50 percent. Dead or alive. By 50 percent for the next thousand years.”


“He did not yell at ‘SNL’ staff. This audio was secretly recorded while he was venting his frustration in a private moment with his team. He found out his stage design was changed and taken apart under the direction of the show’s lighting director without anyone’s approval. He had spent an entire day rehearsing and a lot of hard work went into the performance. Dramatic set changes were made 30 minutes before going live. It should be understandable why he was upset after being completely blindsided.”








